We introduce - the International Finance Corporation (IFC) : Leasing Development Project. Theory and practice - what is leasing : significance of the leasing sector for economic development. Leasing in...
This Bank's World newsletter includes some of the following headings: our dream is a world free of poverty; soccer teaches lessons for life, by Jamil Sopher; Bolivia shows that stabilization is not enough;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 57002Date: January 1, 1999Author:
Rafferty, Kevin ;
Shen,Anna ;
In a world facing future food shortages, the global importance of aquaculture continues to rise. According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistics, 1995 worldwide production from aquaculture...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21132Date: December 31, 1998Author:
Zweig,Ronald D.
Board wrestles with energy and environment. ESSD Council retreat confronts key issues. Flash from the field. IFC implements revised environmental review process. World Commission on dams seeks continued...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 23118Date: December 31, 1998Author:
Jechoutek, Karl ;
Liebenthal, Andres ;
Marroquin, Ma
Expert panel charts 21st century challenges. ICW98 (International Centers Week) tackles scientific, environmental, and organizational issues. CGIAR acts on "terminator technology." New IWMI (International...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 23556Date: December 31, 1998
The social assessment (SA) on Moldovan land reform was undertaken as economic and sector work to study farm communities; assess the impact of land reform on stakeholder groups; and identify the perspectives,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21266Date: December 31, 1998Author:
Dudwick,Nora ;
Development based on participation - a strategy for transforming societies, by Joseph E. Stiglitz. Deflation: a new challenge for China's policymakers, by Chi Fulin. The "D: word: it can be both good and...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18810Date: December 31, 1998Author:
Stiglitz,Joseph Eugene ;
Ellman, Michael ;
Tauber, Theresia M. ;
Ellerman,David P. ;
Zheleznyak, Anatoliy ;
Morck,Randall K ;
Bernard Yeung ;
Wayne Yu ;
Berkovitch, Elazar ;
Israel, Ronen ;
Mitchell,Janet ;
Kemp, Garry ;
Kaminski, Bartlomiej ;
Lyle, Robert
World Bank Group partners with Australia. World Bank - Keidanren joint venture in Vietnam's power sector. Learning lessons from partnerships. World Bank guarantee for Thai bond issue. Japan and U.K. announce...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18693Date: December 31, 1998
This is a newsletter of the World Bank country office Manila. This issue features: Philippines, World Bank sign US$600m package. Government of Philippines, WB identify actions to improve project performance....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 23221Date: December 31, 1998Author:
Gonzales,Leonora Aquino
Innovative projects: an unfolding story. Partnerships: strategic alliance signed. News briefs. Editorial, by Palat Mohandas. NGOs: Johad - river runs through it. States: Karnataka rural water and sanitation...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 23534Date: December 31, 1998Author:
Mohandas, Palat
Private participation in the electricity sector - recent trends, by Ada Karina Izaguirre. World Bank guarantees for oil and gas projects, by Scott Sinclair. Bidding for concessions - how contract design...
This Bank's World newsletter includes some of the following headings: Rio street artist shows the brutality of poverty, by Kevin Rafferty; basic economics to solve parking problem; Africa day, victim of...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 57001Date: December 3, 1998Author:
Rafferty, Kevin ;
Feeding megacities : a worldwide viewpoint. A tale of two cities : feeding Beijing and Delhi. Nobody need starve. Business takes a new look at inner cities. Farming inside and around cities. The global...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18336Date: November 30, 1998Author:
Tinker, Irene ;
Chatterjee, Patralekha ;
Sen, Amarty
This issue focuses on the experience of private sector involvement in Global Environment Facility (GEF) projects from Batangas Bay in the Philippines. The Batangas Bay Demonstration Project was part of...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 21208Date: November 30, 1998Author:
Harstad, Jarle [editor]
This Note outlines the scope of the Convention to Combat Desertification (CD) and indicates how the obligations and commitments of the country parties under the CCD could provide golden opportunities for...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 37268Date: November 1, 1998Author:
Hassan, Hassan M. ;
English,John C. ;
Riethmacher, Gunter W. ;
Eskikuri, Enos E.
Renewable energy is a feasible technological option in sustainable energy. Rusting monuments to past failures attest that his "autonomous" technology must operate within a frame of sustainable energy development...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 26344Date: October 31, 1998Author:
Barnes, Douglas ;
Jechoutek, Karl ;
Young, Andrew
Some of the headings included in this issue of the Quality Assurance Group are: Africa and MNA Lead Portfolio Improvement - Annual Reports on Portfolio Performance (ARPP) results; Quality of Bank supervision...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18466Date: October 31, 1998
"We did not neglect institutional development": interview with World Bank's ECA Chief Economist Marcelo Selowsky, by Richard Hirschler. The nature of Russia's economic castrophe - an alternative diagnosis,...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 18695Date: October 31, 1998Author:
Hirschler,Richard ;
Nekipelov, Alexandr ;
Vlachoutsicos, Charalambos ;
Batra, Rajeev ;
Chi Fulin ;
Saywell, Trish ;
Schuler, Kurt ;
Davies, Peter ;
Hoge,Robert K. S. ;
Frick,Miroslav ;
Scott, Evan ;
Popov, Vladimir ;
Kopatsy, Sandor ;
Matolcsy, Gyorgy ;
Menshikov, Stanislav ;
Ickes, Barry W. ;
Mueller, Katharina
This Bank's World newsletter includes some of the following headings: better aid will give new life to 80m a year by Kevin Rafferty; Hollywood comes to the World Bank, by Nazanine Atabaki and Lynn Thornton;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 57000Date: October 26, 1998Author:
Atabaki,Nazanine ;
Rafferty, Kevin ;
Shen,Anna ;
Thornton, Lynn
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