This paper assesses alternative foreign borrowing strategies for Thailand using a medium-term dynamic optimization model. The model has five sectors: rubber, other agriculture, manufacturing, services,...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8529Date: May 31, 1985Author:
Kharas, Homi ;
Hisanobu Shishido
This is the second in a series of papers describing analytical tools for examining agricultural pricing in East Africa. It documents a multi-market model for the analysis of agricultural pricing and marketing...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8517Date: May 31, 1985Author:
Kirchner, J. ;
Singh, I. ;
Squire, Lyn
This report looks at some key issues for China over the next 20 years, and some options for addressing them to achieve China's ultimate economic objective of catching up with developed countries while...
Type: Pre-2003 Economic or Sector ReportReport#: 5206Date: May 31, 1985
This paper presents a standard model for quantitative appraisal of housing financial intermediaries (HFI's) encountered in World Bank work. The model is applicable to the internal analysis of a particular...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: UDD76Date: May 31, 1985Author:
Paine,Joseph Hamilton Thompson
This paper investigates the motive for choosing capital controls and special exchange rates, the principal forms and some of the experience. We look in particular at three institutional arrangements:...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8525Date: May 31, 1985Author:
While the slow progress of both animal traction and motorization in sub - Saharan Africa is fairly well documented, this study was motivated by several unanswered questions that continue to persist in...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: ARU40Date: May 31, 1985Author:
Pingali, Prabhu ;
Bigot, Yves ;
Binswanger, Hans
The National Social Forestry Project for India will provide continuing assistance initiated under earlier credits to two states (Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat) to expand and improve their social forestry activities,...
Type: Working PaperReport#: 47935Date: May 30, 1985
In this issue : finding solutions to a wide range of problems : bus systems key to urban transport; jamaica's private bus system; urban paratranslt systems; high capacity bus lanes;projects, resources,...
This study focuses on the pricing policy of Thailand broadly conceived. It shows that this policy has been important to the success of Thailand's development policy of the past 30 years, but that changed...
Type: PublicationReport#: PUB4963Date: April 30, 1985
Rapid urbanization in developing countries has produced a heavy concentration of population and economic activity in a very few large urban centers. This pattern of urban concentration has generated two...
Type: Journal ArticleReport#: REP364Date: April 30, 1985Author:
Lee,Doyoung K. ;
This paper analyzes the two issues of quadrilateral compact and policy-based lending within the framework developed in two CPD working papers. Its primary purpose is to explore what the role of the Bank...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8540Date: April 30, 1985Author:
How do Indian villagers manage common property resources, such as canal irrigation water and grazing? The paper deals with the remarkable variation found between villages in one small area of South India....
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: ARU36Date: April 30, 1985Author:
The second phase of the Industrial Location Policies Research Project (RPO 672-91) has generated a series of UDD Discussion Papers in the following three categories: (1) Descriptive studies on observed...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: UDD65Date: April 30, 1985Author:
Dong Hoon Chun ;
Lee,Kyu Sik
In the summer of 1984 a LOTUS model was developed to aid the on-site evaluation of a housing finance intermediary (HFI). This manual guides the user through the revised version of this model. It is hoped...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: UDD77Date: April 30, 1985Author:
Kane, R.
This report reviews growth and structural change in India during the period 1973-1983, and then considers the implications of a 5 percent growth rate for the future. It discusses the current economic situation,...
Type: Pre-2003 Economic or Sector ReportReport#: 5593Date: April 30, 1985
Reschedulings are a device that creditors can use to structure the incentives faced by borrowers such that repudiation is never a rational option. This paper develops a numerical method for valueing the...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8559Date: April 30, 1985Author:
Gennotte, Gerard ;
Sadeq, Sayeed ;
Kharas, Homi J.
This paper analyzes several aspects of real exchange rate behavior in developing countries. First, it provides a clarifying and comprehensive review of the different definitions of "the" real exchange...
Type: Departmental Working PaperReport#: CPD8516Date: April 30, 1985Author:
Edwards, Sebastian ;
Ng, Francis
The main objective of this outline is to provide analysts with a check list of relevant topics in forestry development. This list is not intended to be comprehensive or to give any indication about which...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: AGP99Date: April 1, 1985Author:
Since natural resources often transcend individual farmers' boundaries and political boundaries, externalities, due to this interdependence in use, often occur. Furthermore, since these externalities are...
Type: Working Paper (Numbered Series)Report#: AGP97Date: April 1, 1985Author:
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