The macroeconomic picture in Romania is puzzling at first sight. As in other countries in Eastern Europe, output has fallen (by over a third since 1989) and inflation has risen to about 200 percent per...
Type: Pre-2003 Economic or Sector ReportReport#: 11878Date: July 31, 1993
This press release announces the World Bank's 1993 fiscal year (FY) operational results on July 6, 1994. New lending commitments to developing countries from the International Bank for Reconstruction and...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 160519Date: July 6, 1993
This press release announces the World Bank has approved a loan of one hundred twenty-eight million five hundred thousand US dollars to Brazil for Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan transport decentralization...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 162961Date: July 1, 1993
This press release announces the World Bank has approved a loan of four hundred eighty million US dollars to Mexico to help finance a project to rehabilitate and resurface highways of the federal network,...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 162954Date: June 25, 1993
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