This issue is organized as follows: new numbers, and policies operations; what has been learned: insights buried in bank reports nutrition and educability; research findings relevant to bank operations;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 78376Date: February 5, 1991
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: the Washington homeless, by Betsy Edison; a pioneer leaves his mark, by Morallina Fanwar George; roll over Alexander Graham Bell, by...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58124Date: February 1, 1991Author:
Edison,Betsy Ross ;
Fleming,Clare ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Guggenheim,Scott E. ;
Johnson, Susan O'Neil ;
Parel,Chris ;
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: priorities of economic reform in the emerging democracies; Mozambique: economic adjustment in the aftermath of war; quotation...
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: stabilization efforts in Poland and Yugoslavia - early lessons; study on the Soviet Union - interview with John Holaen; convertibility...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53834Date: January 1, 1991Author:
Coricelli,Fabrizio ;
De Rezende Rocha,Roberto ;
Portes,Richard ;
Khadr,Ali Mahmoud ;
This Banks world newsletter includes some of the following issue: office of the President; finance staff; operations staff; Africa; Asia; Europe, Middle East and North Africa; Latin America and the Caribbean;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58084Date: January 1, 1991Author:
Parra,Antonio R. ;
Salop,Joanne ;
White,Scott B. ;
Goering,Theodore J. ;
Hanson,James A. ;
Mccarthy,Eugene D. ;
Mccleary,William A. ;
Moock,Peter Russell
Some of the headings included in this issue of The World Bank Bulletins are: Research and Research Priorities at the World Bank; New Research; Publications; Journals; Books; Policy and Research Series;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17800Date: December 31, 1990
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: transforming the ownership system in Eastern Germany; lessons of adjustment lending; quotation of the month: "the demand of the...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53833Date: December 1, 1990Author:
Schrenk,Martin ;
Corbo,Vittorio ;
Pagiola,Stefano P.
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: inside the appeals committee, by Morallina Fanwar-George; in praise of the humble, yet historical tuber, by Thierry Sagnier; preserving...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58083Date: December 1, 1990Author:
Calderisi,Robert ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Ferreira, Carlos ;
Fleming,Clare ;
Karaosmanogiu, Atfila ;
Parel,Chris ;
Sagnier,Thierry ;
Soucek Barres, Victoria ;
Travis,Irene Lathrop
This issue is organized as follows: commitments at the top operations; nutrition in the news; unexpected findings; insights in staff reports; micronutrients; breastfeeding; worth noting; and supplement:...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 78375Date: November 5, 1990
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: a building with meaning; coming to America, by Morallina Fanwar George; SSASG: actions taken, discussions ongoing, by Stephen Eccles;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58082Date: November 1, 1990Author:
Cullen,Timothy W. B. ;
Eccles,Stephen D. ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Kirk,Mark S. ;
Malhotra, Ena ;
McCallin, John ;
This newsletter includes the following headings focuses on the social safety net designed to cushion poles as the country undergoes economic restructuring and so on; projects, resources, conferences, training
Type: NewsletterReport#: 110144Date: November 1, 1990
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: Yugoslavia: the dilemma of reform amidst political turmoil; the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Eastern Europe; Cuba: counter...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53832Date: November 1, 1990Author:
Trifkovic, Srdjan ;
Russo, Massimo ;
Perez-Lopez, Jorge ;
Mesa-Lago,Carmelo ;
Galbraith, John Kenneth
The long-term outlook for the world economy is split -- two tracks of high and low growth in the developing world. New research. Books. Journals. Policy and research series. Discussion, technical, and...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17799Date: October 31, 1990
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: Soviet reform - a new phase; from Marx to market - interviews; policy, efforts, dollars; Nicaragua: new economic strategy; quotation...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53831Date: October 1, 1990Author:
Bergson, Abram ;
Clifford,Richard L. ;
Nove, Alec
This newsletter includes the following headings: Ethanol as a fuel substitute in Brazil; Forum : Colonlas in south Texas; Projects, resources, conferences, training;
Type: NewsletterReport#: 110143Date: October 1, 1990
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: hands on in Honduras, by Cecilia Kennedy; choosing the right school or college, by Jill Roessner; Aklilu Habte wages war against illiteracy,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58081Date: October 1, 1990Author:
Carney, Patrick ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Kennedy,Cecilia M. ;
Parel,Chris ;
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: the way the money goes, by Francis Mayer; waste not, by Chris Bright; Malaysia cooperative lifts farmers out of poverty, by Richard...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58080Date: September 1, 1990Author:
Bright,Christopher M. ;
Edison,Betsy Ross ;
Guggenheim,Scott E. ;
Kollodge,Richard Curtis ;
Mashayekhi Beschloss,Afsaneh ;
Mayer, Francis ;
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: privatization in post-communist societies; will the oil shock imperil reform?; Tanzania: analytical lessons; quotation of the...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53830Date: September 1, 1990Author:
Milanovic,Branko L. ;
Kaufmann,Daniel ;
Garton Ash, Timothy ;
Ding, Wei ;
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