This newsletter highlights some of the many policies, programs, and initiatives of the World Bank (WB) which may involve or be of interest to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). This includes: World Bank...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 60556Date: November 1, 2005
Contents: Why is the World Bank involved in carbon finance? What is carbon finance? Integrating carbon finance with Bank operations. Talking trash: Why carbon finance is important in waste management....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 37024Date: November 1, 2005Author:
Stein, John H. [editor]
The note particularly discusses economic growth in China, which has been higher than expected, in part due to more rapid domestic demand growth. Reversing the pattern of the first half of 2005, domestic...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 34460Date: November 1, 2005
The Albania Quaretrly aims to inform the public at large about overall economic developments in Albania and the World Bank Group activities in the country. The newsletter consists of eight sections: (i)...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 38114Date: November 1, 2005
The vulnerability of the poor to natural disaster risks is high. In this article, we will look at the various types of risks faced by poor people and what steps are and can be taken to mitigate these....
Type: NewsletterReport#: 38953Date: November 1, 2005
The report discusses recent economic developments, as follows, Volume 1 : Macroeconomic performance in the EU8 countries remained broadly favorable through the third quarter of 2005 despite an adverse...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 34878Date: October 31, 2005
The report discusses recent economic developments, as follows, Volume 1 : Macroeconomic performance in the EU8 countries remained broadly favorable through the third quarter of 2005 despite an adverse...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 34878Date: October 31, 2005
This newsletter highlights some of the many policies, programs, and initiatives of the World Bank (WB) which may involve or be of interest to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). This includes: WB issues...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 60555Date: October 1, 2005
Highlight of critical national challenges. From the World Bank's global press archive. Featuring learning issues from the Bank. Summary of key country events of the month.
Type: NewsletterReport#: 37235Date: October 1, 2005
This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Jordan country unit. This issue features: World Bank Contacts; Gender Entrepreneurship Markets; Recent Economic Developments; World Bank Opens a Public...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 37134Date: October 1, 2005Author:
Akkaya,Sebnem ;
Attiga,Ahmed Ali ;
Akala,Francisca Ayodeji ;
Bou Habib,Chadi ;
Ellis,Amanda Natalie ;
Gamay,Sara ;
Mohamed, Saheen Sidi ;
Niethammer,Carmen ;
Warlop,Sophie W.
This edition of the World Bank Iraq Trust Fund (ITF) includes the following content: Latest news. Pledges, commitments and deposits. Status of ITF-financed projects. ITF sources and uses of funds.
Type: NewsletterReport#: 38997Date: October 1, 2005
In this issue: IFC supports sustainability of Minera Yanacocha's mine: Enhancing Local Benefits (ELB) project in Peru's Cajamarca region aids local governments in channeling revenues from gold mine into...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 44444Date: October 1, 2005
2006 ABCDE Conference: focus on 15 years of changes by Boris Pleskovic. Poverty and inequality : inequality and growth in transition -- does China's rising inequality portend Russia's future? by Pradeep...
The issue's highlights include news of IFC and World Bank Group activities (including the Pan-African Women Invent and Innovate Event, Conference and Awards (PAWII) in Ghana in September and the African...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 35695Date: October 1, 2005
This Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility Quarterly Report includes: notable regional developments during the quarter; call for proposals and new activities approved; and next call for proposal...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 41727Date: October 1, 2005
This Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region poverty team newsletter includes some of the following headlines: growth, poverty, and inequality in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union; what has happen...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 49211Date: October 1, 2005
In this issue: Government of Indonesia (GoI) and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) GAM-GoI incidents increase in October. Post-MoU incidents vary geographically but less so substantively. Vigilante incidents...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 40435Date: October 1, 2005
In this issue: Interview with Mr. C. Grossmann. Legislation update: Ukraine. Program launch: Ukraine, Russia. Program in focus: PEP linkages program. Program update: PEP forestry project.
Type: NewsletterReport#: 39540Date: October 1, 2005
Each issue of this newsletter includes the following sections: Leadership Forum, Featured Reading, Event, Bulletin Board, Archives and information on newsletter subscription. The featured reading in this...
Type: NewsletterReport#: 121247Date: October 1, 2005Author:
Criel, Bart
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