This 1983 article, Macroeconomic Adjustment in Thailand: Demand Management and Supply Conditions, was reprinted with permission from the Journal of Policy Modeling. Within the framework of a fix-price,...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP298Date: January 1, 1983Author:
Drud,Arne ;
This report analyzes credit policy in an open economy macro-model incorporating stylized facts about the financial sector of LDC's (absence of security markets, existence of a curbmarket). These facts...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP318Date: January 1, 1983Author:
Van Wijnbergen,Sweder
The concept of intra-industry trade (IIT) is applied to a broad range of countries, including the industrial countries, several advanced developing countries, and a large number of lower income developing...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP306Date: January 1, 1983Author:
Historically, very little attention has been devoted to assessing the costs and benefits of concessional loans vs. grants as the means of transferring resources to developing countries. This paper argues...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP291Date: January 1, 1983Author:
Leipziger,Alexander Lewis
International trade in cereals represents one of the fastest growing segments of agricultural trade. Contrary to general presumptions, the data suggest that declines in domestic production explain only...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: AGP64Date: January 1, 1983Author:
Monke, Eric ;
This report is intended to show the importance of the findings of sociologists or anthropologists to the project as a whole. It discusses the eight key questions that should be answered to ensure that...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: TAG5Date: January 1, 1983Author:
Perret, Heli E. ;
Technical Advisory Group (T
The risk attitudes of samples of small farm owners and sharecroppers in Brazil were investigated. Data were derived by posing two sets of simple, realistic mind experiments involving choice between risky...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: DRD17Date: January 1, 1983Author:
Dillon, J. ;
Scandizzo,Pasquale L.
This report describes a suitable methodology for the investigation in the field of the ventilation performance of ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrines. The methodology is based on monitoring the temperature...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: TAG4Date: January 1, 1983Author:
Ryan, Beverley A. ;
Mara, D. Duncan ;
Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
A.W. Clausen, President of the World Bank Group spoke in his interview by Bahram Nowzad and Shuja Nawaz on following: does the World Bank's current emphasis on the private sector represent a change in...
Type: President's SpeechReport#: 131490Date: January 1, 1983Author:
Clausen,A. W.
This technical note sets out preliminary guidelines for the design and construction of vent pipes for ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrines. These guidelines are based on extensive fieldwork, done in...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: TAG6Date: January 1, 1983Author:
Ryan, Beverley A. ;
Mara, D. Duncan ;
The Lesotho Primary Schools Sanitation Project, undertaken in 1976-79, had limited success. When a follow-up project was proposed, it was decided to hold workshops in two typical districts affected, to...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: TAG7Date: January 1, 1983Author:
Cross, Piers ;
Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
Part I of this report uses cross country data to examine the relationship between income and broad expenditure categories and the implications of this relationship for nutritional status. The focus is...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: AGP70Date: January 1, 1983Author:
Chaudhri, R. ;
Timmer,C. Peter
This article, Total Factor Productivity Growth, Technological Progress, and Technical Efficiency Change: Dimensions of Productivity Change in Yugoslavia, 1965-78, was reprinted with permission from the...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP245Date: December 31, 1982Author:
Nishimizu, Mieko ;
Page, John
This article reviews the economic performance of Latin American and Caribbean nations and relates it to underlying policies in order to forecast likely growth rates for the 1980s. The article is intended...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP228Date: December 31, 1982Author:
Pfeffermann,Guy Pierre
This paper describes recent developments in Zimbabwe in the design of ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrines. Two basic designs are presented, one suitable for peri-urban areas and the other for rural...
Type: PublicationReport#: WTP3Date: December 31, 1982Author:
Morgan, Peter R. ;
Mara, D. Duncan
This review covers 108 operations, representing all the major sectors of Bank operations except urban development. Four population projects come in for special comparative analysis and comment, as do the...
Type: IEG EvaluationReport#: PUB4101Date: December 31, 1982Author:
This paper presents an overview of issues arising in the development of housing finance institutions in developing countries. The housing problem is defined as the necessity to reconcile the three partially...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: UDD19Date: December 31, 1982Author:
Renaud,Bertrand M.
This report consists of a collection of appendices related to the experiment to establish correlation and standard calibration methods for road roughness measurements. Appendix A describes the various...
Type: Working PaperReport#: UNN221Date: December 31, 1982Author:
Sayers, M. ;
Gillespie, T. ;
Queiroz, C.
This paper, entitled Here, There, Where - a strategy for evaluating industrial relocation policies in Korea, presents a conceptual framework for analyzing the effects of government policies intended to...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: UDD6Date: December 31, 1982Author:
Murray. M. ;
This press release announces the International Development Association (IDA), concessionary lending affiliate of the World Bank, has approved a credit of ten million forty thousand US dollars toward strengthening...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 156374Date: December 9, 1982
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