Date | Title (PDF link) | Issue | Author(s) |
Sep. 2023 | Anticipation, Disappointment, and Adaptation: Evidence from a Home Upgrading Project | 65 | Xavier Giné, Meritxell Martínez and Virginia Melo |
Jan. 2023 | How a Program to Increase Exporting May Have Actually Reduced Exports | 64 | Leonardo Iacovone, Rachael Meager and David McKenzie |
Jan. 2023 | Give Me a Pass: Flexible Credit for Entrepreneurs in Colombia | 63 | Lasse Brune, Xavier Giné and Dean Karlan |
Dec. 2022 | Helping Western Balkan SMEs Expand Exports Through Online Training and Consulting
| 62 | Ana Cusolito, Ornella Darova and David McKenzie |
Oct. 2022 | Missing Information: Why Don’t More Firms Seek Out Business Advice? | 61 | Miriam Bruhn and Caio Piza |
Sep. 2022 | Three Interventions to Reduce Irregular Migration and Promote Alternatives: An Experiment in The Gambia | 60 | Tijan Bah, Catia Batista, Flore Gubert and David McKenzie |
Aug. 2022 | The Long-Term Impact of High School Financial Education: Evidence from Brazil | 59 | Miriam Bruhn, Gabriel Garber, Sergio Koyama and Bilal Zia |
Dec. 2020 | Using the Market to Hire Skills as an Alternative to Business Training | 58 | Stephen J. Anderson and David McKenzie |
Sep. 2020 | How should business training be priced? A demand experiment in Jamaica | 57 | Alessandro Maffioli, David McKenzie, and Diego Ubfal |
Sep. 2020 | Empowering Farmers to Adopt Agricultural Recommendations | 56 | Carolina Corral, Xavier Giné, Aprajit Mahajan and Enrique Seira |
Oct. 2019 | Does Mobile Money Improve Livelihoods for Households in Poor and Remote Areas? | 55 | Miriam Bruhn and Christina Wieser |
Aug. 2019 | Shortening Supply Chains for Fruit and Vegetable Vendors in Bogota | 54 | Leonardo Iacovone and David McKenzie |
Jun. 2019 | Improving Management in Colombian Firms Through Individual and Group Consulting | 53 | Leonardo Iacovone, William Maloney and David McKenzie |
Oct. 2018 | Helping Firms Realize the Benefits of (Partial) Formalization | 52 | Francisco Campos, Markus Goldstein, and David McKenzie |
Sep. 2018 | Can Government Intervention Make Firms More Investment-Ready? | 51 | Ana Paula Cusolito, Ernest Dautovic, and David McKenzie |
Jun. 2018 | Can Technical Assistance Sow the Seeds for Rural Finance? | 50 | Miriam Bruhn, Rekha Reddy, Claudia Ruiz Ortega |
May 2018 | Do Consulting Services Promote Small and Medium Enterprise Growth? | 49 | Miriam Bruhn, Dean Karlan, and Antoinette Schoar |
May 2018 | The Pros and Cons of Agent Banking: Evidence from Senegal | 48 | Sinja Buri, Robert Cull, Xavier Giné, Sven Harten and Soren Heitmann |
Feb. 2018 | Do Management Interventions Last? Evidence from an Experiment in India | 47 | Nicholas Bloom, Aprajit Mahajan, David McKenzie, and John Roberts |
Jan. 2018 | Designing Wage Contracts in Multi-goal Organizations | 46 | Xavier Giné, Ghazala Mansuri and Slesh A. Shrestha |
Dec. 2017 | Learning the Impact of Financial Education When Take-Up is Low | 45 | Gabriel Lara Ibarra, David McKenzie, and Claudia Ruiz Ortega |
Nov. 2017 | You Get What You Ask For: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study | 44 | Xavier Giné and Rafael Mazer |
Oct. 2017 | The Power of Standardization: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study | 43 | Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez, and Rafael Mazer |
Mar. 2017 | Business Training for Female Microenterprise Owners in Kenya Grew Their Firms without Harming Their Competitors | 42 | David McKenzie and Susana Puerto |
Feb. 2017 | Pathways to Profits: Identifying Separate Channels of Business Growth through Business Training | 41 | Stephen Joseph Anderson-Macdonald, Rajesh Chandy, and Bilal Husnain Zia |
Feb. 2017 | The ABCs of Financial Education: Experimental Evidence on Attitudes, Behavior, and Cognitive Biases
| 40 | Fenella Carpena, Shawn Cole, Jeremy Shapiro, and Bilal Zia |
Jan. 2017 | Research Grants for Science-industry Collaboration: Do They Spur Innovation? | 39 | Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie |
Jan. 2017 | Are Labor Market Imperfections the Reason So Few Microenterprises Hire Workers? An Experiment in Sri Lanka Suggests They are Not | 38 | Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christoper Woodruff |
Nov. 2016 | Enhancing the Benefits of Formalization under a new status in Benin | 37 | Najy Benhassine, David McKenzie, Victor Pouliquen, and Massimiliano Santini |
Apr. 2016 | Can Wage Subsidies Boost Employment in the Wake of an Economic Crisis? | 36 | Miriam Bruhn |
Mar. 2016 | Psychometrics as a Tool to Improve Access to Credit | 35 | Irani Arráiz, Miriam Bruhn, and Rodolfo Stucchi |
