Pig and poultry farming at household level in Vietnam has faced a number of challenges. Key issues include low investments, small herds/ flocks, low inputs, poor quality animals, and high levels of disease and mortality. These issues, combined with limited access to markets and high risks, have led to low turnover and returns.
Meanwhile, slaughterhouses have suffered from inadequate investment, and in their management, there has been little concern for waste management, hygiene, and safety. Slaughterhouses have also been characterized by low throughput and productivity.
Fresh meat markets are often of low quality, with inadequate facilities. Meanwhile, urban food markets possess little space, limited ventilation, poor hygiene services (such as display tables, water and electricity supplies), inadequate waste disposal, and poor access for buyers.
The Project adopted a comprehensive food chain approach spanning “farm to table” or “producer to consumer” and addressed interrelated issues of livestock competitiveness, food safety, and environmental sustainability in an integrated way.
The Project promoted the use of Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHPs) in existing livestock production areas, through training of farmers, extension officers, and animal production and veterinary staff in the application of GAHPs, including feed conversion technology and proactive disease control measurements. It also helped form producer groups that would have better negotiation power to reduce the feed cost and improve access to markets; provided equipment and goods to strengthen provincial and district level livestock services delivery, including animal disease control and surveillance; and supported waste management and bio-security investments at the farm level.
Under the Project, Livestock Planning Zones were piloted, aiming to increase competitiveness and safety, while slaughterhouses and meat markets were upgraded to support the establishment of processing and markets linkages with household producers.
The project also supported the capacity building to the technical departments of Animal Husbandry and Livestock Development in MARD for improved policy making processes, strengthened assistance to provinces in inspection, surveillance and monitoring for animal diseases and epidemic.