Poverty alleviation programs -- both
short- and long-term -- require data that can help to
accurately identify vulnerable groups. During periods of
economic shock,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17473Date: March 31, 1997Author:
Culhane, Brian [editor]
Against a backdrop of increasing
attention to social assessment and participation issues
throughout the World Bank and within the Global Environment
Facility (GEF),...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21960Date: March 31, 1997Author:
Aycrigg, Maria
This Banks World newsletter includes
some of the following headings: Bank is big, strong,
fashionable, cute, solid - it's on the record; broad
support for revamp by...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56975Date: March 24, 1997Author:
Cullen,Timothy W. B. ;
Drattel, Al ;
Ptito,Lauren S. ;
Rafferty, Kevin ;
Ruiz-Esparza, A.M.
Quality is everyone's business.
Our toolkit: identifying projects at risk. A historical
look at projects at risk. Our toolkit: measuring realism
and proactivity. ...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18166Date: February 28, 1997Author:
Garg, Prem
This Banks World newsletter includes
some of the following headings: March d-day for 21st century
Bank; dreams come true: Africa region's (AFR's)
Mamadou Dia honored...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56974Date: February 28, 1997Author:
Aflalo,Brigitte ;
Howard,Ted L. ;
Mcneil, Marry ;
Rafferty, Kevin ;
Stiglitz,Joseph E.
FSU firms keep on providing social
services. The price tag of Russia's organized crime.
New currency boards come to the Balkans. Bulgaria in crisis.
Vox populi -what...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 16720Date: February 28, 1997Author:
Hanke, Steve H. ;
Koronowski, Adam ;
Linn,Johannes F. ;
Mabert, Vincent ;
Marer, Paul ;
Shelley, Louise I. ;
Thomas, Scott ;
Farmers are aware of natural resource
degradation, but environmentally unsustainable agricultural
practices remain widespread. Like other differences among
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21126Date: February 28, 1997Author:
Kerr, John ;
Magrath, William
Out of the tunnel of urban childhood.
Learning to get better. Unraveling the dilemma of child
labor. Children in development. Picture Cape Town: images of
South Africa....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17515Date: January 31, 1997Author:
Helmore, Kristin ;
Bundy, Don ;
Thakkar, Mitesh ;
Winter, Carolyn ;
Boyden, Jo ;
Myers, William ;
Hart, Roger ;
Chatterjee, Patralekha ;
Le Breton, Juliet ;
Freeman, Hugh ;
Backus, Emily ;
de la Barra, Ximena ;
Graef, Roger ;
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy ;
Hoffman, Daniel ;
Bergen, Margaret ;
Conger, Lucy ;
Sweet, David
High interest rates place banking
systems under stress and create the potential for crisis by
squeezing firms' profits and encouraging banks to
undertake riskier projects...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17861Date: January 31, 1997Author:
Vieira da Cunha, Paulo ;
Brock, Phil
Accessing commercial capital for
micro-finance: the ACCION experience, by Maria Otero.
Short-term micro-finance: commercial banks can do it! by
Klaas Kuiper. Micro-finance:...
Agricultural science forum strengthens
global agricultural research system. CGIAR honors six world
food prize laureates. Editorial - The global forum - an
Type: NewsletterReport#: 23544Date: January 31, 1997Author:
Baxter, Joan ;
Brader,Lukas ;
Cribb, Julian ;
Ozgediz, Selcuck ;
Serageldin,M. Ismail
As Hungary institutes a market economy,
it presents a model for how a previously centralized state
has to rethink dealing with poverty. Given the budget
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17472Date: January 31, 1997Author:
Culhane, Brian [editor]
Under the Pilot Program to Conserve the
Brazilian Rain Forest, protected areas will be concentrated
in seven rain forest corridors located in the Amazon and
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18619Date: January 31, 1997Author:
Anderson, Anthony ;
Lisansky, Judith ;
Sprissler, Loretta
This Banks World newsletter includes
some of the following headings: a survival guide to 1997: if
you thought last year was filled with change, hold on to
your hat by...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56973Date: January 23, 1997Author:
Howard,Ted L.
During the Fourth Annual Participants
Meeting of the Pilot Program in Manaus (October 28-30,
1997), the participants reaffirmed their overall
satisfaction with the progress...
Manila : private water works, by Scott
MacLeod, Tony Clamp, and Luc Dejonckheere. Managing for
change ...in Africa, by Alexander Nicolas Keyserlingk and
Charles Minor....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18585Date: January 1, 1997Author:
Wright, Rob [editor] ;
MacLeod, Scott ;
Dejonckheere, Luc ;
Clamp, Tony ;
Keyserlingk, Alexander Nicolas ;
Minor, Charles ;
Clarke, Denis ;
D'Amato, Erik ;
Francisco-Tolentino, Maria Au
This is a newsletter of the World Bank
country office Manila. This issue features: World Bank -
Government of the Philippines agree on U$S 1.3 billion in
new loans....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 23272Date: December 31, 1996Author:
Gonzales, Leonora A. [editor]
The new role of mayors in a changing
global context. Interview with Jamie Ravinet, Mayor of
Santiago, Chile. Devolution of power in Allahabad. Interview
with Beverly...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17513Date: December 31, 1996Author:
Rabinovitch, Jonas ;
Chatterjee, Patralekha ;
Padula, Giovanni ;
Farres, Nabila ;
Laquian, Aprodicio ;
Warnkie, Benjamin ;
Mourad, Mustafa
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