This Banks world newsletter includes
some of the following issue: the ombudsman is a woman by
Fanwar-George, Morallina; from ace repairman to ace builder
by Dichter,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58132Date: October 1, 1991Author:
Dichter, David ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Naim,Moises ;
Ziegler,Charles P.
The contents of this socialist economies
in transition newsletter include: descending the stem of the
j-curve - interviews from Bangkok; opinion polls in Poland:
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53850Date: October 1, 1991Author:
Hirschler, Richard [editor] ;
McIntosh, Mary ;
Bogetic, Zeljko ;
Csikos-Nagy, Bela ;
Kirichenko, Nikita ;
Strizhkova, Lyubou ;
Shirobakoua, Vera
In this issue: letter from the editor;
stemming floods, slides in La Paz, Bolivia Rio: big city,
big mudslides, floodsG; and resources, training, conferences.
Type: NewsletterReport#: 110149Date: October 1, 1991
This Banks world newsletter includes
some of the following issue: Lewis T. Preston is new
President; a women's place is everywhere; can we talk
by Swanson, Eric; the...
The contents of this socialist economies
in transition newsletter include: at the economic crossroad:
will the independent republics join forces? Republics and
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53849Date: September 1, 1991Author:
Grigoriev, Leonid ;
Aslund, Anders ;
Fox, Louise ;
Klaus, Vaclav ;
Oblath, Gabor
This issue is organized as follows:
policy issues with implications for nutrition lending; new
resources for bank nutrition work; operations; nutrition and
Type: NewsletterReport#: 78378Date: August 15, 1991
The contents of this socialist economies
in transition newsletter include: is there schizophrenia
about socialist reform theory? Some thoughts about the
two-track approach....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53845Date: August 1, 1991Author:
Gelb,Alan Harold ;
Hirschler, Richard [editor] ;
Katz,Stanley ;
Kiselyov,Denis ;
Nulty, Timothy Edward ;
Roth,Gabriel J. ;
Singh, lnderjit
Some of the headings included in this
issue of the World Bank bulletins are: The phasing and
politics of Eastern Europe's reform; New Research;
Books; Journal; Discussion,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17803Date: July 31, 1991Author:
Gelb, Alan H. ;
Gray, Cheryl, W.
This Banks World newsletter includes
some of the following headings: a little company with big
ideas, by David Dichter; a modern planning system for Navajo
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58129Date: July 1, 1991Author:
Dichter, David ;
Edison,Betsy Ross ;
Fleming,Clare ;
Leland, Sue ;
Parel,Chris ;
Ross,Gillian Waring
The contents of this socialist economies
in transition newsletter include: Central and Eastern Europe
present challenges for the World Bank - an interview with
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53843Date: June 1, 1991Author:
Lori, Eugenio ;
Pearce, David ;
Vanous, Jan ;
Hinds, Manuel E. ;
Applebaum, Anne
This Banks World newsletter includes
some of the following headings: Poland in transition, by
John Maxwell Hamilton; getting started, by Morallina
Fanwar-George; tracking...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58128Date: June 1, 1991Author:
Davis,Shelton H. ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Fleming,Clare ;
Harrold,Peter C. ;
Hayes,Elizabeth M. ;
Jaycox,Edward V. K. ;
Maxwell Hamilton, John ;
This issue is organized as follows: a
stronger case for investing in nutrition; nutrition and
adjustment operations; new approaches; micronutrients;
research relevant...
This Banks World newsletter includes
some of the following headings: finite resources, by Richard
Lynn; Elizabeth's new home, by Jill Roessner; the
'mommy track' to...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58127Date: May 1, 1991Author:
Caminis,Asimina ;
Cotlable, Barber ;
Dichter, David ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Fleming,Clare ;
Jackson,Jeffrey M. ;
Lynn,Richard B. ;
Marshall,Katherine ;
Parel,Chris ;
The contents of this socialist economies
in transition newsletter include: Angola: the economic
challenge of peace; Treuhand in action: the privatization of
East Germany;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53842Date: May 1, 1991Author:
Elbirt, Carlos ;
Pohl, Gerhard ;
Gray, Cheryl ;
Inotai, Andras
Poverty and adjustment in the 1980s. New
research. Books. Journals. Policy and research series.
Discussion, technical, and related papers. Working papers. Calendar.
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17802Date: April 30, 1991Author:
Squire, Lyn
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