Cities in the developing countries are increasingly faced with the pressure of improving existing urban service delivery performance but with inadequate resources to provide and sustain the necessary assets....
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: UDD48Date: March 31, 1984Author:
Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority ;
Third Urban Project World Bank Mission
This paper surveys the literature on multiperiod models of foreign borrowing to shed light on the issues of how much a country should borrow and under what circumstances there is a role for public intervention....
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8405Date: March 31, 1984Author:
Kharas, H. ;
Glick, R.
This paper examines the policies and practice of developing countries with respect to user charges for social sector finance. Cost recovery, fee structure, the potential for increased cost recovery, and...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8406Date: March 31, 1984Author:
Indian fertility has declined by at least 25 percent in the last 20 years. India's current fertility level is lower than that in any other country at the same or lower level of socio-economic development....
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: RES11Date: March 31, 1984Author:
Zacharaiah, K.C. ;
This paper attempts to delineate the factors responsible for the growing current account deficit of the 1970s, and provides a framework for analyzing the effects of alternative policy measures designed...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8418Date: March 31, 1984Author:
Ahamed,Liaquat A.
This press release announces the Bank has approved a Two Hundred Twenty Million Dollar Loan to China on March 29, 1984. The loan will be used to support the development of China’s regional railway network.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 158160Date: March 29, 1984
This press release announces the International Finance Corporation (IFC), an affiliate of the World Bank, and Argentine investors are joining to establish the country's first polypropylene resin plant...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 153137Date: March 26, 1984
This press release announces the Bank has approved a loan of Two Hundred Thirty Million Dollars to Korea on March 22, 1984. The loan will be used to help support Korea’s highway development program.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 157993Date: March 22, 1984
This press release announces the Bank is granting a Two Hundred Fifty Million Dollar loan to India. The loan will be used to help finance the Seven Hundred Twenty-Two Million Dollar project.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 157753Date: March 15, 1984
This press release announces the Bank has approved a loan of Sixteen Million Dollars to Jamaica on March 15, 1984. The loan will be used to help develop an adequate and efficient transport system in the...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 157981Date: March 15, 1984
This press release, dated March 12, 1984, announces the visit of Mr. A. W. Clausen, the President of the World Bank, to the Sudan, Madagascar, and Mauritius on March 16 to 26. The visit provided an opportunity...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 151507Date: March 12, 1984
With the increased use of irrigation in many regions of the world, water resource endowments are reaching their natural limits and losing their productivity, necessitating greater efficient utilization...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: AGP89Date: March 1, 1984Author:
O'Mara,Gerald T.
The study reviews the experience of the Bank in the design and implementation of fertilizer distribution activities in Bank-supported projects approved between FY74 to FY83, and the little that is known...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: AGP87Date: March 1, 1984Author:
Mekonnen, H.
This Banks world newsletter includes some of the following issue: senior staff changes announced, by A.W. Clausen; mountaineer maintains life-long passion: on the top of the world, by Mary Lou Ingram;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 59347Date: March 1, 1984Author:
Alexander, Lynn ;
Bell,Carl T. ;
Clausen,A. W. ;
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Ingram,Mary Lou ;
Kavalsky,Basil G. ;
Qureshi,Moeen A.
Rates of returns to schooling are usually estimated from cross-section national sample of census data on income and schooling. Reported estimates of rates of return average over 20 percent for primary...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP316Date: February 29, 1984Author:
Birdsall, N. ;
Behrman, J. ;
Growth of the Belizean economy, which had been expanding steadily, slowed sharply during 1978-82 largely due to international recession and diseases affecting sugarcane. The weakened economy has resulted...
Type: PublicationReport#: PUB4446Date: February 29, 1984
Whereas models have generally been developed for perfectly competitive and monopolistic markets, this paper presents a spatial equilibrium model based on assumed oligoplistic market behaviour, characterized...
Type: Commodity Working PaperReport#: DWC8402Date: February 29, 1984Author:
This paper reports on research conducted to increase understanding of developing country markets, particularly housing demand behaviour. The objectives of the paper are: (i) to review previous evidence...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: UDD41Date: February 29, 1984Author:
Malpezzi, Stephen ;
Mayo, Stephen K. ;
Gross, David
This paper attempts to project the growth of urbanization in India and to assess the economic implications of this growth. The relatively smooth and steady growth of urbanization in India since the turn...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: UDD61Date: February 29, 1984Author:
Manem,Mohan R.
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