Owing to the windfall gains realized by producer governments in petroleum exporting countries, there has arisen the need for prudent fiscal policy in determining the use of resources from favorable but...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: DRD94Date: August 1, 1984Author:
Gelb,Alan Harold
This article discusses questions of appropriate technology in a particular case. The case study shows that ill-advised government price policies can lead to inappropriate choices that have a substantial...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP330Date: July 31, 1984Author:
Westphal,Larry E. ;
Rhee, Yung W.
Sulphur is an important raw material for the chemical and fertilizer industries and this report examines the world sulphur industry and forecasts the supply, demand and balances for sulphur through 1992....
Type: PublicationReport#: WTP24Date: July 31, 1984Author:
Sheldrick,William F.
What should developing country governments do to cope with the present "crisis" in financing health services? This paper reviews the principal policy options available to them and examines a few selected...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: GEN25Date: July 31, 1984Author:
De Ferranti,David
As a result of the concentration of most agriculturally productive, industrial, and commercial activities in the Center and Southwest of Kenya, the transport system is characterized by numerous radial...
Type: Pre-2003 Economic or Sector ReportReport#: 4610Date: July 31, 1984
This paper provides an introductory overview of issues and investment priorities in the population, health and nutrition sectors. It was prepared as a background paper for a forthcoming study reviewing...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: GEN26Date: July 31, 1984Author:
Chester, Lauren A. ;
de Ferranti, David
This paper investigates the impact of increases in personal income, corporate income and sales tax rates on government revenue, urbanization and income distribution within the framework of a CGE simulation...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: UDD62Date: July 31, 1984Author:
Becker, C. ;
Mills, E. ;
Williamson, J.
This news release announces Jordan is being granted a loan of Thirty Million Dollars from the World Bank on July 12, 1984. The loan will be used on a project designed to boost transport capacity on its...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 164477Date: July 12, 1984
This news release announces Peru is being granted a loan of Twenty-Seven Million Dollars from the World Bank on July 12, 1984. The loan will be used on a project to improve the quality and management of...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 164479Date: July 12, 1984
This news release announces Peru is being granted a loan of Twenty-Seven Million Dollars from the World Bank on July 12, 1984. The loan will be used on a project to improve the quality and management of...
Type: AnnouncementReport#: 164479Date: July 12, 1984
This paper is intended as a guide to sea port planners in the preliminary assessment of projects involving bulk terminals. An overview of the Bulk trades and bulk shipping provides the framework for assessing...
Type: Working PaperReport#: 5204Date: July 1, 1984Author:
Frankel,Ernst Gabriel ;
Cooper, John ;
Chang,Yoo Whan ;
Tharakan,G. George
This paper reports the results of an evaluation of the effects on employment of a new type of secondary schools (INEM) in Colombia, which offer prevocational subjects alongside the traditional academic...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP344Date: June 30, 1984
The Ivory Coast experienced a series of external shocks in the last seven years which led to a severe deterioration of its financial position and to negative growth since 1981. This occurred at a time...
Type: Staff Working PaperReport#: SWP647Date: June 30, 1984Author:
Michel,Gilles ;
Noel, Michel
This paper describes the defects in transport planning and the various approaches that have been adopted in order to find solutions, but which have been of limited success. It includes a discussion on...
Type: Staff Working PaperReport#: SWP600Date: June 30, 1984Author:
Thomson, John Michael
This paper examines a problem, suggested by the Senegalese experience but common to many countries, of joint production of a subsistence crop, millet, which is subject to stringent marketing constraints...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8419Date: June 30, 1984Author:
Hammer, J.
Both population growth and savings have traditionally taken a certain place of pride among models of growth and development. The purpose of this paper is to examine the literature concerning the hypothesis...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8420Date: June 30, 1984Author:
Hammer, J.
This paper is one of a series of working papers which report the principal findings of the study "Income Formation and Expenditure Patterns Among Poor Urban Households in Cartagena, Colombia," (RPO672-57)....
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: UDD57Date: June 30, 1984Author:
Bamberger, M. ;
Kaufmann, D. ;
Velez, E.
The study analyzes the major policy issues which oil exporting capital importers have had to face since the 1970s. These economies experience decline in the share of tradables production in GDP, and,...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8416Date: June 30, 1984Author:
This paper attempts to explain the determinants of intra-industry specialization in the United States by reference to industry as well as country characteristics. It is shown that the extent of intra-industry...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: DRD86Date: June 30, 1984Author:
Balassa, Bela
This paper explores the relationship between industrial organization and international trade and the several novel features of analysis which the combination of these two fields produces. From the viewpoint...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8432Date: June 30, 1984Author:
Kessides,Ioannis N.
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