The role of transport sector operations in the contribution to poverty reduction, needs to be articulated. By and large, transport projects are assessed in terms of reducing transport costs, improving...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: 22568Date: September 30, 1997Author:
Gannon,Colin A. ;
Mexico's private toll road program more than doubled the national toll road network from 1989 to 1994. The investment of approximately US$13 billion in the program was sourced from local commercial bank...
Type: ViewpointReport#: 17083Date: September 30, 1997Author:
Ruster,Jeff E.
A ban restricting each car from driving on a specified weekday is found to have increased total driving in Mexico City. Because of the ban, cars effectively represent 'driving permits' and some households...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: 77256Date: September 1, 1997Author:
Eskeland,Gunnar Saethern ;
Feyzioglu, Tarhan
This news release, dated August 21, 1997, announces the World Bank approved a total of 124.5 million dollars to support five development projects in Yemen during fiscal year 1998 (July 1997 to June 1998).
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 161785Date: August 21, 1997
This travel survival guide is designed as a step-by-step manual to help credit programs reach financial sustainability. The manual is designed to work like a travel guide. The metaphor of a journey across...
Type: Working PaperReport#: 19125Date: July 31, 1997
The note reviews concessioning of rail operations, as a partnership between the State, and a private operator in which, while maintaining ownership of rail infrastructure, the State transfers railway operations...
Type: BriefReport#: 22582Date: July 31, 1997Author:
The review of Ghana's public expenditure has become institutionalized in the Ministry of Finance since 1994. This review is the fourth of the annual reviews. Over the last three years, Government has prepared...
Type: Public Expenditure ReviewReport#: 59564Date: July 21, 1997
The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast a number of different cane payment systems adopted by various industries, and to highlight the key issues common to all cane payments systems. In the...
Type: Working PaperReport#: 52739Date: July 1, 1997
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