Is privatization necessary? By John Nellis. The privatization experience of Latin America, by Mateen Thobani. Privatization by capitalization- a popular participation recipe for cash-starved SOEs in Bolivia,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 45284Date: December 1, 1994Author:
Schware,Robert ;
Hume,Susan Judith ;
Nellis,John R. ;
Thobani,Mateen ;
Ewing,Andrew John ;
Goldmark,Susan G. ;
Lieberman,Ira W. ;
Bond,James P. ;
Anayiotos,Andrea ;
Habeck,Odo G. ;
Khemani, Shyam ;
Klein,Michael Ulrich ;
Roger,Neil D. ;
Bacon,Robert W.
A new program for trade recovery in the new independent states. Averting a debt crisis in the Russian economy. What's next? Strategies for enterprise restructuring in Russia. Czechs are optimistic - but...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 16457Date: November 30, 1994Author:
Michalopoulos,Constantine ;
Tarr, David G. ;
Fan,Qimiao ;
Lee,Une J. ;
Boycko, Maxim ;
The note describes integrated soil management (ISM), focused on the humid tropics, outlines the conditions that are conducive to wide adoption of ISM, and identifies the steps needed to foster these techniques...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21081Date: November 30, 1994
This Bank's World newsletter includes some of the following headings: From Paper Clips to Protocol; The Bank Breaks into Internet; World Wide Web at the World Bank; Waltzing into the Arms of love; To catch...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 119238Date: November 1, 1994
On September 21, 1994, Brazil and the World Bank signed the grant agreement for the Science Centers and Directed Research - Phase I project. The grant agreement was the first to be signed under the Pilot...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18610Date: October 31, 1994Author:
Luz,Karen Anne
Privatization in St. Petersburg: challenges in the post-Soviet era. Russian cities on the road to a market economy: the housing sector. Privatization: changing the nature of Buenos Aires. Albania: creating...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17445Date: October 31, 1994Author:
Limonov, Leonid ;
Miagkov, Vladislav ;
Kaganova, Olg
A cost of transition: 50 million new poor and growing inequity. Hopes, tears, and transformation - social policy suggestions for post socialist Europe Mission possible: a World Bank loan to Shenyang advances...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 16456Date: October 31, 1994Author:
Barr,Nicholas ;
Harbison,Ralph W. ;
Milanovic,Branko L.
This note examines the techniques of participatory rural assessment (PRA), and its uses, particularly suited to local-level investigations, where the qualitative information, and recommendations can be...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21057Date: October 31, 1994
This Bank's World newsletter includes some of the following headings: History in the Making; A Model Program; First Visit to Bank Headquarters; LAN Surfing;Value Added: The Africa Region's Technical Department.;In...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 119237Date: October 1, 1994Author:
Stoutjesdijk,Ardy ;
Wilson,Gretchen ;
Kubalak,Janet H. ;
Mohan,P.C. ;
Venkatesan,Vankatachalam ;
Plusquellec,Herve Louis Paul
Quality management - one operations division's approach, by Krishna Challa. Enhancing the strategic dialogue : an approach to joint stocktaking and enriching bank/government partnerships, by Katherine...
Market liberalization in Ukraine - to regain a lost pillar of economic reform. How to encourage government decentralization - interesting ideas for redirecting lending. How to rejuvenate a graying pension...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 16455Date: September 30, 1994Author:
Kaufmann,Daniel ;
Gisselquist,David P.
This Bank's World newsletter includes some of the following headings: changing times; opening information doors (and windows); volunteers send volumes; autumn exodus; women and the bank; around the bank;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 119236Date: September 1, 1994Author:
George,Morallina Fanwar
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: buildings: which are more durable - buildings, staff, or the institution? By Balkind, Jeffrey; the International Finance Corporation...
In May and June, the first two grant agreements for Pilot Program projects were negotiated: the Demonstration Projects from May 16 to 20 in Washington, and the Science Centers and Directed Research project...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18609Date: July 31, 1994Author:
Luz,Karen Anne
Larry Summers on new challenges facing the World Bank. Successful privatization in Estonia: unusual features. What post socialist people have in mind - instructive surveys monitoring public behavior and...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 16454Date: July 31, 1994Author:
Wedel, Janine R. ;
Nellis,John R. ;
Rose,Richard ;
Hearpfer, Christian ;
Summers, Larry
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: juggling responsibilities: the dependent care resources center will help you find child and elder care by Fanwar-George, Morallina;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 57331Date: July 1, 1994Author:
Alvey,John ;
Baldwin,Harriet B. ;
Dolores C. Maria ;
George,Morallina Fanwar ;
Hayes,Elizabeth M. ;
Swanson,Eric Valdeman ;
West,Gerald Thomas
Recognition on the urgency for establishing seed systems, to improve seed varieties in developing countries, began in the 1960s, when national and international support for this activity was given mainly...
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: Bank support for the occupied territories. Commitment and collaboration by Chopra, Ram K.; The miracle of Haller by Allen, Mary-Lou;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 57330Date: June 1, 1994Author:
Allen, Mary-Lou ;
Chopra,Ram Kumar ;
Hunter,Charlotte R. ;
Ingram,Mary Lou ;
Jones, David ;
Swanson,Eric Valdeman ;
Tuck-Primdahl,Merrell J.
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