The Department of Education in Pakistan
and the World Bank used social assessment (SA) to evaluate
an experiment in community participation that promotes
girl's education...
The government of Mexico and a World
Bank team incorporated social assessment (SA) into their
analytical work when carrying out a comprehensive review of
the forestry...
Scientists announce a breakthrough in
research on "asexual" maize. News - Broader
partnerships: the CGIAR and NGOs. Editorial: why is public
agricultural research needed?...
Developing countries have become
increasingly interested in attracting private entities to
bid on construction and operation of hydro-based independent
power projects...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17625Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Besant-Jones, John
This note summarizes the results of a
study of twenty-one agroforestry projects in six Central
American and two Caribbean countries which analyzed the
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18298Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Current, Dean ;
Lutz, Ernst ;
Scherr, Sara
The research presented here used
cost-benefit analysis to investigate the nature and severity
of soil degradation problems in Central American and the
Caribbean and...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18287Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Lutz, Ernst ;
Pagiola, Stefano ;
Reiche, Carlos
Raising primary school enrollment in
low-income developing countries is an important policy goal.
However, achieving this goal will require more than simply
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17469Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Culhane, Brian [editor] ;
Orlando, Cynthia [editor]
Social analysts at the Bank have
concluded that insufficient grassroots involvement in
project activities is often the major factor when projects
fail to meet specific...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18616Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Garrison, John W., 2nd ;
Lisansky, Judith ;
Sprissler, Loretta
The objective of this study was to shed
light on the extent of on-going deforestation, by whom, on
whose land, and how. Three principal types of forest
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18300Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Lutz, Ernst ;
Vedova, Mario ;
Martinez, W. Hector ;
The conservation and management of lakes
and reservoirs must enter the mainstream of the economic
development process through comprehensive water resources
Type: NewsletterReport#: 22757Date: March 31, 1996Author:
Ayres, Wendy ;
Busia, Awa ;
Dinar, Ariel ;
Hirji, Rafik ;
Lintner, Stephen ;
Robelus, Robert
China's transition experience,
reexamined (Jeffrey Sachs and Wing Thye Woo). Latvian
banking crisis: stakes and mistakes (Alex Fleming and Samuel
Talley). Using World...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17835Date: March 31, 1996Author:
Sachs, Jeffrey ;
Wing Thye Woo ;
Fleming, Alex ;
Talley, Samuel ;
Grigoriev, Leonid ;
Kisunko, Gregory ;
Schrenk, Martin
Five countries (China, India, Pakistan,
the United States, and Uzbekistan) account for over 70
percent of world cotton production. This crop is also an
important source...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21123Date: March 31, 1996Author:
Gillham, Fred
News: the Jakarta Biodiversity
Conference, by Ruth Raymond. Research highlights: millet
production growing in Africa. What Africa grows to eat, by
Inca Alipui. Research...
A recent World Bank research project
entitled The Economic and Political Determinants of
Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa explores the particular
kinds of policies that...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17468Date: February 29, 1996Author:
Culhane, Brian [editor] ;
Orlando, Cynthia [editor
World Bank efforts in
Bosnia--conflict-solving through reconstruction (Michel Noel
and Richard Hirschler). Sarajevo--a close-up: impressions
from a tormented city (...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17834Date: February 29, 1996Author:
Noel, Michael ;
Hirschler, Richard ;
Pinto, Brian ;
Ramakrishnan, Uma ;
Vodopivec, Milan ;
Schrenk, Martin ;
Zachau, Ulrich ;
Rocha, Roberto
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