A considerable body of empirical evidence has accumulated about the process of economic liberalization in less developed countries. This paper summarizes the conclusions that have emerged from these studies...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8435Date: June 30, 1984Author:
Tower, E.
This news release announces the World Bank is loaning Mexico Seventy-Six Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. The money will be used on an industrial port project.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 164067Date: June 25, 1984
This news release announces the World Bank has granted a loan of Two Hundred Sixty-Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars to Brazil. Brazil will use the loan to fund health and highway projects.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 164065Date: June 25, 1984
This news release announces the World Bank is granting Peru a loan of Eighty-Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars on June 25, 1984. The loan will be used to fund a project to improve municipal agencies.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 164068Date: June 25, 1984
This speech by A. W. Clausen, President of the World Bank Group and International Finance Corporation, was given at the Commencement Exercises of the School of Dentistry, University of the Pacific in San...
Type: President's SpeechReport#: 131522Date: June 17, 1984Author:
Clausen,A. W.
This news release announces the World Bank has granted a loan of One Hundred Eighty-Six Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollar loan to Turkey on June 11, 1984. The loan will be used to fund a program designed...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 163405Date: June 11, 1984
This news release announces the World Bank has granted a loan of Forty Million Dollars to the Philippines on June 7, 1984. The loan will be used to launch the first phase of a new program to develop its...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 163367Date: June 7, 1984
This news release announces the World Bank has granted a loan of Eleven Million Dollars to Barbados on June 4, 1984. The loan will be used on a road improvement and maintenance project.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 163318Date: June 4, 1984
This news release announces the World Bank has granted a loan of Eleven Million Dollars to Barbados on June 4, 1984. The loan will be used on a road improvement and maintenance project.
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 166318Date: June 4, 1984
Most studies of commodity price stabilization assume that all agents behave competitively. However, many commodities suitable for stockpiling are produced by countries with a significant share of the world...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP319Date: May 31, 1984Author:
Newbery, D. ;
This paper is concerned primarily with reassessing the risks associated with developing country reliance on international trade as part of a food security strategy. The paper also discusses food supply...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP304Date: May 31, 1984Author:
The rationalizing and restructuring of industries is an increasingly important phenomenon in all countries of the OECD and in many developing countries as well. This paper examines that phenomenon from...
Type: PublicationReport#: WTP21Date: May 31, 1984Author:
Roe,Alan R.
This report applies the economic and social methodology for project analysis developed by Lyn Squire and Herman Van der Tak to the evaluation of low cost housing options in El Salvador. Data was collected...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: UDD55Date: May 31, 1984Author:
Fernandez-Palacios, M. ;
Bamberger, M. ;
This paper is concerned with the appropriate time path of commercial policy, assuming a more liberal trade policy is favored. It considers the minimization of adjustment costs incurred in moving resources...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8415Date: May 31, 1984Author:
Mussa,Richard Mahomed
As a companion piece to an earlier paper, Planning and Urban Housing Survey: Key Issues for Researchers and Program Managers, which discussed general goals of housing market analysis and suggested questions...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: UDD52Date: May 31, 1984Author:
Malpezzi,Stephen J.
It has generally been considered that the opening of the economy to the rest of the world is an integral part of any economic reform aiming at increasing the role of markets in LDCs. Until recently, however,...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8411Date: May 31, 1984Author:
This report describes the characteristics of the interhousehold networks and the ways in which these networks are used for the transfer of resources between households. An important objective is to examine...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: UDD50Date: May 31, 1984Author:
Bamberger, Michael ;
Parris, Scott
This news release announces the World Bank has granted a loan of Thirty-Three Million Dollars to Tunisia on May 31, 1984. The loan will be used to make major improvements in the transport services in two...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 163295Date: May 31, 1984
The principal purpose of this paper is to empirically implement a model, first developed in Quizon and Binswanger which attempts to determine the impact of technical change and exogenous shifts in output...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: ARU9Date: May 31, 1984Author:
Quizon, J. ;
Binswanger, H. ;
This checklist is designed to assist Bank staff to comply with the requirements of paragraph 2.44 of the "Guidelines on the use of consultants" - namely, "that the Bank will review and comment on the contract...
Type: Working PaperReport#: 8679Date: May 31, 1984
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