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Conditional Cash Transfers and Subsidies in the Dominican Republic

April 17, 2013


The World Bank supported reforms in the Dominican Republic to ensure fiscal sustainability and improve its flagship social protection program when the Dominican economy was hit by the 2008-2009 global economic crisis. The number of beneficiaries from the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program increased more than three-fold between 2006 and 2012 and now reaches 650,000 families and 90 percent of the extreme poor (and 80 percent of the poor), and the number of beneficiaries in the subsidized health insurance program soared to reach more than 73 percent of the poor in 2012.


Following the domestic financial crisis of 2003, which significantly exacerbated poverty, the Dominican Republic recovered to enjoy strong economic growth which averaged 9.5 percent during 2005-2007. Unlike most economies, the country was able to avoid recession in 2009 amid a wider international crisis. But slower growth threatened fiscal sustainability as lower revenues squeezed priority sectors and limited the reduction in poverty.


The Public Finance and Social Sector Development Policy Loan (DPL) and the first of the series of Performance and Accountability of Social Sectors (PASS) DPLs, aligned with the Country Partnership Strategy and the National Strategy for Development of the Dominican Republic, were signed in November 2009 (the second and third DPLs of the PASS series were approved in November 2010 and November 2011).

These loans aimed to improve the quality and efficiency of public spending, and mitigate the impact of the ongoing global economic crisis on the Dominican Republic´s public finances. They sought to fundamentally reshape the social protection system to reach those most in need while making efficient use of scarce public resources. The focus was on promoting greater efficiency and impact of public resources through better targeting, improved quality and better management.

The policy measures adopted to achieve these objectives included rationalizing social protection programs, reforming the CCT program Solidaridad to promote greater investments in human capital, improving targeting through the use of the Unified Beneficiary System (SIUBEN) by programs for the poor and through updating the database, promoting investments in basic social services targeted to areas where gaps existed for the poor, and promoting reforms in the management of social expenditure through performance agreements, increased transparency, and multiannual budget and investment planning.


In terms of improving fiscal sustainability, universal subsidies on gas and electricity were replaced by targeted subsidies, and the government raised electricity tariffs and lowered the consumption ceiling below which electricity is subsidized. At the time of its dismantlement in 2010, the previous system provided free electricity to 450,000 households who lived in the targeted geographic areas (but only 44 percent of these households were estimated to be poor).

The scheme was replaced by a targeted subsidy, using the national targeting system to identify those eligible for support, reducing drastically the cost of subsidies while protecting the poor. By 2012, 536,000 poor households benefited from the Bonoluz subsidy (which is equivalent to 100 kWh of electricity per month).

More than halving the consumption ceiling for subsidized electricity, the electricity tariff helped reduce electricity losses, though higher oil prices and increased consumption offset these gains (as a result, government transfers to the electricity sector rose to 1.3 percent of GDP in 2010, up from 1.1 percent in 2009). Other measures to improve fiscal sustainability have achieved progress, including through tax administration measures that reduce evasion.

Conditional cash transfer program Solidaridad expanded to cover 90 percent of the extreme poor and 80 percent of the poor by end 2012, providing incentives for families to invest in the human capital of their children while protecting their consumption. In the health sector, the number of beneficiaries in the subsidized health insurance regime increased sharply to cover 73 percent of the poor in 2012.

Furthermore, in addition to the Bonoluz program described earlier, over 766,000 poor households receive targeted gas subsidies through the Bonogas program, to defray the increase in tariff and protect their welfare. Finally, significant investments in basic health and education services in areas where the beneficiaries of the CCT program were lacking access have helped promote improved human development outcomes.

In terms of systemic changes, efforts have changed the panorama for social protection in the country. In particular, the country has developed a national targeting system (SIUBEN) used by multiple programs to target the poor (including among others the CCT program, the electricity and gas subsidy, and the subsidized health insurance regime).

In addition, the Administrator of Social Subsidies (ADESS) has centralized multiple transfer programs – including the electricity and gas subsidy, the CCT, programs supporting the elderly, higher education grants, etc. – using the Solidaridad debit card, which increased the efficiency of payment (significantly reducing costs) while limiting risks of fraud, since transactions are electronically controlled. These tools were critical investments for an efficient and effective social protection system. Progress in results-informed budgeting in health and education are also important steps for greater efficiency.

" For us, under our previous budget, filling the [generator] gas tank meant no more than 20-25 days of use; Bonogas support allows us to acquire gas for more than two months, making it a service instead of a worry "

Altagracia Trinidad

37-year-old mother of two from Santo Domingo

Bank Group Contribution

The World Bank’s support combined a series of instruments to improve the quality and efficiency of public spending, and mitigate the impact of the ongoing global economic crisis on the Dominican Republic´s public finances: the US$150 million Public Finance and Social Sector Development Policy Loan (DPL), signed in November 2009; the three DPLs of the Performance and Accountability of Social Sectors (PASS) DPL series prepared for a total of US$370 million; an investment operation to support the social protection sector and its institutionalization; and an adaptable program loan in the health sector to promote critical reforms to increase the coverage and quality of care.

In addition to financial support, the Bank provided critical analytical and advisory products to support this ambitious program of reforms. These include services provided under the non-lending technical assistance (NLTA) on Improving the Quality of Public Expenditure in the Dominican Republic, the Policy Notes on Growth and Equitable Development (2010), the Poverty Assessment (2006), and others.


The Bank coordinated its response to the government’s request for support during the economic crisis with other donors, principally the Inter-American Development Bank and the International Monetary Fund. By agreeing on areas of policy reform, the government was able to address some key institutional challenges and social demands and at the same time provide fiscal stimulus while mobilizing US$1 billion in budget support in 2009 to ride out the crisis. The Bank also coordinated with various government agencies, including the Ministry of the Economy, Ministry of Finance, Social Cabinet, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, as well as institutions in the electricity sector.

Moving Forward

Since the closing of the Public Finance and Social Sector DPL and the series of Performance and Accountability of Social Sectors DPLs, the government has promoted various initiatives to improve public sector management, fiscal sustainability and human development outcomes.

Building on the previous program of reforms, the Government is dedicated to further strengthen and institutionalize tools that are critical for additional efficiency gains. In particular, the government updated the SIUBEN in 2011/2012 to reflect changes in the situation of families – allowing new poor families to access programs while ensuring that families who improved their living conditions sufficiently to exit poverty leave social assistance programs – and to cover the entire national territory.

The government is also continuously improving its CCT program to adapt to changing situations and maximize its impacts on human development outcomes and poverty. Efforts to continue promoting more efficient public expenditure management are also continuously pursued. Finally, the government has further reinforced its focus on improving the quality of basic health and education services, especially for the poor.


Altagracia Trinidad, a 37-year-old mother of two from Santo Domingo, works at home. Thanks to support from Solidaridad, Bonoluz and Bonogas, living standards in her household have substantially improved. She uses Solidaridad cash mainly to buy basic food products such as milk, sugar, beans, oil and rice, which eases the financial pressure on her family. At the same time, she ensures that her children attend school and receive preventive health services regularly, which are her co-responsibilities under the conditional cash transfer program.

According to Señora Trinidad, Bonoluz and Bonogas are also highly relevant for her household because they allow her to reach the end of the month without suffering utility cuts.


poor households benefited from the Bonoluz subsidy.

