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Energy is at the heart of development. Energy makes possible the investments, innovations, and new industries that drive jobs, inclusive growth, and shared prosperity on a livable planet.

Yet nearly 700 million people still live without electricity worldwide, and about 2.3 billion people rely on polluting traditional fuels and technologies to cook their meals. Scaling up renewables and energy efficiency, investing in electrification at scale, and improving power utilities while avoiding new coal plant construction and retiring old plants are critical to providing clean energy to power homes, schools, hospitals, and businesses.  

Energy Shocks Hit the Poor the Hardest

Global shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and conflict in the Middle East have further slowed progress toward achieving universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy by 2030 (Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7). Developing countries have faced the highest burdens as they have limited capacity to mitigate energy price volatility, exacerbating poverty. 

Renewables are Key to Green, Secure, Affordable Energy

Renewable energy can help countries mitigate climate change, build resilience to volatile prices, and lower energy costs. Solar and wind technologies are game changers, as they are abundant in many developing countries, cost-competitive, and a source of reliable power when combined with storage. Hydropower also provides clean, renewable energy, one of the lowest-cost sources of electricity for consumers.  

Solar mini-grids can provide high-quality, uninterrupted electricity to nearly half a billion people in underserved communities and be a least-cost solution to close the energy access gap by 2030.

Financing the Energy Transition 

Energy consumption accounts for more than three-quarters of greenhouse gas emissions. Accelerating the energy transition requires financing the massive deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency while gradually retiring fossil fuels. However, in developing countries, constrained fiscal space and lack of access to finance make costly upfront investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy out of reach. In addition, macroeconomic and political uncertainties discourage investors.

Multilateral development banks and donors play a critical role in scaling up support to countries with more affordable concessional financing to reduce the steep upfront costs of clean energy projects. The World Bank partners with governments to set policy direction, establish sound regulatory and macroeconomic frameworks, and strengthen institutions—including power utilities, the backbone of the electricity sector—that can help create a series of bankable projects.  

Private sector investment is crucial for achieving the sevenfold increase in investments needed in developing countries for energy access and transition—roughly $1-2 trillion by 2030—which also directly benefits job creation.

Last Updated: Oct 18, 2024

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Washington, DC
Yann Doignon Sirven