Group-based lending programs for the
poor have become a focus of attention in the development
community over the last several years. This paper treats the
choice of...
Type: PublicationReport#: WDP320Date: May 31, 1996Author:
Pitt, Mark M. ;
Khandker, Shahidur R.
As part of the World Bank's efforts
to enhance women's participation in economic
development, the Economic Development Institute (EDI) is
working to demonstrate to policymakers...
This booklet outlines the ways in which
the World Bank and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can
work together in a partnership. It is meant to be a resource
This report is the result of a
collaborative effort between the government of Colombia and
the World Bank. Its purpose is to make recommendations to
the new administration...
Stock markets, corporate finance, and
economic growth: an overview. Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ross
Levine Equity markets, transactions costs, and capital
Type: PublicationReport#: 15974Date: May 31, 1996Author:
Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ;
Levine, Ross ;
Bencivenga, Valerie R. ;
Smith, Bruce D. ;
Starr, Ross M. ;
Korajczyk, Robert A. ;
Zervos, Sara ;
Maksimovic, Vojislav ;
Boyd, John
Much work has been devoted to deriving
and extending decomposable inequality and poverty measures.
For example, the use of decomposition techniques to
partition inequality...
Type: PublicationReport#: LSM125Date: May 31, 1996Author:
Leibbrandt, Murray V. ;
Woolard, Christopher D. ;
This study investigates why Sub-Saharan
Africa (SSA) continues to pose a special challenge to the
World Bank in its lending for power sector development.
Based on analysis...
The need to address issues of coastal
destruction and resource overuse, better methods for
environmental, and natural resources management, generally
referred to as...
Type: PublicationReport#: 27579Date: May 10, 1996Author:
C.G. Lundin [editor] ;
Alves Da Fonseca,Rui Jorge ;
Gove, Domingos Z. ;
Gove, Domingos Z.; Magane, Samiro; Voabil, Custo ;
Hassan ;
Hatton,Robert John ;
Magane, Samiro ;
Manjate,Valter Arlindo ;
Massinga, Alfredo ;
Massinga, Alfredo; Gove, Domingos Z.;
Magane, Sa ;
O. Linden [editor] ;
Voabil, Custodio
How do poor households respond when
incomes decline, jobs are increasingly scarce, and spending
on food and services increases? Some households are more
vulnerable than...
Type: PublicationReport#: 189360Date: May 1, 1996Author:
Moser, Caroline O. N.
Capital markets play an increasingly
important role in many emerging markets in raising the
scarce capital necessary for economic development and
growth. In addition,...
Type: PublicationReport#: WDP321Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Stehm, Jeff
This Standard Bid Evaluation Form for
the Procurement of Goods or Works has been prepared by the
World Bank for use by the Borrower and their implementing
agencies in...
Type: PublicationReport#: 15618Date: April 30, 1996
This paper started as one of a series of
overview articles initiated by the Transition Economics
Division of the World Bank's Policy Research Department
to review and...
Type: PublicationReport#: 15604Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Kaminski, Bartlomiej ;
Zhen Kun Wang ;
Winters, Alan
With so many of East Asia's
economies now poised to leap onto the economic center stage
and become full-fledged competitors in the world market the
next century has...
Type: PublicationReport#: 15613Date: April 30, 1996
The task of monitoring Africa's
development progress and aid flows requires basic empirical
data that can be readily used by analysts. This publication,
which is the...
Type: PublicationReport#: 15597Date: April 30, 1996
One of the primary goals of the
Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency of
the World Bank is to enable people, in partnership with
their governments...
Type: PublicationReport#: 15539Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Serageldin, Ismail ;
Martin-Brown, Joan [editors]
The realization of the agricultural
potential of the Humid and Sub-humid Zones of West and
Central Africa, in addition to appropriate economic policies
and infrastructure,...
This year's study focuses on the
effects of globalization on developing countries and the
growing divide between fast and slow-integrating economies.
The pace of global...
Type: PublicationReport#: 15603Date: April 30, 1996
This book examines experience with the
implementation of the sixty-seven projects in the portfolio
of the International Development Association (IDA) during
fiscal 1988-90,...
Type: PublicationReport#: 15655Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Carvalho, Soniya ;
White, Howard
Russia's program of economic reform
has achieved significant success: price controls have been
broadly removed, privatization has shifted two-thirds of
enterprises to...
Type: PublicationReport#: 15559Date: April 30, 1996
This comprehensive study by the
Bank's independent Operations Evaluation Department
looks at all the evaluated adjustment operations supported
by the Bank in 1980-93...
Type: PublicationReport#: 15551Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Jayarajah, Carl ;
Branson, William ;
Sen, Binayak
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