The Global Challenge Program (GCP) will catalyze and leverage new ways of working between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA),...
Type: Board ReportReport#: 193920Date: October 4, 2024Author:
World Bank
The Global Challenge Programs (GCPs) are a new initiative that accelerate and scale our public and private sector solutions as one World Bank Group to support client countries to respond to global challenges....
Type: Board ReportReport#: 193914Date: October 4, 2024Author:
World Bank
The Health Emergency Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Global Challenge Program (hereafter GCP-H) was designed to address three following fundamental and inter-related challenges that continue to...
Type: Board ReportReport#: 193918Date: October 4, 2024Author:
World Bank
This case study covers the phased development of the Port Community Systems (PCS) project at the port of Valparaiso, namely SILOGPORT, in Chile. The Port Authority (EVP) led and financed the project, enabling...
Type: ReportReport#: 193892Date: October 4, 2024Author:
World Bank
A Port Community Systems (PCS) strives to make ports more efficient, resilient, and competitive. Getting financing right is crucial to the success of such a venture. Proper and prudent planning of capital...
Type: ReportReport#: 193899Date: October 4, 2024Author:
World Bank
This paper examines the impact of implementing a carbon tax on aggregate total factor productivity in the Dominican Republic through the resource allocation channel. It incorporates energy inputs—electricity...
Type: Policy Research Working PaperReport#: WPS10944Date: October 4, 2024Author:
Esteban Ferro ;
Davide Salvatore Mare ;
Faruk Miguel Liriano ;
Fausto Andres Patino Pena ;
Rodriguez Quezada,Maria Gabriela ;
Federica Zeni
Busan Port is one of the world’s busiest ports. High cargo throughput and capacity constraints mean that the port is congested. Operational bottlenecks include longer dwell times for cargo at terminals,...
Type: ReportReport#: 193897Date: October 4, 2024Author:
World Bank
A legal and regulatory framework is crucial for implementing a Port Community System (PCS) to ensure standardized data exchange, protect stakeholders’ interests, and maintain security and privacy. Additionally,...
Type: ReportReport#: 193901Date: October 4, 2024Author:
World Bank
Tax revenue collection is essential to the state’s ability to address market failures, provide goods and services such as health and education, invest in infrastructure, stabilize the economy in response...
Type: Policy Research Working PaperReport#: WPS10943Date: October 4, 2024Author:
Rishabh Choudhary ;
Franz Ulrich Ruch ;
Emilia Skrok
The Port Community System (PCS) of Singapore started in 1984, when the Port of Singapore Authority (PSA) (now Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, MPA) introduced its business to business (B2B) port...
Type: ReportReport#: 193898Date: October 4, 2024Author:
World Bank
Customs and port authorities share the infrastructure of trade facilitation. Ports provide the backdrop in which customs and other cross-border regulatory agencies implement their regulations. Those regulations...
Type: ReportReport#: 193902Date: October 4, 2024Author:
World Bank
The development of a Port Community Systems (PCS) is linked to the simplification, standardization, and digitization of port logistics processes. Process improvement initiatives take the form of simplification,...
Type: ReportReport#: 193904Date: October 4, 2024Author:
World Bank
The WBG Gender Strategy 2024-30 puts forward the bold ambition to accelerate gender equality to end poverty on a livable planet. This Implementation Plan translates the 2024–2030 Gender Strategy objectives...
Type: Board ReportReport#: 193854Date: October 3, 2024Author:
World Bank
The greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) of the six Western Balkan countries (WB6), Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, have plateaued over the past decade, stabilizing...
Type: Country Climate and Development ReportReport#: 193718Date: October 3, 2024Author:
World Bank
Fiscal policy can play a critical role in mitigating business cycle volatility. However, between 1990 and 2022, Argentina was one of the most procyclical countries globally. This paper scrutinizes Argentina’s...
Type: Policy Research Working PaperReport#: WPS10942Date: October 3, 2024Author:
García Posleman,Francisco ;
Julian Folgar
This Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) Update assesses the evolution of Panama’s development challenges and policy priorities since the publication of the SCD in 2015. During the last eight years, Panama...
Type: Systematic Country DiagnosticReport#: 193835Date: October 3, 2024Author:
World Bank
The Country Opinion Survey in Burkina Faso helps the World Bank Group (WBG) better understand how stakeholders in Burkina Faso perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG with systematic feedback from national...
Type: ReportReport#: 193832Date: October 3, 2024Author:
World Bank
Sierra Leone’s economic growth in 2023 surprised on the upside, reaching 5.7 percent, but the economy is projected to slow in 2024. While repeated spending overruns have cast doubt on fiscal sustainability,...
Type: ReportReport#: 193883Date: October 3, 2024Author:
World Bank
The case study concerning the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) represents a Trade Single Window (TSW) that includes a Port Community System (PCS) in Central Africa. Besides facing challenges associated...
Type: ReportReport#: 193877Date: October 3, 2024Author:
World Bank
The Port Community System (PCS) and National Single Window (NSW) project in Morocco was initiated in the early 2000’s as part of a series of sectoral reforms and upgrading programs of key Ministries in...
Type: ReportReport#: 193884Date: October 3, 2024Author:
World Bank
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