Substantial intensification of agriculture in Bangladesh has led to foodgrain self-sufficiency being achieved in good years. As currently practiced, however, intensive agriculture is degrading the soil...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18296Date: November 30, 1995Author:
Pagiola,Stefano P.
This Bank's World newsletter includes some of the following headings: negotiation: the high tech, low budget approach, by Mark Kosmo; are you stressed? You're not alone; lessons from New Zealand: what...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 57347Date: November 1, 1995Author:
Bale,Malcolm D. ;
Yusuf,Paru Desai ;
Floyd,Thomas Jerry ;
Marke, Blanshard ;
Patorni,Linda ;
Swanson,Eric Valdeman
Poor urban households in developing countries spend a significant proportion of their limited cash incomes, often as much as 15 to 22 percent, on energy, and much of their remaining income is spent on...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 76070Date: November 1, 1995Author:
Barnes,Douglas French
Dramatic population trends in countries of the FSU (Timothy Heleniak). Poverty in Russia--an assessment (Jeni Klugman). Checklist for action in the Russian economy (Michael D. Intriligator, Robert McIntyre,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17832Date: October 31, 1995Author:
Dobozi,Istvan ;
Heleniak,Timothy E. ;
Intriligator, Michael D. ;
Kaminski, Bartlomiej ;
Kekic, Laza ;
Klugman,Jeni ;
McIntyre, Robert ;
Nellis,John R. ;
Pomer, Marshall ;
Rosenberg, Dorothy J. ;
Taylor, Lance ;
Tulin, Dmitri ;
Winters,L. Alan ;
Zhen KunWang
News: wheat is doing well in Syria. A glimpse of ICW 95 (International Centers Week). Research highlights: apomixes: giving poor farmers access to hybrids, by Elizabeth de Paez. New Barley boosts Chinese...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 23540Date: October 31, 1995Author:
De Paez, Elizabeth ;
Seckler, David ;
El-Beltagy, Adel ;
Islam, Nurul
Implementation of the Pilot Program is firmly under way. Solid project implementation performance is essential. In the long run, however, the benefits of the Pilot Program will be measured by knowledge...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21898Date: October 31, 1995Author:
Schneider,Robert R.
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: travels with the first lady; innovation and cooperation, by Michael J. Eddy; adopting a school, by Morallina Fanwar-George; October...
Social Assessment (SA) provides a framework for incorporating participation and social analysis into the design and delivery of Bank operations. This note provides an early report on 42 social assessments...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18200Date: September 30, 1995Author:
McPhail, Kathryn ;
Salmen, Lawrence ;
Jacobs, Sue ;
Good municipal financing practices in Latin America. What kind of financing systems support decentralization? The Philippines: financing investment in urban infrastructure through local government bonds....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17448Date: September 30, 1995Author:
Ramirez Londono,Monica L. ;
Peterson,George E. ;
Varley,Robert C. ;
Kehew, Robert ;
Charles, Cecilia Mou ;
Wiesner, Eduardo ;
Munjee,Nasser M ;
Devas, Nick ;
Vine, R. J. ;
Salinas Briones,Roberto M. ;
Foreman,Jonathan ;
Jaime, Hector Osuna
Social assessment (SA) provides a framework for incorporating participation and social analysis into the design and delivery of Bank-assisted operations. Since there are many social variables which potentially...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18199Date: September 30, 1995Author:
McPhail, Kathryn ;
Jacobs, Sue
The conventional wisdom concerning appropriate agricultural policies was based on serious misconceptions that led to faulty prescriptions. Developing countries have faced some painful lessons in the last...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 22756Date: September 30, 1995
International oil markets have evolved significantly, and a competitive market has emerged that is setting internationally accepted prices for crude and refined products. In many developing countries,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17622Date: September 30, 1995Author:
Bam,Christopher ;
Mayorga Alba,Eleodoro O.
Modern seed technology has the potential to improve diets and to boost rural incomes in developing countries, For farmers in many developing countries, however, access to improved varieties has been severely...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 51161Date: September 1, 1995
Restructuring regulation of the railroad industry. A template for power reform. Lessons from power sector reform in England and Wales. Private power financing from project finance to corporate finance....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 47580Date: September 1, 1995Author:
Kessides,Ioannis N. ;
Willig,Robert D. ;
Newbery,David M. ;
Bacon,Robert W. ;
Jechoutek,Karl Georg ;
Lamech,Ranjit J. ;
Dnes, Antony W. ;
Smith, Peter ;
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: learning and development by Thomas, Vinod; Economic Development Institute (EDI) in retrospect 1955 to 1995 by Oxenham, John; from privatization...
Environmental strategies are living documents that need to change as new problems arise and our understanding of the links between the economy and natural ecosystems grows. To identify good practice and...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18283Date: August 31, 1995Author:
Margulis,Sergio ;
Bernstein,Janis D.
The abolition of subsidies and privileges tend to reduce the profitability of farming sharply. The impact is most severe on farmers who have borrowed large sums from banks, especially since real interest...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 22754Date: August 31, 1995Author:
Aiyer, Swaminathan ;
Parker,Andrew ;
Van Zyl,Johan
The Baku Water Supply Project will be the Bank's first lending operation in Azerbaijan. As such the Bank considers two aspects of the project to be particularly important. The first is that the project...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18196Date: August 31, 1995Author:
Wildeman,Robert C.
The widespread failure of integrated rural development to bring about a sustained improvement in the living standards of rural people has left unanswered the question of how best to ensure effective rural...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 22735Date: August 31, 1995Author:
Aiyar,Swaminathan S. ;
Parker,Andrew ;
Van Zyl,Johan
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