Nearly all countries worldwide are now experimenting with decentralization. Their motivation are diverse. Many countries are decentralizing because they believe this can help stimulate economic growth...
The demand-driven rural investment fund (DRIFs) is a new mechanism for decentralizing decision-making authority and financial resources to local governments and communities to use for investments of their...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 22759Date: October 31, 1996Author:
Aiyar,Swaminathan S. ;
Piriou-Sall,Suzanne ;
Forum: toward global partnerships, by Alexander von der Osten. Forum: global program to develop late blight resistant potato cultivars, by Peter Gregory. Editorial: the World Food Summit. News: a regional...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 23543Date: October 31, 1996Author:
Von der Osten, Alexander ;
Gregory, Peter ;
The Third Annual Meeting of the Participants of the Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rain Forest provided evidence of broadening political support in Brazil and internationally for protecting the...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18618Date: October 31, 1996Author:
Lisansky,Judith M. ;
One of the world's greatest challenges is to feed a growing population while sustaining the global natural resource base. How the relationship between human needs and natural resource requirements will...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21125Date: October 31, 1996Author:
De Haan, C. ;
Steinfeld, H. ;
Blackburn, H.
As more Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) surveys have been completed and the value of household data in policy design has become more widely appreciated, demand has grown for assistance in designing...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17471Date: October 31, 1996Author:
Grosh,Margaret Ellen ;
Steele,Diane E. ;
Macdonald,Lawrence ;
Culhane, Brian [editor]
This Bank World newsletter includes some of the following headings: 15000 join in annual meeting marathon; Bank looks outside for a change, by Liz Miller; seminars 1996: new role of Bank as broker, by...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64268Date: October 11, 1996Author:
Maripuu,Anna E. ;
Mccolgan,Rachel Correan ;
Miller, Liz ;
Ptito,Lauren S. ;
Severson, Alan A.
Village banks in Pays Dogon: a successful home-grown approach, by Renee Chao-Beroff. Perspectives on micro-finance in West Africa, by the CGAP Secretariat. Micro-finance as a breakthrough service, by Elisabeth...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18674Date: September 30, 1996Author:
Malhotra,Mohini ;
Mukherjee,Joyita ;
Chao-Beroff, Renee ;
Rhyne, Elisabeth ;
Kibui,Phyllis Wanjiku ;
Beinpuo, Francis ;
Seck,Ibrahima ;
Jackelen,Henry R.
How to catch up with the industrial world - achieving rapid growth in Europe's transition economies (Jeffrey D. Sachs and Andrew M. Warner). How democracy fosters growth: a new empirical approach (Jose...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17838Date: September 30, 1996Author:
Warner,Andrew M. ;
Mousaco,Jose Maria Tavares ;
Wacziarg,Romain ;
Bruno,Michael P. ;
Squire,Lyn ;
Open Media Research Institute ;
Oxford Analytica ;
Wolfensohn,James D. ;
Goran, Vladimir ;
Gray,Cheryl W. ;
Holle,Arnold L. ;
Vernikov, Andrei ;
Poverty is at the root of the problems facing many public housing projects in the U.K. today. Experience emerging from 100 low-income housing estates echoes findings from urban upgrading for the poor...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18208Date: September 30, 1996Author:
Taylor, Marilyn
Problems in comparing year to year poverty surveys demonstrate that researchers need to take into account changes in survey design. The method described here points to a shortcut to monitor poverty in...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17470Date: September 1, 1996Author:
Lanjouw,Peter F. ;
Ravallion,Martin ;
Culhane, Brian [editor]
Regulatory lessons from Argentina's power concessions, by Antonio Estache and Martin Rodriguez-Pardina; railway concessions-heading down the right track in Argentina, by Jose Carbajo and Antonio Estache;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 47577Date: September 1, 1996Author:
Estache,Antonio ;
Rodriguez Pardina,Martin Augusto ;
Carbajo Martinez,Jose Candido ;
Crampes,Claude ;
Petrazzini, Ben A. ;
Klein,Michael Ulrich ;
So, Jae ;
Shin,Benjamin J. ;
Alexander, lan ;
Irwin,Timothy ;
Dale, Tony ;
Ball, lan ;
Nicholl,Peter William E. ;
Barger,Teresa C. ;
Carter,Laurence W. ;
Understanding the perspective of farmers is key to the success of any activity aimed at improving their lives. Agricultural extension, which provides information to increase farmers' production, is particularly...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18210Date: August 31, 1996Author:
Salmen,Lawrence F.
Most poor and disadvantaged people have not previously been integrated into the formal financial sector. However, from the standpoint both of financial sector development and poverty alleviation, the...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18202Date: August 31, 1996Author:
Bennett,Lynn ;
Goldberg, Mike ;
Hunte, Pam
The legacy of Habitat II. Habitat II: a critical assessment. The right to housing debate. The private sector: an afterthought. Implementing Habitat II's objectives: the role of USAID. Ahmedabad's credit...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17512Date: August 31, 1996Author:
Carlson, Eric ;
Cohen, Michael ;
Stegman, Michael A.
A Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) was undertaken by the World Bank in collaboration with the Government of Kenya to complement previous statistical studies of poverty in Kenya. While the PPA confirmed...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18209Date: August 31, 1996Author:
Narayan,Deepa ;
Nyamwaya, David
Citizen participation in the decisionmaking and development activities of local government can produce more efficient and effective delivery of services by the public sector. In order to foster participation,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18203Date: August 31, 1996Author:
Silverman, Jerry M. ;
Gow, David ;
Frankenhoff, John
This is a newsletter of the World Bank country office Manila. This issue features: FVR (President Fidel V. Ramos): for stronger partnership with World Bank. Philippine projects doing well; action plan...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 23271Date: July 31, 1996Author:
Gonzales, Leonora A. [editor]
World Bank Group coordinates private sector activities - new facility: Business Partnership Center. Poverty and inequality in China (Yvonne Ying). Common pitfalls in measuring welfare during transition...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17837Date: July 31, 1996Author:
Ying, Yvonne ;
Van De Walle,Dominique ;
Benziger, Vincent ;
Pavlov, Vladimir ;
Pratschke, John L. ;
Kisunko,Gregory ;
Kekic, Laza
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