This Bank's World newsletter includes some of the following headings: the poverty report, by Lewis Preston; doing business better, faster, and cheaper, by David Clingman; enabling the future, by Mohamed...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58151Date: June 1, 1993Author:
Clingman,David E. ;
Delmonte,David L. ;
Dichter, David ;
Marshall,Katherine ;
Preston,Lewis T. ;
Romero,Susana ;
El-Ashry,Mohamed T.
Taming China's wild west - Xinjiang, a region rediscovered Interview with John Flemming of the EBRD - responsibilities when output and hopes fall in eastern Europe. The Baltics: union or free trade agreement?...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 16444Date: May 31, 1993Author:
Burki,Shahid Javed ;
Flemming, John ;
Sorsa,Piritta ;
Amsden, Alice H.
This study addresses and challenges a number of common propositions underlying financial market interventions, in search of alternative avenues for policy reform and donor intervention in Ghana. The study...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56875Date: May 8, 1993Author:
Cuevas,Carlos E. ;
Fafchamps,Marcel ;
Hanson,Rebecca Jean ;
Moll,Peter G. ;
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: the bank at a crossroads; a village in tigray, by Abhay Deshpande; the challenge of poverty reduction; how best can cities grow, by...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58149Date: May 1, 1993Author:
Delmonte,David L. ;
Deshpande,Abhay ;
Imboff, Alfred F. ;
In March, the World Bank announced the initial membership of the International Advisory Group (IAG), a group of outside experts selected for their scientific and technical knowledge in areas addressed...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18591Date: April 30, 1993
Group of Seven opens new lending windows for Russia. Meditation on Uzbekistan's reform - how to support gradual transition. Hungary's bank balancing act - getting rid of bad loan portfolios. Safety nets...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 16443Date: April 30, 1993Author:
Gelb,Alan Harold ;
Graham,Carol L.
The 'New and Noteworthy in Nutrition' newsletter highlights following issues : important new findings on nutrition effects of cash vs. kind, strong PHN position on inclusion of vitamin A in World Bank...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 78384Date: April 26, 1993
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following issues: perseverance pays off: politics, war, coups pail to Deter Red Sea Project, by Thomas E. O'Connor; an American rabbit in Africa, by Agi...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58148Date: April 1, 1993Author:
Delmonte,David L. ;
Edison,Betsy Ross ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Jaycox, Victoria ;
Kiss,Agnes I. ;
Macedo,Antonia M. ;
O'Connor,Thomas E. ;
The Zimbabwean economy exhibits several dimensions of dualism: between the formal and the informal sector; between black and white; and between rural and urban. These forms of dualism are rooted in the...
Bolshevik biscuit in private hands: successful transformation of a Russian company. China's surge toward a socialist market economy: spring session of the Parliament. Private firms in St. Petersburg -small...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 16442Date: March 31, 1993Author:
Harrold,Peter C. ;
Nellis,John R. ;
Ofer,Gur ;
Sandler,Olga ;
de Melo, Martha
The note addresses the benefits of education for women, evidenced not only in productive labor force markets, but in the incidence of smaller families, lower infant mortality, and healthier children, liable...
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following issues: letters form Abidjan by Robert, Calderisi; a slow train to Ougadougou by Nick van, Praag; wrestling with radiation: Electromagnetic Field...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58147Date: March 1, 1993Author:
Barry, Rick ;
Block, Michael ;
Calderisi,Robert ;
Delmonte,David L. ;
Goering, T. James ;
Goldberg,Itzhak ;
Praag, Nick van
Anti-depression cure for ailing post-Communist economies: interview with Janos Kornai. Economic guesstimate 1993 for Central and Eastern Europe. Foreign direct investment in Eastern Europe -less than expected....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 16441Date: February 28, 1993Author:
Schrenk,Martin ;
International trade and the environment. New research. Books. Journal. Discussion, technical, and related papers. Policy research working paper. Calendar.
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17810Date: February 28, 1993Author:
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following issues: kids' soccer: transcending national boundaries: a vignette of the Bank and the family in the 1990s, by Jeffrey Balkind; the unequal balance,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 58146Date: February 1, 1993Author:
Balkind,Jeffrey ;
Zweig,Ronald D. ;
Delmonte,David L. ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Glascoe, Cherilynn ;
Mathes Guislain,Marie-France R. ;
Mehta, Ruksana ;
Sagnier,Thierry ;
Searle,Barbara W.
With the removal from office of Brazilian President Fernando Collor de Mello and Vice-President Itamar Franco's assumption of the presidency, many changes affecting the Pilot Program have occurred over...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18590Date: January 31, 1993
The new and noteworthy in nutrition newsletter highlights following issues : research with important implications for the bank's nutrition work, nutrition improving globally, the bank and the Somalia famine,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 78383Date: January 27, 1993
The changing nature of infrastructure. Infrastructure: the crux of modern urban development. Transportation in Curitiba, Brazil. Technical exchange: the Raleigh-Tetouan experience. Guinea-Bissau: social...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17440Date: January 1, 1993Author:
Mabogunje, Akin ;
Mcneil,Mary L. ;
MacLeod, Robert
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