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Modernizing Municipal Infrastructure in Ukraine

April 15, 2014

Since its launch in August 2007, the Urban Infrastructure Project (UIP) has been targeting priority energy-efficient investments in water and sanitation infrastructure, moving these utilities toward greater efficiency and more cost-effective service provision in 14 cities of Ukraine. Subprojects in eight cities have already been completed, and by the closing date in September 2014, improved water and sanitation services will have reached 4 million citizens.


Municipal infrastructure and services in Ukraine, particularly in the water and wastewater sectors, have been suffering from decades of underinvestment. Low tariff and government subsidy levels leave no incentive to increase the efficiency of provided services, including energy efficiency. Deprived of a reliable cash flow, service providers cannot maintain aging infrastructure, and steadily worsening service makes cost recovery through tariff increases and efficiency improvements an uphill battle. The need for rehabilitation is exacerbated by the overall energy inefficiency of water production and wastewater treatment. 

" The city has eliminated all high lift pump stations, those that raised network pressure. Today we have a pressure of two atmospheres in all pipes of Kolomyia. So the network cannot be torn apart by high-pressured water.  "

Ihor Slyuzar

Mayor of Kolomyia


Ukraine's Urban Infrastructure Project covers the upgrade of water utilities in 14 cities across the country. It reaches 4 million Ukrainians, who now have better access to clean, safe, reliable water.

World Bank


The project is assisting the participating utilities in moving toward higher service quality and reliability and in reducing the cost of service through a series of institutional improvements and selective investments in the rehabilitation of deteriorated water supply and sanitation infrastructure.

The project addresses (i) institutional strengthening to enable utilities to adopt commercially oriented business-type practices through the preparation of business plans; (ii) rehabilitation investments in water and wastewater utilities in Odessa, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Chernihiv; and (iii) financing for the most urgent energy-efficiency investments in water and sanitation in 14 cities.

" I think the people will be satisfied with the quality of water and above all that it is supplied round the clock. "

Lyudmyla Kovalyova

Deputy Mayor of Boryspil


With support from the World Bank, Ukraine is tearing out old pipes and replacing them with new high-tech and energy efficient water systems. Within a couple of months, workers will install these new pumps.

World Bank


The project has achieved the following results between August 2007 and March 2014:

  • The average energy savings reached in UIP utilities is around 27 percent, resulting in UAH 47.8 million annual savings
  • The reconstruction of 418 pumping stations (water and sewer).
  • The replacement and new construction of 53 kilometers of water and sewer networks.
  • Procurement of 44 units of specialized automotive vehicles (excavators, mobile workshops, cleaners, etc.)
  • The development of business plans by three participating utilities to improve their strategic planning and decision-making practices, and ultimately to have a positive impact on their long-term capacity and financial condition.
  • Improved water and sanitation services to 4 million people in Ukraine.


Construction crews have put down eight kilometers of new water pipes and a new sewage disinfection system.

World Bank

Bank Group Contribution

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) contributed a US$140 million loan. A key development partner is the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), which has provided SKr 35,844,217 (an equivalent of about US$5.5 million) in support of institutional strengthening and energy efficiency under the UIP.


Key partners include: (i) the Ministry for Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, which is the lead partner responsible for overall project implementation; (ii) the municipal authorities of Odessa, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Chernihiv, which have regional Project Management Units responsible for the implementation of investment subprojects in their respective cities; and (iii) municipal water and sanitation utilities in all 14 participating cities.

Moving Forward

Based on satisfactory progress on the project development objectives and on the solid capacity for project implementation developed within the line ministry, the World Bank is currently preparing a follow-up project. The Second Urban Infrastructure Project is currently being developed in the amount of up to US$350 million to continue financing water and sanitation investment needs in a number of Ukrainian cities and to assist in strengthening the capacity of municipal service providers.


Ukraine's Urban Infrastructure Project covers the upgrade of water utilities in 14 cities across the country. It reaches 4 million Ukrainians, who now have better access to clean, safe, reliable water. 

UAH 47.8 M
of annual savings, thanks to 24% of energy savings achieved.

More Results
