This press release announces the government of the Russian Federation and the World Bank issued a sobering report, which assesses the then condition of the agricultural sector in Russia and Republics of...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 162650Date: April 2, 1992
In Japan, railways are widely used, carrying 21 billion passengers annually. On the average, every person in Japan makes a rail trip every two days. These trips come to 369 billion passenger-kilometers...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: INU99Date: March 31, 1992Author:
Yasushi Tanahashi ;
Japan Railway Construction Cor
This report presents tentative schedule of aid coordination meetings for CY1993 (as of March 31, 1992) prepared by the Operations Policy and Information Department (OPRIE).
Type: Board ReportReport#: 86472Date: March 31, 1992
This press release announces the World Bank loan of two hundred sixty-six million US dollars to Colombia for Third national roads sector project on March 30, 1992.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 162308Date: March 30, 1992
This press release announces the World Bank loan of one hundred seventy-seven million five hundred thousand US dollars to Thailand for Fourth highway sector project on March 23, 1992.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 162304Date: March 23, 1992
This press release announces the World Bank loan of eighty-two million seven hundred thousand US dollars to China for Regional cement industry project on March 19, 1992.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 162303Date: March 19, 1992
A more efficient use of road maintenance equipment in developing countries may be achieved by setting up an equipment renting scheme in the highway agency to service both force account maintenance units...
Type: BriefReport#: 81616Date: March 1, 1992Author:
Lantran,Jean-Marie M.
This study is focused on delineating the nature and future transport system which best serves Guangdong's economic requirements and on identifying some of the measures needed to achieve such a system....
Type: PublicationReport#: WDP151Date: February 29, 1992Author:
Harral, Clell G. ;
Cook, Peter ;
Holland, Edward [editors]
This study examines public expenditure and revenue data for 15 Latin American countries for the period 1975-88, although the focus of analysis is generally on the period of 1979-88 during which fundamental...
Type: Internal Discussion PaperReport#: IDP110Date: February 29, 1992Author:
Hicks,Norman L.
This paper takes for granted that the government (or road agency) has already decided how much it intends to charge road users for use of the uncongested road network. The next question is how to collect...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: INU95Date: February 29, 1992Author:
Heggie,Ian Graeme
As cities in developing countries continue to grow rapidly, the need to meet the increasing demand for urban infrastructure services has become an important policy problem, since failures to respond adequately...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: INU98Date: February 29, 1992
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