Water demand is increasing three times
faster than the world's population growth rate. By
2025, 30 percent of the world's population-a record 2.3
billion people in 50...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 25898Date: April 30, 2003
This newsletter provides information on
PPI-related news in the Maghreb and Mashrek regions on
telecommunications, energy, water and sanitation, transport.
It includes...
This Public-Private Infrastructure
Advisory Facility Quarterly Report comprises a summary and
the report. The summary includes: introduction; funding
source; activity...
This is quarterly economic monitoring
report on Yemen. The report consists of five sections. The
first section highlights key political, and major economic
and policy...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 33562Date: April 1, 2003Author:
Mohammed, Nadir ;
Al-Sabbry, Mohammed ;
Handal, Maria
Southeast Europe enterprise development
(SEED) highlights of Q4 FY03: Serbia's new leasing law
to benefit small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Balkan herb growers...
This Europe and Central Asia (ECA)
region poverty team newsletter includes some of the
following headlines: programmatic poverty assessments, a new
approach; poverty,...
This Note is prepared by the World Bank
Colombo Office to review the trends of some of the key
indicators which have an impact on the financial sector
performance. The...
This newsletter is a quarterly
publication of the Jordan country unit. This issue features:
Making micro-finance work better in the Middle East and
North Africa. Recent...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 27004Date: April 1, 2003Author:
Brandsma, Judith et al [editors]
Yesterday out of school; tomorrow a
teacher. Bangalore, May 21-22 : first ABCDE in a developing
country. Family Welfare Urban slums Project : a very
healthy partnership....
This Public-Private Infrastructure
Advisory Facility Quarterly Report comprises a summary and
the report. The summary includes: introduction; funding
source; activity...
This newsletter is a quarterly
publication of the Jordan country unit. This issue features:
Jordan leads the way in housing finance in the Middle East
and North Africa....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 26586Date: March 31, 2003
This is a newsletter of the World Bank
country office Manila. This issue features: Mindanao Working
Group acts to reach consensus. Donors support Government
Type: NewsletterReport#: 26376Date: March 31, 2003Author:
Gonzales, Eleonora A. [editor]
The newsletter discusses activities
organized by the Bank's Cairo Office during the first
quarter of 2003. Contents include: Dr. Selima Abdel Rahim: a
pioneer in her...
Some of the headings included in this
issue of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) handwashing
initiative (PPPHWI) newsletter are as follows: PPPHWI's
In this Issue: Editorial on looking
back, looking forward . Rich countries should show the way
on trade. Water supply and sanitation: opportunities and
challenges; by...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 34602Date: March 1, 2003Author:
Bjerde, Anna et al [editors] ;
This newsletter's contents include
news about telecom in Bahrain, Egypt, Lebanon,Tunisia; news
about energy in Egypt,Jordan, Lebanon; news about water in
Algeria; Bulletin...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 116708Date: March 1, 2003
The private sector drives economic
growth; by Joseph O'Keefe. The distributional impact of
privatization; by John Nellis and Nancy Birdsall. Where do
we stand today...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 33745Date: March 1, 2003Author:
Birdsall,Nancy M. ;
Cranmer,Ziba ;
Klein,Maximilian Michael Johann ;
Lubrano, Mike ;
Macdonell,Roderick ;
McNeil. Mary [editor] ;
Nellis,John R. ;
Neto, Salas ;
O'Keefe,Joseph ;
Rosen,Harold ;
Stepenhurst, Rick ;
Terry,Donald F. ;
Trifonova,Elika ;
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