The International Advisory Group (IAG) of the G-7 Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rain Forest met on July 1-12, 1996. Overall, the IAG gave high marks to the Pilot Program and noted that the past...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18617Date: July 31, 1996Author:
Lisansky,Judith M. ;
The question of whether decentralization fosters rural development and whether it does so in ways that are environmentally and socially sustainable, was the topic of a World Bank research project, "Decentralization,...
A global market of $60 billion a year, by Jae So and Ben Shin. Company approaches, by Jae So and Ben Shin. Back to the future - the potential in infrastructure privatization, by Michael Klein and Neil...
This issue includes the following headings: thirteenth joint international centre for settlement of investment disputes (ICSID) and American Arbitration Association (AAA) and International Chamber of Commerce...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 99083Date: June 1, 1996Author:
Ziade,Nassib G.
Designers of the India Ecodevelopment Project found the social assessment (SA) to be a good starting place for stakeholders and nongovernmental organization (NGO) participation in project participation....
In 1995 a committee of representatives from governmental and nongovernmental agencies and the World Bank undertook an analysis of local-level institutions, including community-based organizations (CBOs),...
Increased interest in forest tree planting has resulted in three major improvements: a more systematic and scientific approach to species selection, better quality planting stock, and improved plantation...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21124Date: May 31, 1996Author:
Cites today: a new frontier. Innovative programs for the urban poor in Cali, Columbia. Planning for the future - the special furture of Suchitoto. The spirit of Miami. Cultural tourism in Eastern Europe...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17511Date: May 31, 1996Author:
Sassen Van Elsloo,Saskia ;
Patel, Sujata ;
Guerrero,Rodrigo ;
Darsie, Jann ;
Bergen,Margaret ;
Landry,Charles ;
Vergara, Camilo Jose ;
Abdullah, Nizar ;
Smart, IanIsidore ;
Kreimer,Alcira I. ;
Sheehey, Richard ;
Sudjic, Deyan ;
Carrion,Diego ;
Haa, Peter
From plan to market: a twenty-eight country adventure - Director Alan Gelb on the World Bank's new Development Report (Richard Hirschler). Postsocialist media: watchdog over fair market practices? (Richard...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17836Date: May 31, 1996Author:
Hirschler,Richard ;
Borish,Michael S. ;
Noel,Michel Desire R ;
Laszlo,Csaba ;
Lovei,Magda ;
Rose,Richard ;
Hearpfer, Christian ;
Prybyla, Jan S. ;
The Department of Education in Pakistan and the World Bank used social assessment (SA) to evaluate an experiment in community participation that promotes girl's education in Balochistan, where the idea...
The government of Mexico and a World Bank team incorporated social assessment (SA) into their analytical work when carrying out a comprehensive review of the forestry and resource conservation sector....
Scientists announce a breakthrough in research on "asexual" maize. News - Broader partnerships: the CGIAR and NGOs. Editorial: why is public agricultural research needed? Announcements. News - Half of...
Developing countries have become increasingly interested in attracting private entities to bid on construction and operation of hydro-based independent power projects (IPPs). The output from such power...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17625Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Besant-Jones,John E.
This note summarizes the results of a study of twenty-one agroforestry projects in six Central American and two Caribbean countries which analyzed the profitability of agroforestry for farmers as a crucial...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18298Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Current, Dean ;
Lutz,Ernst ;
The research presented here used cost-benefit analysis to investigate the nature and severity of soil degradation problems in Central American and the Caribbean and to assess the cost-effectiveness of...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18287Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Lutz,Ernst ;
Pagiola,Stefano P. ;
Reiche Caal,Carlos Enrique
Raising primary school enrollment in low-income developing countries is an important policy goal. However, achieving this goal will require more than simply improving access to primary schools. Because...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17469Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Culhane, Brian [editor] ;
Orlando, Cynthia [editor]
The objective of this study was to shed light on the extent of on-going deforestation, by whom, on whose land, and how. Three principal types of forest intervention were identified: (a) clear cutting to...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18300Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Lutz, Ernst ;
Vedova, Mario ;
Martinez, W. Hector ;
Social analysts at the Bank have concluded that insufficient grassroots involvement in project activities is often the major factor when projects fail to meet specific development objectives, to benefits...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18616Date: April 30, 1996Author:
Garrison, John W., 2nd ;
Lisansky,Judith M. ;
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