This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Dacca mission seeks increased role; changes urged in secretarial, clerical career development; the resident Mission in Bangladesh; international...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64215Date: June 1, 1975Author:
Aziz, Sam ;
Simmons, John
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: experiment with annual review system, by John Simmons and Charles Chih; round-the-world trip reveals follies, grandeur of the past, by...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64213Date: May 1, 1975Author:
Chih,Charles C. K. ;
Dore, Ronald ;
Durrani, A. M. ;
Simmons, John
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: listening held key to communication; travel with desert's ~^!!^blue man~^!!^ offers glimpse of another world, by Carole E. Devillers;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64212Date: April 1, 1975Author:
Chemock, Joan ;
Devillers,Carole E. ;
Hoisen, John A. ;
Woo,Shing-Fan Josephine
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: food service comments result in both changes and suggestions, by Hugh Dowsett; warring with computers in a lost cause; Bank calendar;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64211Date: March 1, 1975Author:
Dowsett,Hugh ;
Yucel, Nan C.
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: report on staff development unveiled, recommendations said to effect 1200 in Bank; children's party; Bank calendar; potpourri: people...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64210Date: January 1, 1975Author:
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Large, heavy, and completely abstract, E building mural reflects its setting; letters to editor; Women run off with major Bank championships...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64209Date: December 1, 1974Author:
Luhman,Gary G. ;
McMillan,Eric Norman ;
Du Mee,P. Roger ;
Muddiman,Phyllis A. ;
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: DRC book wins award; though gloomy, meeting were not without ray of hope; new book policy begun; working group calls for added personal...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64208Date: November 1, 1974Author:
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: joint computer center opens; computing power is quadrupled, by Robert Tucker; Bank security chief warns against thefts; staff asked to...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64207Date: October 1, 1974Author:
Browne,Sylvia R. ;
Merriam,John E. ;
Tucker, Robert
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: construction work almost over; 3,300 people moved during year; new 'allowance' policy sought; Bank calendar; and letters to editor.
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64206Date: September 1, 1974Author:
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Colonists find a new life in the Colombian jungle, by Jaime Martin; don't look now, but it's annual performance review time; Bank calendar;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64205Date: July 1, 1974Author:
Martin,Jaime ;
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Bank-Fund chorus history one of growth since Christmas of '57; thermostats to be set at 75° in summer; short orders, expanded menu planned...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64203Date: June 1, 1974Author:
Anderson, Rachael ;
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: day care poll attracts few "yea" votes; feminist library opens doors; feminine "ms" teries bared; S.A. chief urges full participation;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64202Date: May 1, 1974Author:
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: reorganization study finds objectives achieved; underground limestone mine is site of Bank's vital records cache, by John Muir; views...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64201Date: April 1, 1974Author:
Muir,John ;
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Bank adopts staggered hours; study on women sees "inequities" in Bank policies; WIVES' seminar hears talks on International Development...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64200Date: March 1, 1974Author:
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: causes of dyslexia, afflicting one-fifth of all children, are still unknown; hopscotching across the desert aided by applying Bank formula;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64199Date: February 1, 1974Author:
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: 1963 Christmas memories vivid; after 45,000 miles by bike, Bank messenger takes' a break; matching skills with opportunities is the...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64198Date: December 1, 1973Author:
Chernock,Joan F. ;
Coombes,Marylyn ;
Saxe,Jo W.
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: on mission with five men, solo woman sees pluses, minuses; Bank calendar; potpourri: people and places; black auditorium opens to outsiders;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64197Date: November 1, 1973
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: problems of rural poverty bank target for FY1974-78; a backward look at the beginning of the young professional program; letter from...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64196Date: October 1, 1973
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: moving time again, fund buildings to be filled by year's end; letter from Paris; bank calendar; potpourri: people and places; the sudamericano...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64195Date: September 1, 1973
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Bank Group loans, investment hit new heights in '73; those home leaves back in Europe: fings shurly ain't wot they uster be; letter from...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64194Date: August 1, 1973Author:
Nwaneri,Vitalis C.
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