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Software for Poverty Mapping


Note to users: The PovMap software was last updated in 2015, and no further updates are currently planned.

PovMap is based on a small area estimation procedure developed by the World Bank (Lanjouw and Elber, 2002, 2003). This method uses survey data to establish an income/expenditure prediction model. The model is then applied to a compatible census data set at the household level. The predicted income/expenditure is further aggregated to compute poverty/inequality measurements (FTG0, FGT, FGT2, Gini, etc.) at the community level (such as township, county or district). In some specific situations, non-census data can also be used. The intermediate estimation of household income/expenditure of each simulation can also be kept.

PovMap 2.0 provides computational solutions to all stages of poverty mapping activities. It uses a proprietary data engine to ensure the speedy processing of census data. Its functions include data processing, distributional comparison, regression analysis, univariate analysis, correlation analysis, cross tabulation and simulation. PovMap 2.1 is an experimental package for nutrition mapping. PovMap 1.1, or earlier, are for the simulation stage of poverty mapping.

System requirement

  • Microsoft Windows® NT or later
  • Minimum memory reqirement: 128M

Current version V2.0 downloads

  • Full setup package (Last published on 6/3/2009 2:27:37 PM) 
    The initial setup package will establish the program's working environment on your computer, and will involve the addition of some Microsoft Windows controls to your system. You will need to have installation privileges to install it. After the initial installation, additional updates will be done within the software package.
  • Last stable release executables (Last published on 12/4/2015 4:28:25 PM)
    If you do not have installation privileges and your system already has the required Microsoft Windows controls installed, you can just download this file, unzip it to a folder, and use it from there. This approach will also be useful if you want to keep different versions in your computer.
