Recent evidence from Viet Nam indicates that deficits in access to basic infrastructure are so widespread that new investments will not automatically be well targeted to the poor. In fact, in Viet Nam...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17475Date: September 30, 1997Author:
Culhane, Brian [editor]
Solving the Rubik's Cube: cultural heritage in cities of the developing world. Forward to the past:cultural heritage a trigger for renewal. The politics of heritage: the culture war in urban India. Preservation...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17514Date: September 30, 1997Author:
Serageldin,M. Ismail ;
Landry,Charles ;
Chatterjee,Patralekha ;
Erbach, Jerry ;
Eirinberg, Keith W. ;
Corzo, Miguel Angel ;
Bergen,Margaret ;
Goethert,Reinhard K ;
Balzar, John ;
Netzer, Dick ;
Ashworth, G. J. ;
Hankey,Donald ;
Biswas,Kalyan ;
Dickey, Lisa ;
Padula, Giovanni ;
Badshah,Akhtar A. ;
Subir, Josep
Land degradation on agricultural land, in addition to reducing productivity and causing problems such as sedimentation, can also affect problems of global concern. Land degradation can contribute to climate...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18294Date: September 30, 1997Author:
Pagiola,Stefano P.
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: challenges vs. opportunity; by BW reporter; Vatican backs Bank, by Lauren Ptito; Bank spells out plans for war on connection, by BW...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56981Date: September 18, 1997Author:
Bergen,Geoffrey H. ;
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Keynes ;
Ptito,Lauren S. ;
Rafferty, Kevin ;
Robboy,Rebeca M. ;
Stein,Peer Benno Walter
EU accession should be a partnership, not a dictate. Picking up the enlargement tab: European Union plans budget for 2000-2006. Romania's new government means business - the first seven months. New phase...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17071Date: August 31, 1997Author:
Ellman, Michael ;
O'Brien,Thomas Sean ;
Klose, Eliza K. ;
Urge-Vorsatz,Diana ;
Easterly,William R. ;
Wolf,Holger C. ;
Selowsky,Marcelo ;
Desai, Padma ;
Harriman, Roland
This Banks world newsletter includes some of the following headings: bank reaches out to DC, by Kevin Rafferty; Koch-Weser urges managers to cut the knot; practice, what we preach, by Kevin Rafferty; bank's...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 64375Date: August 22, 1997Author:
Mejia,Cristina ;
Rafferty, Kevin
The Secretariat for the Legal Amazon of the Ministry of the Environment, Water Resources and Legal Amazon (MMA) is currently preparing the Monitoring and Analysis Project. To be successful, this project...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18621Date: July 31, 1997Author:
Lisansky,Judith M. ;
A Quality-at-entry review of 108 World Bank projects in 53 countries was undertaken to determine the extent and nature of community driven development (CDD) within the Bank's portfolio. The review included...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18204Date: July 31, 1997Author:
Narayan,Deepa ;
Governance of the MFI, by Martin Connell. Internal control in micro-finance institutions, by Gilles Galludec. The role of a board of directors for micro-finance institutions - an interview with Ira Lieberman,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18676Date: July 31, 1997Author:
Mukherjee,Joyita ;
Isern, Jennifer [editors] ;
Connell, Martin ;
Galludec,Gilles Jacques ;
Lieberman,Ira W. ;
Taborga, Miguel ;
Wright,David L. ;
Kumar, Udaia ;
Bazoberry, Eduardo
Over the past few years donors and governments have become increasingly interested in the potential of decentralization for improving the efficiency of public expenditures and the effectiveness of service...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 22763Date: July 31, 1997Author:
McLean, Keith ;
Okidegbe, Nwanze
How can geographic information systems (GIS) assist in pollution control and prevention? What role can GIS play in environmental monitoring and impact assessment? Can GIS offer information management solutions...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18293Date: July 31, 1997Author:
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: Bank staffers without IDs set up home in H building; dialog with critics begins, by Kevin Rafferty; Muhsin in the swim as CIO, by Al...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56980Date: July 21, 1997Author:
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Keynes ;
Mejia,Cristina ;
Radhika, Y.R. ;
Rafferty, Kevin
Mali: trees for food security. A lethal cocktail for the chickpea podborer. Forum: Sida's strategies for natural resources and the environment, by Johan Holmerg. News: groundwater sales promote equity....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 23546Date: June 30, 1997Author:
Holmberg, Johan ;
Harrington, Larry ;
Robbins, Mike ;
Ozowa, Vincent Nnamdi ;
Peacock, John
Cross-country evidence from social assistance programs indicates that good design incorporates both general and country-specific principles. While there is no model program on which all programs can be...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17474Date: June 30, 1997Author:
Culhane, Brian [editor]
Demand-Driven Rural Investment Funds (DRIFs) are the latest generation of social funds that are yielding impressive results in several countries in South America. This note reviews the Brazilian experience...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 22762Date: June 30, 1997Author:
Piriou-Sall, Suzanne ;
Barbosa, Tulio ;
Silverman, A
A new method for auctioning highways. Water privatization and regulation in England and Wales. Designing regulatory institutions for infrastructure - lessons from Argentina. Colombia's gradulist approach...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 17406Date: June 30, 1997Author:
Engel,Eduardo ;
Fischer Barkan,Ronald David ;
Galetovic Potsch,Alexander ;
Van Den Berg,Caroline ;
Estache,Antonio ;
Gray,Philip D. ;
La Porta,Rafael ;
Lopez-De-Silanes,Florencio ;
La Porta,Rafael ;
Pistor,Katharina ;
Spicer, Andrew ;
Claessens, Stijn ;
Djankov,Simeon ;
Pohl,Gerhard ;
Ramachandran, S. ;
Shleifer,Andrei ;
Vishny, Robert
As urban communities face increasing congestion, more and more fresh water and a range of solid materials are required to satisfy the daily needs of people and industry. One solution to enhance the productivity...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21127Date: June 30, 1997Author:
Van Vreen, Tjaart Schillhorn ;
O'Connell,Paul F.
Reform boosts growth and foreign investment. Nations in transit - 1997 Freedom House rankings. Good policies are needed to make aid effective. The EBRD increases activity : interview with EBRD's Chief...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 16987Date: June 30, 1997Author:
Selowsky,Marcelo ;
Garcia Tafur,Ricardo Martin ;
Shor, Boris ;
Burnside,A. Craig ;
Dollar,David R. ;
Hirschler,Richard ;
Sewell,David O. ;
Rutland, Peter ;
Pohl,Gerhard ;
Anderson,Robert E. ;
Claessens, Stijn ;
Djankov,Simeon ;
Hewer,Ulrich Albert ;
Goldberg,Itzhak ;
Jedrzejczak,Gregory T. ;
Fuchs,Michael J. ;
Michalopoulos,Constantine ;
Peters, Philip
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: no second class citizens, by Kevin Rafferty; peoplesoft puts you in control, by Lauren Ptito; swift action averts fish fears, by Al...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56979Date: June 27, 1997Author:
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Murphy,Patrick D. ;
Ptito,Lauren S. ;
Radhika, Y.R. ;
Rafferty, Kevin ;
Verzosa,Cecilia C.
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