This press release announces the World Bank has approved a loan of four hundred twenty US dollars for China to assist reform and modernization of China’s railways on March 26, 1993.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 162879Date: March 26, 1993
Within the former Soviet Union, Armenia is a pioneer in reform: no other republic has moved so far or so fast. The country has swept the old guard from power and elected a new liberal-minded government...
Type: Pre-2003 Economic or Sector ReportReport#: 11274Date: March 24, 1993
This press release announces the World Bank has approved a loan of one hundred fifty-five million US dollars to support the improvement of Eastern Indonesia’s road network on March 24, 1993.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 162880Date: March 24, 1993
This press release announces the World Bank has approved a loan of one hundred fifty million US dollars to China for industrial developments in Tianjin to receive a boost from a program to restructure...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 162871Date: March 17, 1993
This press release announces the World Bank has approved a loan of thirty-five million US dollars for Jordan’s third transport project on March 11, 1993.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 162863Date: March 11, 1993
Some new member countries of the Bank are in regions where road structures are subject to seasonal freezing and thawing. Roads in these countries used to carry light vehicles during the spring thaw period...
Type: BriefReport#: 112738Date: March 1, 1993Author:
Isotalo,Jukka L.
The paper examines possible modifications to standard techniques of cost-benefit analysis as employed by the World Bank in the appraisal of large projects. The identification of the main issues raised...
Type: Internal Discussion PaperReport#: IDP126Date: February 28, 1993Author:
Jack,William G.
The main objectives of this paper are: first, to contribute to the Ministry of Railways' strategies for the 1990s; and second, to provide a basis for Bank assistance to China's railway system in the next...
Type: Pre-2003 Economic or Sector ReportReport#: 10592Date: February 25, 1993
This press release announces the World Bank has approved a loan of one hundred million US dollars, and a credit of one hundred million US dollars from the International Development Association (IDA) for...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 162856Date: February 24, 1993
This press release announces the World Bank has approved a loan of two hundred million US dollars for Mexico to help finance a project to improve the quality and efficiency of transport systems in medium-size...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 162854Date: February 17, 1993
This paper is one of a number of economic, and social policy background papers, written as part of the research project on "Urban Poverty and Social Policy in the Context of Adjustment", being undertaken...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: 30282Date: February 1, 1993Author:
Solon,Orville J. ;
The maintenance of road infrastructure has been a concern of the Bank. It features prominently in the Bank's decisions on road sector lending, and in most sector operations. This Precis summarizes an OED...
Type: BriefReport#: 28331Date: February 1, 1993Author:
Waeving, Rachel (managing editor)
During the first period the Bank's main concern was to find ways of relieving urban traffic congestion. This mainly involved the prescription of traffic management, road rehabilitation and road construction....
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: 27227Date: February 1, 1993Author:
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