This press release announces that the Kingdom of Thailand borrowed a total of $325.9 million from the World Bank during fiscal year 1981, according to the Bank's Annual Report released on September 21,...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 149608Date: September 21, 1981
This press release announces that the World Bank and its affiliate, the International Development Association, approved loans and credits of $286.6 million to Egypt during fiscal year 1981, according to...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 149615Date: September 21, 1981
This press release announces that the President of the World Bank, A. W. Clausen, told the San Francisco International Industrial Conference today that no other entity is better equipped than transnational...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 149273Date: September 21, 1981
This press release announces that the World Bank approved four loans to Peru, totaling $148 million, to assist development projects during Fiscal Year 1981. Peru was the fourth largest recipient of Bank...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 149592Date: September 21, 1981
This press release announces that the highest lending commitment figure for one fiscal year was eight loans to Brazil, totaling $844 million, according to the Bank's Annual Report, published on September...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 149585Date: September 21, 1981
This press release announces that during fisca1 year 1981, the World Bank and its affiliate, the International Development Association approved 1oans and credits of $997 million for 31 deve1opment projects...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 149614Date: September 21, 1981
This press release announces that the World Bank approved $104 million in loans for two countries. Indonesia and Senegal will get loans from the World Bank and its affiliate, the International Development...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 149271Date: September 10, 1981
This working paper is intended to stimulate discussions within the regions on the World Bank Group's future operational approach to food grain storage. In brief, it focuses upon the World Bank Group's...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: AGP77Date: September 1, 1981Author:
Southworth,Van Roy
One of the main conclusions of this paper is that trade theories can indeed, to a large extent, explain the patterns of trade in services in spite of varying and often substantial degrees of protectionism....
Type: Staff Working PaperReport#: SWP480Date: August 31, 1981Author:
Sapir, Andre ;
Lutz, Ernst
The main conclusion is that non-fuel trade among developing countries, excluding capital-surplus oil exporters, accounted for a remarkably stable share of their total trade between 1963 and 1977. This...
Type: Staff Working PaperReport#: SWP479Date: August 31, 1981Author:
Havrylyshyn, Oli ;
Wolf, Martin
In mid-July 1979, after nearly three years in the field as Assistant to the Project Coordinator for the first Bank-assisted rural development project in Nepal, David Mitchnik arrived in Washington to brief...
Type: Working PaperReport#: UNN163Date: August 31, 1981Author:
The past decade has been witness to a dramatic, qualitative change in the environment in which international capital movements between the developed and less developed world take place. This paper presents...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: SDF75Date: August 31, 1981Author:
Kharas, H. ;
Development Economics Department (DED)
The period of accelerated growth and modernization in Mexico dates from 1940, following a period of revolutionary activity that produced far-reaching social and institutional changes. An examination of...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: SER70Date: August 31, 1981Author:
Fazzari,Gregory P. ;
An optimum size distribution of firms, which is determined at any point in time by technological factors and by the pattern of demand, exists for each country. Until this optimum size distribution is reached,...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: SER69Date: August 31, 1981Author:
Eight myths surrounding the unregulated development by the informal housing supply market are examined. They are: (i) Unregulated development is out of control. Actually, the District has reduced pockets...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: URR8119Date: August 31, 1981Author:
This paper provides a brief historical background of the evolution of extension services in India. It highlights the need for an effective extension system and provides a short, but comprehensive picture...
Type: Working PaperReport#: UNN88Date: August 31, 1981Author:
This paper comprises the introductory section, apparently in a draft stage, to Domestic Finance Study No. 71 dated October 1981, entitled The Nature of Credit Markets in Less Developed Countries: A Framework...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: SDF72Date: August 31, 1981Author:
Virmani,Arvind ;
Development Economics Department (DED)
The purpose of this handbook is to present factual historical information on the trade of the developing countries and to provide 80 market price quotations for 51 commodities which figure importantly...
Type: Working PaperReport#: 40970Date: August 1, 1981
The author focuses on the four myths of: growing hunger; increasing agricultural scarcity; an ominous turn away from self-sufficiency and toward a reliance on foreign grain; and superiority of socialist...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: UNN104Date: July 31, 1981Author:
Eberstadt, Nick
This paper provides a summary of recent developments in electricity supply reliability, pricing, and system planning with emphasis on the close interrelationships among these aspects. By focusing attention...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP201Date: July 31, 1981Author:
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