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Exporter Dynamics Database Methodology

February 21, 2017

Database Construction For more details on the database update please see the companion technical note.
Measures in the Exporter Dynamics Database See the list of measures (.pdf file) included in the Exporter Dynamics Database and their definitions.
Countries and Periods Covered See the list of developing and developed countries (.xlsx file) covered by the Exporter Dynamics Database and the sample periods for each country.
List of Variables, Countries and Sectors

Download an excel file with the full list of variables (.xlsx file) in the Exporter Dynamics Database and their labels, the list of origin countries, the list of destination countries, list of 3-digit ISIC codes, and the 2-digit, 4-digit, and 6-digit HS codes covered.
Consolidation of HS Classifications Download a technical note (.zip file) explaining how the 1996, 2002, 2007, and 2012 HS classifications were consolidated into a single HS classification and an excel file showing the concordances between the HS 1996, 2002, 2007, 2012 codes and the consolidated HS codes (.xlsx file).
Comparison to WITS Data Download an excel file with the ratios to compare total export values (.xlsx file) from the Exporter Dynamics Database and total exports from WITS (shown in Appendix Table 2 in the technical note).
Consolidation of HS Classifications
