This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Credit Union (CU) installs mini-computer; film crew experiences life in Indian village; staff member discovers island of sheep, beaches,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64263Date: September 1, 1979Author:
Baldwin,Harriet B.
A theoretical framework for the analysis of market intervention policies of goods related to the satisfaction of basic human needs is presented. The method allows quantification of such social benefits...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: AGP18Date: September 1, 1979Author:
Scandizzo, Pasquale L. ;
Knudsen, O. ;
The existing urban transport problems in Korea's rapidly growing provincial cities are assessed. Travel demand and land use and the pricing of strategic policy alternatives are discussed. Public transport...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: URR7902Date: August 31, 1979Author:
Beesley, M. ;
Turner, C. ;
Gist, P.
The World Bank's operations evaluation activities have continued to evolve in a positive manner during the past year, reflecting the degree to which their most important features have become firmly rooted...
Type: Annual ReportReport#: 2648Date: August 31, 1979
The spatial distribution of manufacturing employment in Bogota, Colombia is described, and the changes in location patterns from 1970 to 1975 using industrial directory data are analyzed. While the central...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: URR7910Date: August 31, 1979Author:
K. Lee
Tabular data are presented to aid in the development of an international perspective on urban growth patterns. The data were gathered for a cross-sectional analysis of patterns of concentration and reflect...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: URR7905Date: August 31, 1979Author:
Dillinger,William R.
This paper touches on the role of models in a policy/planning environment, and establishes the need for a general algebraic modeling system. The main purpose of the paper, however, is to develop a notation...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: DRC13Date: August 31, 1979Author:
Bisschop, Johannes ;
Meeraus, Alexander
Data documentation for the City Study Research Project is presented. The main objective of the study is to develop economic tools for estimating the economic and spatial impacts of policy interventions...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: URR7913Date: August 31, 1979Author:
Lee,Irene Y.
This case study was developed for use in executive courses for Bank staff and is designed to serve as the basis for seminar discussion, rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling...
Type: Working PaperReport#: UNN166Date: August 31, 1979Author:
Runge, Carlisle Ford
Among other things, the Bank is an agent of technological development in the developing countries. It assists governments in formulating national economic policies that affect the rate and direction of...
Type: Working PaperReport#: UNN247Date: August 31, 1979
This case study is designed to serve as the basis for seminar discussion, rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a project. The Azad Kashmir Project was an experiment in...
Type: Working PaperReport#: UNN167Date: August 31, 1979Author:
Runge, Carlisle Ford ;
The training and visit system (T&V) has gained wide notice for its well defined, highly disciplined approach to agricultural extension. The basic elements of the system are: (i) systematic and regular...
Type: Working PaperReport#: UNN162Date: August 31, 1979Author:
This press release announces the International Finance Corporation (IFC), an affiliate of the World Bank, making its first investment in Bangladesh on August 21, 1979, by joining Bangladeshi and Japanese...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 151923Date: August 21, 1979
This paper concentrates on a model of linkage between land, labour, and credit transactions in the context of sharecropping. It assumes that sharecropping is the only form of tenancy and that a potential...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: DRD30Date: August 2, 1979Author:
Braverman,Avishay ;
Srinivasan, T.
The unprecedented rate of urban growth in developing nations has created massive new tasks for national and local policy makers. This paper, which was prepared as a background paper for World Development...
Type: Staff Working PaperReport#: SWP342Date: July 31, 1979Author:
Linn,Johannes F.
This paper reviews Turkey's growth performance, which has had a pronounced cyclical pattern, and makes recommendations for policies for more stable economic growth. Turkey's growth performance is examined...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP181Date: July 31, 1979Author:
The growing use of general equilibrium models and the explicit incorporation of constraints in optimization models have resulted in a modification of traditional conclusions in many areas of economics....
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP500Date: July 31, 1979Author:
This press release announces Argentine and Spanish investors and the International Finance Corporation are joining to establish a major integrated fishing project in Argentina, that will catch and process...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 151920Date: July 31, 1979
The government of India has a long history of responding to crisis situations of acute shortages of food through public distribution. However, the objective of the public distribution system is not well...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: AGP25Date: July 1, 1979Author:
Swamy,Gurushri N. ;
Advances in Maritime Economics, a volume of papers relating to the enalysis of the economics of shipping edited by R. O. Gossis reviewed. The papers presented cover such topics as the fiscal treatment...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP110Date: June 30, 1979Author:
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