The conservation and management of lakes and reservoirs must enter the mainstream of the economic development process through comprehensive water resources management. Actions to improve management of...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 22757Date: March 31, 1996Author:
Ayres,Wendy Schreiber ;
Busia,Awa B. ;
Dinar,Ariel ;
Hirji,Rafik Fatehali ;
Lintner,Stephen F. ;
Robelus,Robert A.
Five countries (China, India, Pakistan, the United States, and Uzbekistan) account for over 70 percent of world cotton production. This crop is also an important source of foreign exchange and employment...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21123Date: March 31, 1996Author:
Gillham, Fred
China's transition experience, reexamined (Jeffrey Sachs and Wing Thye Woo). Latvian banking crisis: stakes and mistakes (Alex Fleming and Samuel Talley). Using World Bank credit lines for bank rehabilitation:...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17835Date: March 31, 1996Author:
Woo,Wing Thye ;
Fleming,Alexander E. ;
Talley,Samuel H. ;
Grigoriev,Leonid M. ;
Kisunko,Gregory ;
News: the Jakarta Biodiversity Conference, by Ruth Raymond. Research highlights: millet production growing in Africa. What Africa grows to eat, by Inca Alipui. Research highlights: Cassava, Africa's food...
A recent World Bank research project entitled The Economic and Political Determinants of Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa explores the particular kinds of policies that can successfully lower the demand...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17468Date: February 29, 1996Author:
Culhane, Brian [editor] ;
Orlando, Cynthia [editor
World Bank efforts in Bosnia--conflict-solving through reconstruction (Michel Noel and Richard Hirschler). Sarajevo--a close-up: impressions from a tormented city ( Richard Hirschler). Wage convergence...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17834Date: February 29, 1996Author:
Lugendo,Michael Noel ;
Hirschler,Richard ;
Pinto,Brian R. ;
Vodopivec,Milan ;
Schrenk,Martin ;
Zachau,Ulrich ;
De Rezende Rocha,Roberto
"The World Bank Participation Sourcebook" (report no. 15363) is a how-to guide to help Bank staff support participatory approaches in economic and social development. It is a collection of cases, told...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18201Date: February 29, 1996Author:
Bhatnagar,Bhuvan ;
Kearns,James M. ;
Sequeira,Debra Tina
Countries in transition from centrally planned to market economies face several challenges when planning investments. These include a lack of information about beneficiary groups, particularly those in...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18215Date: February 29, 1996
This is a newsletter of the World Bank country office Manila. This issue features: Bhargava: New WB (World Bank) resrep in the Philippines. WB supports balanced pro-poor growth. Meet the World Bank family...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 23270Date: January 31, 1996Author:
Gonzales, Leonora A. [editor]
Negotiating change: building local democracy in South Africa. Innovative urban management practices. Institutional behavior change in Tunisian municipalities. Report cards: a novel approach for improving...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17449Date: January 31, 1996Author:
Swilling, Mark ;
Cheema, G. Shabbir ;
Yacoob, May ;
Bendahmane,Diane B ;
Paul,Samuel ;
Campbell,Tim E. ;
Serageldin,Mona ;
Kipta, Ewa ;
Fouad, Randa
The third and last project preparation workshop for the Management of the Forest Resources Project (formally called the National Forests Project) was held in Brasilia on December 18-20, 1995. The overall...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18615Date: January 31, 1996Author:
Lisansky,Judith M. ;
In this issue: twenty-ninth annual meeting of the Administrative Council; recent signatures and ratifications of the ICSID convention; institute for transnational arbitration's seventh annual workshop...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 99086Date: January 1, 1996
Toward creating a pverty-free world, by Muhammad Yunus. The view of the chair, by Ismail Serageldin. The conceptual underpinnings of CGAP - A micro-finance program, by Mohini Malhotra. Opening statement...
Lead impairs the mental and physical development of children even at low levels of exposure. The social benefits of removing lead from gasoline -- the major source of exposure in many urban areas -- vastly...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18286Date: December 31, 1995Author:
Bam,Christopher ;
Lovei, Magda
Education and information are fundamental to success: World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn visits Russia and Eastern Europe (James Wolfensohn). From plan to market: patterns of transition (Martha...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17833Date: December 31, 1995Author:
de Melo, Martha ;
Denizer,Ahmet Cevdet ;
Gelb,Alan Harold ;
Gillibrand,Michael Gray ;
Zhilin, Aleksandr ;
Stark, David ;
Oxford Analytica ;
Schrenk,Martin ;
Wolfensohn,James D.
Environmental Information Systems (EIS) International Advisory Committee to discuss EIS Development at regional EIS workshop. National environment action plan and environmental initiatives in Uganda; by...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 20979Date: December 31, 1995Author:
Kouakou, Koffi [editor] ;
Matthews, Jeff ;
Manecas, Inacio ;
Turyatunga,Frank R
Sustainable agriculture (SA) is an economically feasible approach that maintains the viability of soil, water, and air while promoting social equity and community well-being. Combining sustainable farming...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21122Date: December 31, 1995
This Bank's World newsletter includes some of the following headings: it's a small world: meeting again 30 years later, by Jill Roessner; Meet Kofi, Maria and Sunita: stories from the World Bank, by Jill...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 57348Date: December 1, 1995Author:
Bregman, Jaap ;
Chang,Luis V. ;
Demas,Barbara ;
Ebbe, Trinka ;
Levenson,Caroline S. ;
Maly,Daniel ;
Simmons,Lesley Anne ;
Solo, Tova Maria ;
Swanson,Eric Valdeman ;
Weber-Fahr,Monika M.
Mitigating commercial risks in project finance; by Ruster, Jeff. A pre-export guarantee facility in Moldova - mitigating political risk in transition; by Ruhl, Onno and Alfred Watkins. Are bank interest...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 47576Date: December 1, 1995Author:
Randenborgh, Matthias van ;
Pernia, Joseph ;
Ramac ;
Ruster, Jeff ;
Ruhl, Onno ;
Watkins, Alfred ;
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