- Rent creation and rent containment: the political economy of telecommunications in Mexico, South Africa by Izak Atiyas, Brian Levy, and Michael Walton
- The Governance Game by Sheheryar Banuri, David Bulman, Luis F. Lopez-Calva, Ezequiel Molina, Abla Safir, and Siddharth Sharma
- The Origins Of The State by Carles Boix
- Clientelism in the public sector: why public service reforms may not succeed and what to do about it by Tessa Bold, Ezequiel Molina, and Abla Safir
- Water from the heights, water from the grassroots: The Governance of common dynamics and public services in La Paz-El Alto by Sarah Botton, Sébastien Hardy, Franck Poupeau
- Accounting for cross-country income differences: ten years later by Francesco Caselli
- Guatemala’s international commission against impunity: a case study on institutions and rule of law by Fernando Carrera
- The incidence of culture, governance and economics on the countries’ development through an analysis of coupled networks by Gonzalo Castañeda and Florian Chávez-Juárez
- The complex network of public policies. an empirical framework for identifying their relevance in economic development by Gonzalo Castañeda, Gerardo Iñiguez, and Florian Chávez-Juárez
- The cultural roots of effective institutions by Philippe d’Iribarne and Alain Henry
- Searching for growth and development in authoritarian Mexico: a brief tale of the NAFTA commitment device by Alfredo González-Reyes
- Corruption Spotlight by Mushtaq H. Khan
- Gender based violence and the law by Jeni Klugman
- Contestability and changes in tolerance towards corruption: the formation of an elite-citizen coalition in Mexico by Samantha Lach
- Evolution of the World Bank’s thinking on governance by K. Sarwar Lateef
- Hybrid land regulation between the commons and the market land tenure in the Comoros by Étienne Le Roy
- The impact of trade openness on institutions by Andrei A. Levchenko
- Toward an analytical framework for the governance of natural resources: the case of groundwater by Stéphanie Leyronas, Frédéric Maurel, Dominique Rojat, and Gaël Giraud
- From de-jure to de-facto: mapping dimensions and sequences of accountability by Staffan I. Lindberg, Anna Lührmann, and Valeriya Mechkova
- Domestic resource mobilization and the Poor by Nora Lustig
- Governance and Women's Economic and Political Participation: Power Inequalities, Formal Constraints and Norms by Annamaria Milazzo and Markus Goldstein
- Corruption as Social Order by Alina Mungiu-Pippidi
- Legal reforms and economic performance: revisiting the evidence by Daniel Oto-Peralías and Diego Romero-Ávila
- Multi-scalar governance and institutions: intentional development and the conditions of possibility in the extractive sector by Doug Porter and Michael Watts
- Illicit financial flows and governance: the importance of disaggregation by Peter Reuter
- The effect of local governance on firm productivity and resource allocation: evidence from Vietnam by Shawn W. Tan and Trang T. Tran
- Governance and Violence by John Wallis
- Governance in service delivery in the Middle East and North Africa by Program on Governance and Local Development