Nov. 2015 | Spurring Innovation with Matching Grants: Evidence from Yemen | 34 | David McKenzie, Nabila Assaf and Ana Paula Cusolito |
Sep. 2015 | Creating jobs through a Business Plan Competition: Evidence from Nigeria's YouWiN! competition | 33 | David McKenzie |
Nov. 2014 | Do Special Tax Regimes for Micro and Small Enterprises Encourage Formal Firm Creation? Do They Lead Firms to Underreport Revenues? | 32 | Miriam Bruhn and Jan Loeprick |
Oct. 2014 | Piloting Macroinsurance for Microenterprises in Post-Revolution Egypt | 31 | Matthew Groh, David McKenzie |
Sep. 2014 | Testing Job Matching Services for Unemployed Educated Youth in Jordan
| 30 | Matthew Groh, David McKenzie, Nour Shammout and Tara Vishwanath |
Aug. 2014 | Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan
| 29 | Xavier Giné and Ghazala Mansuri |
Jul. 2014 | Financial Disclosure in Mexico: Evidence from an Audit Study | 28 | Xavier Giné, Cristina Martínez and Rafael Mazer |
Jun. 2014 | Will Migrants Remit More if They Can Channel Payments Directly for Education? Lab-in-the-Field and Proof of Concept Trial Results | 27 | Giuseppe De Arcangelis, Majlinda Joxhe, David McKenzie, Erwin Tiongson and Dean Yang |
Jan. 2014 | The Impact of High School Financial Education: Large-Scale Experimental Evidence from Brazil | 26 | Miriam Bruhn, Luciana Leão, Arianna Legovini, Rogelio Marchetti, and Bilal Zia |
Jun. 2013 | Why is Voluntary Financial Education so Unpopular? Evidence from Mexico | 25 | Miriam Bruhn, Gabriel Lara Ibarra and David McKenzie |
May 2013 | A Helping Hand or the Long Arm of the Law? Do carrots or sticks work best for bringing informal firms into the formal sector? | 24 | Gustavo Henrique de Andrade, Miriam Bruhn, and David McKenzie |
Apr. 2013 | Harnessing Emotional Connections to Improve Financial Decisions: Evaluating the Impact of Financial Education through Mainstream Media
| 23 | Gunhild Berg and Bilal Zia |
Feb. 2013 | The Impact of Expanding Simplified Start-up Procedures to More Remote Areas: The Minas Fácil Expresso program | 22 | Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie |
Jan. 2013 | Lessons for Matching Grant Programs from Failed Attempts to Evaluate Them | 21 | Francisco Campos, Aidan Coville, Ana Fernandes, Markus Goldstein, and David McKenzie |
Oct. 2012 | Business Training for New and Existing Female-Owned Firms in Sri Lanka | 20 | Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff |
Oct. 2012 | The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants and their Families
| 19 | Yoko Doi, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia |
May 2012 | The Impact of Financial Literacy Training for Migrants at Destination | 18 | John Gibson, David McKenzie and Bilal Zia |
Mar. 2012 | Do Informal Firms Want to Formalize and Does It Help Them if They Do?
| 17 | Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff |
Feb. 2012 | Long-term impacts of one-off grants to microenterprises | 16 | Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie, and Christopher Woodruff |
Aug. 2011 | The Impact of Commitment Savings Accounts: The Case of Malawi
| 15 | Xavier Gine |
Jun. 2011 | Capital, Gender, and Microfinance Growth in Ghana
| 14 | Marcel Fafchamps, David McKenzie, Simon Quinn, and Christopher Woodruff |
May 2011 | The Impact of Business and Financial Literacy Training for Young Entrepreneurs in Bosnia-Herzogovina | 13 | Miriam Bruhn and Bilal Zia |
Dec. 2010 | Spurring Development through a Seasonal Migration Program
| 12 | John Gibson and David McKenzie |
May 2010 | Using Biometric Technology in Rural Credit Markets: The Case of Malawi | 11 | Xavier Gine |
April 2010 | Improving Management in India | 10 | Nick Bloom, Benn Eifert, Aprajit Mahajan, David McKenzie, and John Roberts |
Oct. 2009 | The Economic Impact of Expanding Access to Finance in Mexico | 9 | Miriam Bruhn and Inessa Love |
Sep. 2009 | The Results of a Pilot Financial Literacy and Business Planning Training Program for Women in Uganda | 8 | David McKenzie and Michaela Weber |
Jun. 2009 | Do Marginal Firms in Bolivia Benefit from Formalizing? | 7 | David McKenzie |
May 2009 | Evaluating the Efficiency of a Bankruptcy Reform | 6 | Xavier Gine and Inessa Love |
May 2009 | Valuing Financial Literacy: Evidence from Indonesia
| 5 | Bilal Zia |
Apr. 2009 | Why is More Capital Not Enough to Grow Female Businesses?
| 4 | David McKenzie |
Mar. 2009 | The Promise of Index Insurance | 3 | Xavier Gine |
Feb. 2009 | Does Business Registration Reform Increase Entrepreneurial Activity? | 2 | Miriam Bruhn |
Feb. 2009 | Which Microenterprises have High Returns to Capital? | 1 | David McKenzie |