This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: South Africans Dance for the Bank Mission; Mr. Garner speaking to a group of journalists from Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63471Date: June 1, 1950Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: engineer's drawing of el Salvador's Lempa River Project toward which the Bank has made a loan of $12,545,000.00; signing...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63470Date: May 15, 1950Author:
Carbo, Esteban F. ;
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: floating power plant is purchased with Bank loan to Brazil; personals; who's who in the Bank; bowling news; international...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63469Date: May 1, 1950Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: a visit to the Taj Mahal and the Kans Lands of Bhopal; personals; who's who in the Bank; bowling news; the Bank exchange;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63468Date: April 15, 1950Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: the Bank's money at work in Brazil; personals; an observation of Europe's increased production; Bank/fund tournament; special...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63467Date: April 1, 1950Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Rome and the holy year, by F.A. Consolo; the speakeasy club meets for dinner; personals; who's who in the bank; concert...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63466Date: March 15, 1950Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: personals; who's who in the bank; U.S. savings bonds; international cooking corner; Russian classes; no need for dull moments;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63465Date: March 1, 1950Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: personals, welcome to new members of the staff; loan department; bridge and canasta party; 1950 red cross campaign in the...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63464Date: February 15, 1950Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: the bank's trainee; personals; Colombian blueprint, by Dr. Lauchlin Currie; welcome to new members of the staff; a bouquet...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63463Date: February 1, 1950Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Ramadan: the Moslem month of fasting, by Cornelius V. H. Engert; personals; welcome to new members of the staff; information...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63462Date: January 15, 1950Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: weekend in Goyaz, by Sidney Wheelock; who's who in the Bank, by William F. Howell; birth announced; the Bank exchange;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63461Date: January 1, 1950Author:
Wheelock, Sidney
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: the trainees visiting the chase national bank of New York; personals; who's who in the bank; community chest; Christmas...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63455Date: December 15, 1949Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: neither here nor there, by J.W.Beyen; personals; who's who in the bank; community chest; and bowling news, by Alley Cat.
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63454Date: December 1, 1949Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: thanksgiving; personals; who's who in the bank; between the book ends; and bowlings news, by Alley Cat.
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63453Date: November 15, 1949Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Bank grants loan to Finland and Yugoslavia; Bank loans made to aid timber trade; personals; speeding up the loans; bowling...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63452Date: November 1, 1949Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: personals; between the book ends; community chest; bowling news; international cooking corner; dancing lessons; swimming...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63451Date: October 15, 1949Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: fourth annual meeting of the Boards of Governors of the Bank; personals; who's who in the Bank; music; the bank exchange;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63450Date: October 1, 1949Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: fourth annual meeting of the board of governors; personal; welcome to new members of the staff; party at Indian embassy;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63448Date: September 1, 1949Author:
French, Harriet
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: impression of a visit to Egypt, Iraq and Iran; by Dr. William G. Welk; birth announcement; personals; welcome to new members...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63447Date: August 15, 1949Author:
Spiro,Benjamin P. ;
Welk,William G.
This International Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: the bank's advisory council; international cooking corner; bank written up in Baghdad; group health association increases...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 63446Date: August 1, 1949Author:
French, Harriet
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