This Banks World newsletter includes
some of the following headings: housing Mexico's poor,
by Tova Maria Solo; support staff retreat dissects the
issues, by Alan Drattell;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58710Date: November 1, 1988Author:
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Miller, Gene ;
Rice, Gerry ;
Solo, Tova Maria ;
Vogl,Frank R.
This Bank's world newsletter
includes some of the following issue: an encounter in the
Hague, by Sanja Plavcic; smaller families, greater
opportunities, by Mary Lou...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58709Date: October 1, 1988Author:
Amaudry,Monique A. ;
Carter,Nicholas ;
Churchill,Anthony ;
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Hammond,Ann W. ;
Ingram,Mary Lou ;
May, Don ;
Plavcic, Sanja ;
Vogl,Frank R.
This newsletter includes the following
headings: two approaches to stimulate housing growth; forum;
and projects, resources, training, and conferences.
Type: NewsletterReport#: 110126Date: October 1, 1988
This newsletter includes the following
headings: rent control: four cities experience; mechanisms
for decontrol; and projects, resources, training, and conferences.
Type: NewsletterReport#: 110124Date: September 1, 1988
This Bank's world newsletter
includes some of the following issue: in Indonesia, a time
for women and children, by Leandro Coronel; victor Umbricht:
an international...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58708Date: September 1, 1988Author:
Hammond,Ann W. ;
Hopper,W. David ;
Howlett,Albert D. ;
Lietard,Philippe ;
Ross-Larson,Bruce C. ;
Torma, Tracy ;
Vogl,Frank R.
This Banks World newsletter includes
some of the following headings: the bank's budget;
Ghana and the human face of adjustment, by Gerry Rice;
pictures of the golden...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58707Date: August 1, 1988Author:
Bedoya,Grace ;
Evans, Mary ;
Hammond,Ann W. ;
Ilustre, Jennie L. ;
McNamara, Katie ;
Rice, Gerry ;
This Banks world newsletter includes
some of the following issue: after the fire by Horst Wagner;
resolving your grievance by Vincent J. Riley; Togo: facing
the future...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58706Date: July 1, 1988Author:
Blackman,Hugh R. E. ;
Hammond,Ann W. ;
May, Don ;
Mbi,Emmanuel ;
Murray, David ;
Qureshi,Moeen A. ;
Rice,Gerard T. ;
Riley, Vincent J. ;
Wagner, Horst
This newsletter includes the following
headings: Poland : housing scarcity;Argentina : economic
losses; projects, resources, training, and conferences.
This Banks world newsletter includes
some of the following issue: another "green
revolution?" by John Greenfield; Ken Piddington:
environmentally sound by Alan Drattell;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58705Date: June 1, 1988Author:
Drattell,Alan M. ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Greenfield,John Charles ;
Hammond,Ann W. ;
Patt-Corner, Robert ;
Picciotto,Robert ;
This newsletter includes the following
headings: Ghana, Bolivia launch emergency programs;An inside
view of Bolivia's ESF; projects, resources, training,
and conferences.
Dealing with nutrition during the stress
of adjustment was a significant consideration in the
recently approved agriculture sector loan to Mexico. The
attached excerpted...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 78366Date: May 12, 1988Author:
Berg,Alan D.
This Banks world newsletter includes
some of the following issue: China is changing by Shahid
Javed Burki; are you pestophobic? By Mary Lou Ingram; Eugene
Black at 90...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58666Date: May 1, 1988Author:
Burki,Shahid Javed ;
Drattell,Alan M. ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Gillette,Michael James ;
Hammond,Ann W. ;
Ingram,Mary Lou ;
May, Donald ;
This Banks World newsletter includes
some of the following headings: Donald Roth: return of the
native, by Alan Drattell; the African connection, by Jill
Roessner; the...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58667Date: April 1, 1988Author:
Cullen,Timothy W. B. ;
Drattell,Alan M. ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
May, Donald ;
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