This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: 1,200 non regular staff sign protest letter to President, by BW reporter; sweat, tears, hope, by Kevin rafferty; banker to biker in...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56978Date: June 3, 1997Author:
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Ptito,Lauren S. ;
Rafoto ;
Woolley,Catherine E. ;
Rafferty, Kevin
The government of India is implementing a new strategy to arrest the spread of tuberculosis (TB) in the country. The World Bank-funded Tuberculosis Control Project used social assessment (SA) as an "umbrella"...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18207Date: May 31, 1997Author:
Clark,Maria Donoso
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: Bank chief grilled by girls; excellent choices, by Al Drattell; severino to women: seiz chances, by Lauren ptito; paperless office on...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56977Date: May 9, 1997Author:
Aflalo,Brigitte ;
Cullen,Timothy W. B. ;
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Njovens, Ben ;
Rafferty, Kevin ;
Ptito,Lauren S.
This Field Note highlights findings of a study on public water points - commonly known as "water kiosks" - carried out in Kibera, an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. The report, a comprehensive study...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 30368Date: May 1, 1997Author:
Gikaru, Lawrence ;
Mbuvi, Japheth [editor] ;
Musumba, Brazille [editor]
West Asia and North Africa : a regional vision; by Adel El-Beltagy. Phenomenal increase in maize production in West and Central Africa. Editorial - How efficient are modern cereal cultivars? China will...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 23545Date: April 30, 1997Author:
El-Beltagy, Adel ;
Pena, R. J. ;
Pfeiffer, W. H. ;
Varughese,George Chempakasery
Responsible investing for cities and taxpayers, by Timothy Irwin. New ways to package urban investments, by Lyndsay Neilson. India's ULBs give lenders more than IOUs, by Patralekha Chatterjee. National...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18335Date: April 30, 1997Author:
Irwin,Timothy C. ;
Chatterjee,Patralekha ;
Bergen,Margaret ;
Kabanova, Olga ;
Waldhorn, Steven A. ;
Egan, Edmund A. ;
Conger,Lucy ;
Neilson, Lyndsay ;
Choguill, Charles A. ;
Padula, Giovanni ;
Cabannes,Yves ;
Moseley,Jenepher W. ;
McNulty, Robert ;
Aitkin, Don ;
Garcia, Alvin B. ;
Joshi, Rita ;
Carper,Leslie ;
Taylor, Joseph ;
Cardenas, Cuauhtemoc
The World Bank, the United Nations Development Program, and the United Nations Environment Program, act as implementing agencies of the Global Environment Facility. The World Bank's role is to develop...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18290Date: April 30, 1997Author:
Kellenberg,John ;
Vidaeus,Lars O.
A World Bank team conducted a supervision visit for the Extractive Reserves Project in Brasilia and Rondonia. The principal objectives of the visit were to evaluate the implementation of the project since...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18620Date: April 30, 1997Author:
Lisansky,Judith M. ;
Consultations with affected populations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are becoming standard practice in environment assessments (EAs). The Bank recognized this fact by incorporating public...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18206Date: April 30, 1997Author:
Davis,Shelton H. ;
Van Vijfeijken,Tosca M. ;
Gonzalez Gomez,Mary Lisbeth
This transition newsletter includes some of the following headings: why is Ukraine's economy, and Russia's not growing?; The Bank should prioritize recovery; retraining economics lecturers in Russia; North...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 16718Date: April 30, 1997Author:
Sheng,Len Tao ;
Kaufmann,Daniel ;
Menshikov, Stanislav ;
Gisselquist,David P. ;
Lan Wu ;
Eberstadt, Nicholas
Community management of natural resources can be promoted by providing an incentive environment to help ensure the flow of benefits to communities through the establishment of regulated access and rational...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18291Date: April 30, 1997Author:
Jain, Nihal C.
The 1996 Red List of Threatened Animals is a warning flag, signaling for global attention to the perilous status of many species. It is estimated that 25 percent of mammal species and 11 percent of bird...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18292Date: April 30, 1997Author:
Rabb, George B. ;
Baillie, Jonathan ;
Tressler, Susan [editor] ;
Rees,Colin P.
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: call for greening of atrium; berry plans radical personnel shake-up by Kevin, Rafferty; man's natural pharmacy faces extinction; Severino...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56976Date: April 15, 1997Author:
Rafferty, Kevin ;
Wright, Fried ;
Aflalo,Brigitte ;
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Hay,Phillip Jeremy ;
Ptito,Lauren S.
Poverty alleviation programs -- both short- and long-term -- require data that can help to accurately identify vulnerable groups. During periods of economic shock, such programs may then be able to better...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17473Date: March 31, 1997Author:
Culhane, Brian [editor]
Against a backdrop of increasing attention to social assessment and participation issues throughout the World Bank and within the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Bank's Global Environment Coordination...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21960Date: March 31, 1997Author:
Morgan,Maria Katherine
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: Bank is big, strong, fashionable, cute, solid - it's on the record; broad support for revamp by Kevin, Rafferty; answerline news; top...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56975Date: March 24, 1997Author:
Cullen,Timothy W. B. ;
Drattel, Al ;
Ptito,Lauren S. ;
Rafferty, Kevin ;
Ruiz-Esparza, A.M.
Quality is everyone's business. Our toolkit: identifying projects at risk. A historical look at projects at risk. Our toolkit: measuring realism and proactivity. Quality assessments: what's in store....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18166Date: February 28, 1997Author:
Garg,Prem Prakash
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: March d-day for 21st century Bank; dreams come true: Africa region's (AFR's) Mamadou Dia honored by African-American institute; finance...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56974Date: February 28, 1997Author:
Aflalo,Brigitte ;
Howard,Ted L. ;
Mcneil, Marry ;
Rafferty, Kevin ;
Stiglitz,Joseph Eugene
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