This Tanzania Transport Sector Memorandum discusses the background of Tanzanias transportation sector, as well as issues that hamper its efficient functioning. The combination of a large territory and...
Type: Pre-2003 Economic or Sector ReportReport#: 4042Date: January 4, 1985
Household data from a one percent sample of the 1970 Brazilian census are used to analyze the effect of public inputs, i.e. the supply of schooling, on children's school attainment in Brazil. The household...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP368Date: January 1, 1985Author:
Birdsall,Nancy M.
This paper develops and employs an estimating procedure to measure the net effect of economic policies in providing incentives for domestic market production and sales, as reflected through observed price...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP369Date: January 1, 1985Author:
Tyler,William G.
This paper describes and illustrates the use of an algorithm that computes optimal taxes and public production in an economy where the government's tax powers are restricted. The special features of the...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP382Date: January 1, 1985Author:
Heady, Christopher J. ;
Mitra,Pradeep K.
This report is based on the work of an economic mission to Grenada during January 1985. The main issues identified in the report include the need for: (i) a comprehensive fiscal reform to improve incentives...
Type: PublicationReport#: 75938Date: January 1, 1985
In a study of 43 developing countries in the 1973-78 period of external shocks, the author has shown that intercountry differences in the rate of economic growth are affected by differences in investment...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP372Date: January 1, 1985Author:
This paper considers three benefit measures of a large transportation improvement in a general equilibrium framework, i.e. the Marshall-Dupuit consumer's surplus, the compensating variation, and the compensating...
The primary purpose of this paper is to suggest directions and emphases for future actions by the Bank to promote the development of the domestic construction industry in developing countries. The report...
Type: PublicationReport#: 13531Date: January 1, 1985
This paper reports some orders of magnitude of the employment and income gains from resource reallocation that could be expected from removal of policy-induced distortions in the Argentina manufacturing...
Type: PublicationReport#: REP384Date: January 1, 1985
This paper first updates to 1980 the estimates of the Harberger inflation model for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Uruguay and shows that all the hypotheses of this model hold and the reaction...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP366Date: January 1, 1985Author:
Hanson,James A.
Using cross-section data, this paper provides a statistical assessment of the extent to which health resources are evenly distributed in China, and the degree to which improvements in health resource availability...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP397Date: January 1, 1985Author:
Prescott,Nicholas M. ;
Jamison,Dean T.
This report focuses on the nature of the trade policies of both industrial and developing countries that are most conducive to the latter's future economic growth. It also considers approaches to strengthening...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP373Date: January 1, 1985Author:
Kreuger, Anne O. ;
This paper traces the perceptions of the agricultural sector held by economists over the last three centuries, with particular emphasis on how the evolution of these ideas has influenced the state of thinking...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: AGP78Date: January 1, 1985Author:
Throsby, C. D.
The purpose of this report is to examine the strategies, procedures, objectives and data used by port managers when designing or revising their port tariffs. This report was written to complement earlier...
Type: Working PaperReport#: 13998Date: January 1, 1985Author:
Arnold,John H.
This paper describes the most recent developments in the design of ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrines in Zimbabwe. A VIP latrine was developed in Zimbabwe in the 1970s as an odorless, fly-free toilet...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: 11434Date: January 1, 1985Author:
Morgan, Peter R. ;
Mara, D. Duncan ;
Blair Research
This paper discusses what is involved in improving urban management in cities of the developing world. Part one, which makes up the main part of the paper, presents an overview of the principal issues...
Type: Working PaperReport#: 109679Date: January 1, 1985Author:
Grossman,David A.
The UNDP/World Bank Project for the Testing and Technological Development of Handpumps for Rural Water Supply is field testing a total of 2860 pumps of 76 pump types in 17 countries. The project has also...
Type: PublicationReport#: WTP29Date: December 31, 1984Author:
Arlosoroff, Saul ;
Grey, David ;
Journey, William ;
This report is in two parts: a concise state-of-the-art overview of recycling from municipal refuse, focusing on techniques and conditions germane to developing countries; and an annotated bibliography...
Type: PublicationReport#: WTP30Date: December 31, 1984Author:
Cointreau, Sandra Johnson ;
Gunnerson, Charles G.
These guidelines, prepared for Bank-assisted Development Finance Companies, explain how to calculate financial and economic rates of return. The approach concentrates on capital productivity and efficiency,...
Type: PublicationReport#: WTP33Date: December 31, 1984Author:
Duvigneau,J. Christian ;
Prasad,Ranga Nuthakki
The application of shared control in education administration is described. Shared control is a synthetic approach combining centralized and decentralized control, the major forms of education administration...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP329Date: December 31, 1984Author:
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