During the 1980s, Colombia embarked on an ambitious program to decentralize responsibilities for planning, financing, and delivering public goods and services. Despite concerns that municipal governments...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 22752Date: August 31, 1995Author:
Aiyar, Swaminathan ;
Parker, Andrew ;
Van Zyl, Johan
Barge-mounted diesel generators (BMDs) can represent a useful addition to the array of power generation technologies suitable for developing countries. Where they have been adopted, BMDs have proved highly...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17621Date: August 31, 1995Author:
Bacon,Robert W.
Could inflation stabilization be expansionary? (Michael Bruno and William Easterly). The Latin American experience with private pension funds: lessons for Eastern Europe (Jean de Fougerolles). Who is...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17831Date: August 31, 1995Author:
Bruno,Michael P. ;
Easterly,William R. ;
de Fougerolles, Jean ;
Kabaj, Mieczyslaw ;
Kowalik, Tadeusz ;
Perlez, Jane ;
Alfandari,Gilles B. ;
Lee,Une J. ;
The World Bank supports development that improves human welfare and reduces poverty. Achieving this goal requires sustainable economic growth; the development of physical infrastructure, human resources,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18216Date: August 31, 1995
Many developing countries are experimenting with decentralizing power and responsibilities to local governments. These processes of decentralization have achieved some notable improvements in delivering...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 22751Date: August 31, 1995Author:
Aiyar,Swaminathan S. ;
Parker,Andrew ;
Van Zyl,Johan
Historically, land reform has been implemented by government agencies expropriating land, with or without compensation, and then distributing it to the landless. Such reform is typically undermined by...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 22753Date: August 31, 1995Author:
Aiyar,Swaminathan S. ;
Parker,Andrew ;
Van Zyl,Johan
Beneficiary Assessment (BA) is a qualitative, social assessment method of investigation and evaluation that consists of three kinds of data collection techniques: (i) in-depth conversational interviewing...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18198Date: August 31, 1995Author:
Salmen,Lawrence F.
The study on which this dissemination note is based points to the need for awareness of the sensitivities surrounding interethnic relations in the Central Asian countries in future World Bank operations...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18197Date: August 31, 1995Author:
Large, mechanized farms are often viewed as more efficient than small ones. This myth has often included policymakers and technicians who favor large commercial farms depending on mechanization and hired...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 22755Date: August 31, 1995Author:
Aiyer, Swaminathan ;
Parker, Andrew ;
Van Zyl, Johan
Urban environmental problems can be critical impediments to sustainable development. Faced with rapid urbanization and the often accompanying problems of uncontrolled waste and pollution, lack of safe...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18284Date: August 31, 1995
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: ten days in India: European journalists visit social sectors projects by Monbart, Claudia von; Bissell, Bim; at works in the fields...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 57344Date: August 1, 1995Author:
Alexandrowicz, Melinda Roth ;
Bissell,Bimla N. ;
Kiss,Agnes I. ;
Marshall,Katherine ;
Von Monbart,Claudia M. ;
Ngo,Brian T. ;
Prest,Michael Richard ;
Reines,Sheila ;
Tager,Carolyn S.
The professionals and policy makers who plan projects and programs are often far removed from the people for whom these activities are intended. Beneficiary Assessment (BA) is a method that can be used...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 27382Date: August 1, 1995
The second meeting of the Pilot Program's Participants took place in Belem on July 6-7, hosted by the Ministry of the Environment, Water Resources and the Legal Amazon (MMA). The Governor of the State...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18613Date: July 31, 1995Author:
Lisansky,Judith M.
Future agriculture will be more knowledge intensive, and be more productive in sustainable ways, based on the importance of information technology (IT) development, as a production factor in rural development....
Promising initial results from the Niger household energy project suggest that an integrated program of taxation and land tenure reform can bring about sustainable management of fuelwood resources. Although...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17620Date: July 31, 1995Author:
Willem Floor [task manager]
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: together, we can change the World, by Jill Roessner; a fishy tale, by Jan Post; communicating about the Bank in Cote d'Ivoire, by Robert...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 57343Date: July 1, 1995Author:
Calderisi,Robert ;
Huttlinger, Jim ;
Peterson, Jake A. ;
Post,Jan Cornelis ;
Simmons,Lesley Anne ;
Solo, Tova Maria ;
Swanson,Eric Valdeman
Hydroelectricity will continue to be important for meeting power requirements in developing countries. Much of the funding required for hydroelectric projects must come from non-government sources; hydroelectric...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17619Date: June 30, 1995Author:
Besant-Jones,John E.
The participation of local communities and other stakeholders in managing forestry and conservation projects can help to improve forest productivity, alleviate poverty, enhance environmental sustainability,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18193Date: June 30, 1995Author:
Banerjee,Ajit Kumar ;
Campbell, Gabriel ;
Cruz, Maria C. ;
Davis,Shelton H. ;
Putting responsibility in the hands of farmers to determine agricultural extension programs can make services more responsive to local conditions, more accountable, more effective, and more sustainable....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18194Date: June 30, 1995Author:
Antholt, Charles ;
Zijp, Willem
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