In the past quarter the Board approved the Colombia Community Child Care and Nutrition Project loan for $24 million and the Second India Tamil Nadu Nutrition Project credit for $96 million. (Another $106...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 78374Date: August 3, 1990
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: the birth of a bank, by Aris Bogdaneris; a gift for tongues, by Jill Roessner; the church and the environment; the old man and the tee,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58079Date: August 1, 1990Author:
Bogdaneris, Aris ;
Bright,Christopher M. ;
Caminis,Asimina ;
Dowsett, Alice ;
Gaier, Clare ;
Lear,George M. ;
This newsletter includes the following headings: Coal Technology : making the best of dirty fuel; projects, resources, conferences,training, fellowships
Type: NewsletterReport#: 110142Date: August 1, 1990
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: Germany: essentials of the monetary and economic union; quotation of the month: Milton Friedman's view; an evolutionary perspective...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53829Date: August 1, 1990Author:
Pohl,Gerhard ;
Friedman, Milton ;
Roberts, John
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: CPB: doing the right thing and doing things right; for children only, by Jill Roessner; a pygmy in the giant's castle, by Sophie Witter;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58078Date: July 1, 1990Author:
Calderisi,Robert ;
Carney, Patrick ;
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Parel,Chris ;
This Banks world newsletter includes some of the following issues: Jane's story, by Betsy Edison; the wonders of (Machine Assisted Translation) MAT, by Robin Woollatt; 'we really want to achieve a change',...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58077Date: June 1, 1990Author:
Edison,Betsy Ross ;
Caminis,Asimina ;
Drattell,Alan M. ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Floyd,Thomas Jerry ;
Parel,Chris ;
Sagnier,Thierry ;
Woollatt,Robin F.
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: conference on privatization and ownership in Eastern and Central Europe; the road to a free economy; Algeria: sequencing liberalization;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53827Date: June 1, 1990Author:
Gelb,Alan Harold ;
Kornai,Janos ;
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: finance minister of Czechoslovakia speaks on economic reform; Eastern Central Europe: the human challenge; Executive Directors...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53826Date: May 1, 1990Author:
Klaus, Vaclav ;
Schweitzer,Julian F. ;
This Banks world newsletter includes some of the following issues: a question of ethics, by Jill Roessner; Czechoslovakia to rejoin the Bank by Tim Cullen; the new main complex: 'an exciting, memorable...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58076Date: May 1, 1990Author:
Cullen,Timothy W. B. ;
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Edison,Betsy Ross ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Hardy, Ernest E. ;
Juntunen,Brenda M. F. ;
Parel,Chris ;
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: why this newsletter?; New unit in the World Bank; future of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA); Hungary: blue ribbon...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 36174Date: April 1, 1990Author:
Gelb,Alan Harold ;
Schrenk,Martin ;
This Banks world newsletter includes some of the following issues: don't leave home without it: your camera, that is, by John Cleave; Uganda is helping its victims, by Marjorie Messiter; you only have...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58072Date: April 1, 1990Author:
Cleave,John H. ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Mcneil,Mary L. ;
Parel,Chris ;
Sagnier,Thierry ;
The new and noteworthy in nutrition newsletter highlights following issues: operations; project design; insights in bank reports; training opportunities; new sources of support; new from the research community;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 78373Date: March 3, 1990Author:
Berg,Alan D.
This Banks world newsletter includes some of the following headings: financing package restores confidence in Mexican economy by Kollodge, Richard; the graying of the world by Conable, Charlotte; question...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58071Date: March 1, 1990Author:
Chopra, Gita ;
Conable, Charlotte ;
Drattell,Alan M. ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Kollodge,Richard Curtis ;
Parel,Chris ;
Sagnier,Thierry ;
Shihata, Ibrahim
This newsletter is concerned with practical approaches to solving urban problems in developing countries. It has the following subheadings: (i) metros in developing cities-are they viable?; (ii) index:...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 110140Date: February 1, 1990
This Banks world newsletter includes some of the following headings: IDA: priorities for the 1990s by Stern, Ernest; lending the miradi a hand by Tovo, Maurizia; and the winner is by Sagnier, Thierry;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58070Date: February 1, 1990Author:
Caminis,Asimina ;
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Hasan,Parvez ;
Patorni,Linda ;
Sagnier,Thierry ;
Stern,Ernest ;
This Banks world newsletter includes some of the following headings: the international health policy program by Fanwar-George, Morallina; Theresia Verghese still cares by Roessner, Jill; managing personal...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58068Date: December 1, 1989Author:
Caminis,Asimina ;
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Edison,Betsy Ross ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Freilich,Craig M. ;
Hammond,Ann W. ;
Ali,Ridwan ;
Thalwitz, Wilfried P. ;
Vogi, Frank
This newsletter is concerned with practical approaches to solving urban problems in developing countries. It has the following subheadings: (i) U.S.,U.K.-self-help key in housing poor; (ii) self-builders...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 110136Date: December 1, 1989
The new and noteworthy in nutrition newsletter highlights following issues: operations; nutrition and educability; what has been learned?; new technologies; the international nutrition congress; current...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 78371Date: November 3, 1989Author:
Berg,Alan D.
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