This report, issued in two volumes, represents the first two steps in a three step process as agreed upon within the project staffs of the World Bank. The first step, presented in volume 1, is to develop...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: AGP63Date: December 1, 1980Author:
Howe, Charles W.
A dual labor market, in which the wage rate in one sector of the economy exceeds the marginal productivity of labor in another, has been a prominent feature in many models of economic development. Two...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP219Date: November 30, 1980Author:
Agricultural credit is an important element in development efforts in most low income countries. Evaluation of credit projects entails measurement of disbursement of funds and recovery rates on loans...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP182Date: November 30, 1980Author:
Pischke, J. ;
Adams, D.
The First Lusaka Upgrading and Sites and Services Project is evaluated. The project represented a striking departure from the traditional Zambian housing policies and one of the World Bank's first efforts...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: URR8013Date: November 30, 1980Author:
Sanyal, B. ;
Valverde, N. ;
Bamberger, M.
This note reviews some of the key sociological factors which could be expected to influence the design of forestry projects being financed by the Bank. Its conclusions are particularly relevant to reforestation...
Type: Working PaperReport#: UNN122Date: November 30, 1980Author:
Government intervention in such forms as fixed prices, subsidies, and taxes and physical quotas has had a considerable impact on agricultural prices in Tunisia. This annex concentrates on the cereals,...
Type: Working PaperReport#: UNN146Date: November 30, 1980
This paper discusses mainly the practical implementation of applying tariff principles in the telecommunications sector and examines the implications and limitations of marginal opportunity cost pricing...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: TWT2Date: November 30, 1980Author:
Vasudevan,C. P.
This press release announces the International Development Association (IDA), a World Bank affiliate for concessionary lending, announced the approval of a credit of thirty-five million US dollars to help...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 153946Date: November 20, 1980
Examines, in the light of recent economic developments in Madagascar and of the government's objectives, the feasibility and appropriateness of the planning strategy underlying the 1978-80 Plan and those...
Type: PublicationReport#: PUB2357Date: November 1, 1980
This paper studies the sources of growth from the supply side in Turkish manufacturing over the period 1963-1976. Primary factors and intermediate inputs are explicitly included in both the theoretical...
Type: Staff Working PaperReport#: SWP422Date: October 31, 1980Author:
This study examines the experience of a sample of 22 LDCs relating to exchange rate changes under generalized currency floating with a view to drawing some implications for LDC policymaking. Section II...
Type: Staff Working PaperReport#: SWP436Date: October 31, 1980Author:
Development strategies increasingly emphasize agricultural development, employment, and equity; it is therefore important to examine the role of education in light of these new emphases. The purpose of...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP166Date: October 31, 1980Author:
Lockheed, M. ;
Jamison, Dean T. ;
Lau, Lawrence J.
This paper contains an evaluation of the data on the distribution of income in El Salvador from a 1976/77 survey of household budgets. The paper then adjusts data from the survey and derives a more representative...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: DWE8007Date: October 31, 1980Author:
A theoretical model of employment location is formulated and applied to the observed patterns of individual firms' location behavior in Bogota, Colombia. The results of the establishment survey were used...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: URR8008Date: October 31, 1980Author:
K. Lee
This report presents tabular data on: estimated unit areas and costs for FY78 and FY 80 projects; summary of unit area and cost estimates for FY78-FY80 projects; regional breakdown of unit area and cost...
Type: Working PaperReport#: UNN278Date: October 31, 1980Author:
The influence of rapid urban growth upon land values in two Colombian cities is examined. Land values have responded to the rapid growth of these cities much as they might be expected to in a market economy....
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: URR8010Date: October 31, 1980Author:
Mohan, R. ;
Villamizar, R.
This press release announces the eighty-one million US dollars venture is being financed by the Sotave group, an important Brazilian fertilizer blender, distributor and superphosphate producer, by Brazilian...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 152350Date: October 9, 1980
Development strategies for agriculture and rural development have no until recently given explicit attention to the implications of rising real costs for crude oil and related forms of energy. The objective...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: AGP37Date: October 1, 1980Author:
Bhatia, Ramesh
Development strategies for agriculture and rural development have no until recently given explicit attention to the implications of rising real costs for crude oil and related forms of energy. The objective...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: AGP37Date: October 1, 1980Author:
Bhatia, Ramesh
The 130 projects reviewed represent all sectors of Bank operations except urban development, with substantial representation of agriculture. The concern with equity and with improving the productivity...
Type: IEG EvaluationReport#: 3117Date: September 30, 1980
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