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BRIEFFebruary 21, 2025

Governance and the Digital Economy in Africa

Governance and the Digital Economy in Africa


This broad-ranging set of studies examines the potential of digital technologies to improve governance in Africa and the governance of the digital economy itself. While the promise of digital tools for enhancing government efficiency, accountability, and inclusivity is widely recognized, the degree to which they can fulfill this potential in Africa remains an open question. Are governance challenges slowing digital progress, or are countries already making significant strides? These reports explore both the progress and the hurdles in building the necessary foundations for effective digital governance. 

The studies analyze the implementation of GovTech solutions, such as digital public services, electronic identification systems, and interoperability between platforms. They also examine digital tools that support public participation, accountability, and anticorruption efforts, including grievance redress and electronic government procurement. 

Beyond digital tools for governance, the reports assess governance risks in the digital economy, from uncompetitive markets, distortions, the role of the State and the playing field to data misuse. They outline regulatory challenges in digital infrastructure and taxation while identifying emerging risks tied to data-driven services. By providing a framework to evaluate governance risks and policy interventions, these studies offer recommendations to help African nations unlock the full benefits of digital transformation. 


Main reports:


Technical background papers: 

This work was supported by the Digital Development Partnership 2.0, a World Bank initiative supported by development partners aiming to advance digital transformation in low- and middle-income countries by building strong digital foundations and enablers while facilitating use cases for digital economies to thrive.