Transport is playing a vital role in China's reorientation of its economy, from a planned and centralized system to one that is increasingly decentralized and market-based. The report analyzes the challenges...
Type: Pre-2003 Economic or Sector ReportReport#: 15959Date: April 23, 1998
The argument presented in this report is that the relationships between improved rural road infrastructure and the provision of complementary vehicle services have not been fully understood resulting in...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: 27255Date: April 1, 1998Author:
Simon D. Ellis, and John L. Hine
The SSATP in its earlier years was driven by the desire of the donor community to see policy reform introduced in the interest of efficient use of donor funds. Now, as both the Bank and other donors increasingly...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: 27252Date: April 1, 1998Author:
Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program
This news release, dated April 1, 1998, announces the World Bank approved four loans to Indonesia totaling United States (U.S.) 360.7 million dollars. The loans will benefit rural development, education,...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 161795Date: April 1, 1998
This report presents calendar of aid coordination meetings for March 31, 1998 prepared by the Operations Policy Group of the Operations Policy Department (OPRPG).
Type: Board ReportReport#: 86459Date: March 31, 1998
Countries in Asia, Europe, and North and South America are introducing reforms to boost efficiency and attract new private investment in their natural gas industries. The trend has been to unbundle along...
Type: ViewpointReport#: 17516Date: March 31, 1998Author:
Over the past decade network industries (such as gas, electricity, and telecommunications) have undergone a dramatic transformation. Competition has been introduced in industries that had long been viewed...
Type: Policy Research Working PaperReport#: WPS1896Date: March 31, 1998Author:
Nasser, Thomas-Olivier
Like many large countries, Indonesia has difficulty attracting doctors to service in rural and remote areas. To guide the creation of incentives for service in these areas, the authors analyze two sets...
Type: Policy Research Working PaperReport#: WPS1888Date: March 31, 1998Author:
Chomitz, Kenneth M. ;
Setiadi, Gunawan ;
Azwar, Azru
This report presents calendar of aid coordination meetings for March 31, 1998 prepared by the Operations Policy Group of the Operations Policy Department (OPRPG).
Type: Board ReportReport#: 86460Date: March 31, 1998
This is a statement by Joaquim Carvalho at the Board meeting of March 17, 1998 concerning the Country Assistance Strategy progress report for Argentina.
Type: Executive Director's StatementReport#: 87335Date: March 16, 1998Author:
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