Belize's economy bounced back from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, showing strong growth, reduced debt, a primary fiscal surplus, decelerating inflation, and low unemployment rate. However, it is...
Type: BriefReport#: 194008Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
China’s economy had a strong start to the year, but a deeper contraction of the property sector and weaker consumption weighed on growth in the second quarter. Growth is projected at 4.8 percent in 2024,...
Type: BriefReport#: 193969Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
Growth rebounded to 2.7 percent in 2023, driven by robust agricultural output, but momentum weakened in 2024, with real growth projected at 2.2 percent, due to persistent fuel shortages, power supply disruptions,...
Type: BriefReport#: 194091Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
The economy continues recovering from Cyclone Kenneth and COVID-19, driven by private consumption and investments in tourism and transport infrastructure. Growth is expected to gradually increase to 4.3...
Type: BriefReport#: 194096Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
After contracting by 5.7 percent in 2023, economic activity in Equatorial Guinea is projected to pick up in 2024 mainly supported by stronger hydrocarbon output. Fiscal and external positions are expected...
Type: BriefReport#: 194104Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
Growth is expected to normalize in 2024 and revert to its long-term average of 3.3 percent over the medium term, anchored on continued tourist arrivals. Fiscal consolidation is expected to continue over...
Type: BriefReport#: 193970Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
The economic situation continues to deteriorate as macroeconomic imbalances weigh on growth and poverty reduction. Limited access to external financing, increased economic uncertainty, and low levels of...
Type: BriefReport#: 194009Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
The growth momentum was sustained in the first half of 2024 despite moderating household consumption. Domestic demand was buoyed by higher public consumption and investment. Medium-term growth is expected...
Type: BriefReport#: 193979Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
Suriname's economy has stabilized under a program to restructure debt, modernize monetary and exchange rate policies, and address financial sector vulnerabilities. Tighter monetary policy has gradually...
Type: BriefReport#: 194031Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
Saint Lucia's economy, which is reliant on tourism, faces ongoing challenges from the pandemic's impact, high import prices, and natural disasters. Economic growth was modest before the pandemic, and recent...
Type: BriefReport#: 194029Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
Real GDP grew 3.6 percent in 2023, driven by robust remittance-fueled consumption and strong private investment. Growth is expected to slow down slightly to 3.5 percent in 2024, hindered by a deceleration...
Type: BriefReport#: 194022Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
Bhutan experienced a significant reduction in poverty and inequality in the last decade. The 6.85 dollars/day poverty rate declined between 2017 and 2022 and is estimated to have further decreased from...
Type: BriefReport#: 196062Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
Poverty reduction has been elusive in Burundi. Following the socio-political crisis 2015, real per-capita GDP contracted by an annualized rate of 1.9 percent between 2015 and 2020. The poverty rate in...
Type: BriefReport#: 196054Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
The national poverty rate increased 1.8 percentage points from 41.4 percent in 2018-19 to 43.2 percent in 2021-22, dramatically increasing in the Sahel region. Poverty rates in the Sahel region (which...
Type: BriefReport#: 196056Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
Vietnam has transformed remarkably from a post-war economy with high poverty to a vibrant and modern one. In the last three decades, GDP per capita has grown four-and-a-half times, from $588 (USD 2015)...
Type: BriefReport#: 196064Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
In the region of the Americas, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) constitute a major disease burden, accounting for approximately 80 percent of all deaths (PAHO 2019). Mental and neurological disorders,...
Type: BriefReport#: 194760Date: October 1, 2024Author:
Jeremy Veillard ;
Anne-Sophie Jung ;
Timothy A. Johnston
Official government estimates using the national poverty methodology showed that 29.7 percent of the Egyptian population was poor in 2019, before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the World...
Type: BriefReport#: 196080Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
The latest Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) in Fiji was conducted in 2019/20. By World Bank definitions of data deprivation, Fiji is classified as vulnerable to data deprivation, as it has...
Type: BriefReport#: 196082Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
Indonesia’s poverty rate continued its slow and steady decline in 2024, supported by strong economic growth. The national poverty headcount ratio fell to 9 percent in March 2024 - down 0.4 percentage points...
Type: BriefReport#: 196121Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
Honduras remains one of the poorest and most unequal countries in the region. Preliminary estimates for 2023 show that 51.9 percent of the population live under the upper middle-income country poverty...
Type: BriefReport#: 196109Date: October 1, 2024Author:
World Bank
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