The results of technical tests on a range of lamps provide a guide to an optimal choice of lamps for improved lighting, mainly in rural areas in distributed applications i.e. in standalone (DC - Direct...
The note describes the objectives of the Inspection Panel (IP), i.e., to provide an independent forum to private citizens, who may believe their interests have been, or could be directly harmed by a project...
Vietnam's development over the past decade represents one of the more dramatic turnarounds in economic history. In the mid-80s the country was in dire straits. Ten years later - after a radical set or...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18330Date: June 30, 1998Author:
Hall,Gillette H.
82 percent of projects found satisfactory in quality at entry assessment. Staff honored for excellence in project quality at entry. Rapid quality at entry assessment - a primer. Lending for biodiversity...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18155Date: June 30, 1998Author:
Garg,Prem Prakash
"Economic Neoliberalism became almost irrelevant..." : Poland's Grzegorz W. Kolodko on new trends in development strategies (Grzegorz W. Kolodko and Richard Hirschler). Beyond the Washington Consensus...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18309Date: June 30, 1998Author:
Ferge, Zsuzsa ;
Aslund,Anders ;
Scott, Evan ;
Gao, Shangquan ;
Dollar,David R. ;
Litvack,Jennie I. ;
Davies, Peter ;
Stiglitz,Joseph Eugene ;
This Bank's World newsletter includes some of the following headings: Ruiz aims for the top of the world, by Juan Pablo Ruiz; income debate begins, by Kevin Rafferty; volunteers seek to create greener...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56995Date: June 25, 1998Author:
Rafferty, Kevin ;
Ruiz,Juan Pablo ;
Shen,Anna ;
1998 CGIAR Mid-Term Meeting : mobilizing science for global food security. New appointment for CGIAR Chairman. The CGIAR in the twenty-first century; by Mahendra Shah. A new vision for ICRISAT; by Shawki...
A new economic reality on Asian city streets (Patralekha Chatterjee). City war zones (Sultan Barakat). Beirut: the lights are back on (May Farah). Preparing African cities for the bond market (Akin L....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18337Date: May 31, 1998Author:
Chatterjee,Patralekha ;
Barakat, Sultan ;
Farah, May ;
Mabogunje, Akin L. ;
Bergen,Margaret ;
Private companies must be involved in finding and carrying out solutions to global environmental problems. Otherwise, the technologies and approaches piloted by GEF (Global Environment Facility) projects...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18249Date: May 31, 1998Author:
Harstad, Jarle [editor]
In this example, the social assessment (SA) alerted the World Bank and the Government of Argentina to social differences among beneficiary groups and to problems and priorities that needed attention during...
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: Naqvi in search of identity; emergency airlift; spouses' soapbox; airmiles save lives; TV for people; AIDS rider; hijack at G8; staff...
"The management of the Fund favors greater transparency" - Stanley Fischer responds to IMF critics. Conditionality : this time, attached to the IMF : the US Congress's waiting game. Will wage arrears continue...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18332Date: April 30, 1998Author:
Eberstadt, Nicholas ;
Fischer,Stanley ;
Gray,George Michael ;
Kim,Junki ;
Mertzanis, Harilaos ;
Mustafa,Muhamet ;
Oks, Danil ;
Orszag-Land, Thomas ;
Petrakos, George ;
Pfeffermann,Guy Pierre
This note provides a look at the World Bank's commitment to re-activate the existing production facilities among its client countries, allowing these facilities to obtain the necessary inputs and financing...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18559Date: April 30, 1998Author:
Watkins,Alfred Jay ;
Ruhl,Onno ;
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: refugee boat docks in heart of DC by Anna Shen; income boosting talks begin by Kevin Rafferty; answerline on ITS; cornucopia of facts...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56990Date: April 28, 1998Author:
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Please,Stanley ;
Rafferty, Kevin ;
Schrader-King,Kristyn E. ;
Shen,Anna ;
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: Stern becomes Vice Presidency (VP) to boost Human Resource (HR) implementation; champagne on ice by Kevin Rafferty; launching into the...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 56989Date: April 8, 1998Author:
Drattell,Alan M. ;
Granzow,Sandra ;
Rafferty, Kevin
The CGIAR nurtures an evaluation culture. China-CGIAR Forum ushers in closer partnership. Message from the Chairman: the CGIAR calls for moratorium, by Ismail Serageldin. CGIAR happenings. Highlights of...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 23548Date: March 31, 1998Author:
Serageldin,M. Ismail
This Note focuses on natural resource management (NRM) on arid rangelands used by pastoralists in Africa and the Middle East. Although the World Bank started funding NRM projects only recently, it has...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21129Date: March 31, 1998Author:
Le Gall,Francois G. ;
Van Der Sluijs,Dirk H. ;
English,John C.
The conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity can succeed in most places only in cooperation with the people who inhabit areas of high diversity and earn a living from these resources. ...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18247Date: March 31, 1998Author:
Harstad, Jarle [editor]
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