The civil society engagement eNewsletter
includes the following headings: World Bank revises
indigenous people's policy; final days to participate:
poverty reduction...
In this issue: Highlights of June
Council Meeting. Focal Point News. Country Dialogue News.
Focal Area News. GEF-NGO Network News. News from the GEF
Office of Monitoring...
Bringing modern energy services to the
poor is an enormous challenge. Today 1.6 billion people lack
access to electricity, and 2.4 billion rely on traditional
Type: NewsletterReport#: 37481Date: May 1, 2005Author:
Saghir, Jamal
Each issue of this newsletter includes
the following sections: Leadership Forum, Featured Reading,
Event, Bulletin Board, Archives and information on
newsletter subscription....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 121252Date: May 1, 2005Author:
The Country Assistance Strategy (CAS)
will focus its activities in six major areas, clustered
under the two broader pillars of improving governance for
economic growth...
This development outreach newsletter
includes some of the following headlines: special report:
reaching the poor with health services. Vigilance, hope and
hard work;...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 33717Date: May 1, 2005Author:
Bhushan,Indu ;
Bloom,Erik A. ;
Butera,Jean Damascene ;
Coady, David P. ;
Diop, Francois Pathe ;
Excobar, Maria Luisa ;
Filmer,Deon P. ;
Gwatkin,Davidson R ;
Ir, Por ;
Joshi, Palak ;
Koro,Emmanuel ;
Loevinsohn,Benjamin P. ;
Malhotra,Anju ;
Mathur, Sanyukta ;
Mcneil,Mary L. ;
Meessen,Bruno ;
Mponda, Hadji ;
Mshinda, Hassan ;
Nathan,Rose ;
Pande,Rohini P. ;
Ranson,Michael Kent ;
Rawlings,Laura B. ;
Roca, Eva ;
Schwartz,James Brad ;
Shah, Mittal ;
Shaikh,Alanna Yasmin ;
Yazbeck,Abdo S.
Each issue of this newsletter includes
the following sections: Leadership Forum, Featured Reading,
Event, Bulletin Board, Archives and information on
newsletter subscription....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 121257Date: May 1, 2005Author:
Pierre-Louis, Anne Marie
In this issue: Fast Track Initiative
(FTI) in the news; FTI snapshot around the globe; more on
harmonization; Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD)/Development...
The Baltic countries have experienced
ups and downs on their way to becoming part of the European
Union. Small and open economies, the Baltic countries
emerged from...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 32591Date: April 1, 2005Author:
Lawson, Thomas
The civil society engagement eNewsletter
includes the following issues: join: Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper (PRSP) 2005 review e-discussion; World Bank
News: News from IFC GEM and the World
Bank Group - IFC GEM celebrates International Women's
Day; IFC to host global banking alliance for women
secretariat; World Bank...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 35723Date: April 1, 2005Author:
Ellis, Amanda [editor]
This Public-Private Infrastructure
Advisory Facility Quarterly Report comprises a summary and
the report. The summary includes: introduction; funding
source; activity...
Data gathered during the past four years
in Mexico, Colombia and Brazil suggests that in these
countries somewhere between 65 and 85 percent of urban
households do not...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 38939Date: April 1, 2005Author:
Madeddu,Oscar ;
Mylenko,Nataliya ;
Stein,Peer Benno Walter ;
Stoppani,Stefano M.
Contents: Youth, Government and World
Bank join forces. Youth Project helps to rebuild hope and
reduce violence. Press release: The Royal Government of
Cambodia and...
In this edition: Editorial:
Lebanon's road to economic and social recovery: two
fallacies and two lessons. Public expenditure reform
priorities for growth and poverty...
In this issue: Global poverty reduction
via expanding opportunities; by Timothy Besley, Robin
Burgess, and David Donaldson. Interview with Alberto
Alesina. Good_bye...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 35666Date: April 1, 2005Author:
Alesina,Alberto ;
Alexandrova, Anastasia ;
Besley,Timothy John ;
Burgess,Robin Stuart L. ;
Denisova,Irina ;
Donaldson,David J. ;
Fuchs-Schuendeln, Nicola ;
Garcia Marin,Alvaro Felipe ;
Grishina,Elena ;
Hazans,Mihails ;
Hertel,Thomas W. ;
Ivanov,Andrey Vladimirovich ;
Nussbaumer, Michel ;
Paci,Pierella ;
Rastrigina,Olga ;
Rutherford,Thomas F. ;
Sasin, Marcin, J. ;
Shepotylo, Olesandr ;
Smith, Preston ;
Tarr,David ;
Trapexnikova, Ija ;
Verbeek,Jos ;
Contents: Development compatible with
protection (Interview with Vinod Thomas). In focus: RFU
partners develop projects aimed at sustainability.
Development: Brazilian...
How do we measure financial access :
despite the relatively high quantification of many aspects
of financial systems, there has been a growing realization
that information...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 38946Date: April 1, 2005Author:
Kumar, Anjali
Each issue of this newsletter includes
the following sections: Leadership Forum, Featured Reading,
Event, Bulletin Board, Archives and information on
newsletter subscription....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 121253Date: April 1, 2005Author:
Halvorson, George C.
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