This Banks World newsletter includes
some of the following issues: the raid on medical
insurance, by Menahem Prywes; interactive multimedia, by
Betsy Edison; Eugene...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58137Date: March 1, 1992Author:
Caminis,Asimina ;
Delmonte,David L. ;
Edison,Betsy Ross ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Kaji,Gautam S. ;
Prywes,Menahem M. ;
The contents of this socialist economies
in transition newsletter include: Mozambique: getting rid of
the war economy; public enterprise restructuring; a proposal
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53868Date: March 1, 1992Author:
Milanovic, Branko ;
Castro, Rocio ;
da Silva, Luiz A. Pereira ;
Dhar, Sanjay
This article summarizes the results of
the few studies that rigorously compare private and public
school costs and achievement in developing countries. The
studies share...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17806Date: February 29, 1992Author:
Strong, Alison [editor]
This Banks World newsletter includes
some of the following headings: grass without roots? By
Leitmenn, Josef; a change in Bank culture by Alisbah,
Bilsel; IBM facility...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58136Date: February 1, 1992Author:
Alisbah,Bilsel ;
Haralz,Jonas H. ;
Leitmenn, Josef ;
Miller,Maureen ;
Sagnier,Thierry ;
Selowsky,Marcelo ;
Steckhan,Rainer B.
The contents of this socialist economies
in transition newsletter include: U.S. aid policy toward the
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS); belt tightening in
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53853Date: February 1, 1992Author:
Gray, Cheryl ;
Dollar, David R. ;
Brick, Andrew
This Banks World newsletter includes
some of the following headings: farewell to Moeen Qureshi;
look who's minding the baby by Jaycox, Victoria; the
eyes have it by...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58135Date: January 1, 1992Author:
Briscoe,Leonor A. ;
Dichter, David ;
Elz,Klaus Dieter ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Jaycox, Victoria ;
Parel,Chris ;
Summers,Lawrence Henry
The contents of this socialist economies
in transition newsletter include: interview with Oleh
Havrylyshyn; aiding the Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS); after...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53852Date: January 1, 1992Author:
Havrylyshyn, Oleh ;
Soros, George ;
Harrold, Peter
Inflation is the growth enemy; so is
reducing it, at least in the short run. Why, then, do
countries get themselves into inflationary habits by
abandoning the salutary...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17805Date: December 31, 1991Author:
Strong, Alison [editor]
The contents of this socialist economies
in transition newsletter include: state enterprises in
China: dealing with loss-makers; possibilities or traps in
catching up...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 53851Date: December 1, 1991Author:
Geng Xiao ;
Berend, Ivan T. ;
Gray, Cheryl ;
Milanovic, Branko ;
Sachs, Jeffrey
This Banks World newsletter includes
some of the following headings: the house that Jane built by
Roessner, Jill; the campfire of the vanities by Rashish,
Peter S.;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58134Date: December 1, 1991Author:
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Fleming,Clare ;
Van Nimmen,Armand M. J. ;
Parel,Chris ;
Rashish, Peter S. ;
Summers,Lawrence Henry ;
Vu,Le Anh
This issue is organized as follows:
research findings; new on breastfeeding operations;
micronutrients insights on nutrition from bank staff; worth
noting; training;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 78379Date: November 13, 1991
This Banks world newsletter includes
some of the following issue: in fields of Wheat by Floyd,
Claire; assignment: Thailand by Simmons, Lesley Anne; where
war intrudes...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58133Date: November 1, 1991Author:
Caminis,Asimina ;
Deshpande,Abhay ;
Fleming,Clare ;
Floyd, Claire ;
Gillespie,Kamlesh ;
Jaycox, Victoria ;
Parel,Chris ;
Schneidman,Miriam ;
Simmons,Lesley Anne ;
Stephens, Tom
While the slowdown in industrial
countries is not in itself likely to damage long-run
prospects in developing countries; it has increased the
difficulty of dealing with...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17804Date: October 31, 1991
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