The aim of this paper is to describe the characteristics of the population of Bogota. It also attempts to place the development of Bogota in an historical and national context in order to provide a better...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: URR7911Date: November 30, 1979Author:
This news release, dated November 29, 1979, announces Burma’s telecommunications network will be assisted with a 35 million dollars credit from the International Development Association (IDA) the soft-loan...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 158149Date: November 29, 1979
The transport system of PDRY is rudimentary, reflecting the severely limited resources of the country. The government is devoting a substantial part of the national development budget to building the essential...
Type: Pre-2003 Economic or Sector ReportReport#: 2750Date: November 29, 1979
This report is the fifth of an annual series. It reviews the experience of 98 projects which were supported by the World Bank and subjected to performance audit in 1978. The results of the present Review...
Type: IEG EvaluationReport#: PUB2637Date: November 1, 1979
The objective of this review of the CIMAO project in Togo is to ascertain the operational problems of the refinery, to recommend solutions to overcome them, and to identify alternative sources of fuel...
Type: Working PaperReport#: 79715Date: November 1, 1979
Debt treatment by creditors when relief of contractual obligations was required are considered from World War I to the present. Prior to World War I, debt relief arrangements had little regard for the...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP101Date: October 31, 1979Author:
Cizauskas,Albert C.
Differences between alternative theories and processes of wage determination in the industrial sector and their policy implications are examined. The competitive model predicts that the relative supplies...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP142Date: October 31, 1979Author:
This paper describes an operational approach to the identification and appraisal of projects consisting of rural roads and complementary investments. The objective for such projects is to prepare and implement...
Type: Staff Working PaperReport#: SWP362Date: October 31, 1979Author:
The world market prices for softwood are examined. World trade in softwood logs and lumber in 1976 amounted to 129.7 million cubic feet roundwood, equivalent to U.S. $6.8 billion. At present, the developing...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CMN15Date: October 31, 1979Author:
Helterline,Ray M.
This study of rice pricing in Burma is designed to analyze the consequences of an increase in the procurement price of paddy in Burma in the near future, while outlining a basic but simple approach which...
Type: Working PaperReport#: UNN142Date: October 31, 1979
This paper examines the various dimensions or characteristics of the so-called world food problem today. It includes a brief look at developments since the 1973-74 food crisis, highlighting the considerable...
Type: Working PaperReport#: UNN99Date: October 31, 1979Author:
Goering, T. James
A systematic compilation and assessment of data on employment, unemployment, and wages in the Philippines are presented. In the periods 1959-1964 and 1969-1974, real wages declined despite relatively rapid...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: SER57Date: October 31, 1979Author:
This newsletter includes the following headings: (i) world fertilizer outlook; (ii) price developments; (iii) fertilizer intermediates and products; (iv) international fertilizer meetings; (v) collaboration...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 141000Date: October 1, 1979
This article provides an interim assessment of the Bank's strategy of accelerated lending for agriculture and rural development, particularly the reorientation toward raising the productivity of the low...
Type: PublicationReport#: UNN192Date: September 30, 1979Author:
Adjusting for purchasing power parities of national currencies makes a significant difference to inter-country income comparisons. However, PPP estimates require detailed price data which are not readily...
Type: Staff Working PaperReport#: SWP358Date: September 30, 1979Author:
The issues relating to the industrialization strategy of increasing the degree of local processing of primary commodities currently exported in unprocessed form are surveyed. The current structure of...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CMN14Date: September 30, 1979Author:
Kenji Takeuchi ;
Cheong Chung ;
Chhabra, Jasbir
This paper briefly discusses the inadequate service levels in the telecommunications sector in developing countries and outlined four of the major constraints to more rapid sector development. It suggests...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: PUN48Date: September 30, 1979Author:
Saunders,Robert J.
The author presents describes three salient characteristics of the changes that are taking place in Latin America that have a bearing on rural development. These are: (i) the increasing dependency of Latin...
Type: Working PaperReport#: UNN157Date: September 30, 1979Author:
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