In 2010, to reform the Kyrgyz
Republic's financial sector during a period of
political transition, the government nationalized several
institutions, including the Kyrgyz...
Indonesian farmers are largely excluded
from formal financial services, only 5 percent of lending
goes to a sector that contributes 15 percent of GDP, and
most of this...
Type: BriefReport#: 192551Date: January 1, 2013Author:
World Bank
This accompanying brief on agriculture
serves as a to the corresponding chapter in the full
guidance note (report 75102). The provides operational
guidance to maximize...
South Africa's cities present
unique challenges, having been designed to reinforce decades
of apartheid policies. The South African Cities Network
(SACN) was launched...
In 2007-2008 the Government of Tanzania
carried out the National Sample Census of Agriculture.
Reports from the census include a technical report,
sub-sector reports,...
Type: BriefReport#: 86437Date: January 1, 2013Author:
Gharib Juma, Kassim
This policy brief provides an overview
of key achievements and outstanding issues in carrying out
Presidential Instructions on gender mainstreaming (INPRES
No. 9/2000),...
Risk management is nothing new. But the
global financial crisis and corporate failures in recent
years have put risk management in the spotlight. Who is
ultimately responsible...
Type: BriefReport#: 76973Date: January 1, 2013Author:
Choi, Ivan
Corporate sustainability ratings are a
potentially powerful but still underused tool for building a
competitive, socially purposeful, and financially sound
Type: BriefReport#: 76971Date: January 1, 2013Author:
White, Allen L
The 14 indicators describe a
country's macro-fiscal environment to identify
constraints or opportunities for health systems financing.
For each indicator two aspects...
Type: BriefReport#: 80262Date: January 1, 2013Author:
Cortez, Rafael ;
Pande, Aaka ;
Eozenou, Patrick ;
Leive, Adam ;
Smitz, Marc ;
Ozcelik, Ece
This report gives 14 indicators that
describe a country's macro fiscal environment to
identify constraints or opportunities for health systems
financing. A country with...
Type: BriefReport#: 80343Date: January 1, 2013Author:
Cortez,Rafael A. ;
Eozenou,Patrick Hoang-Vu ;
Fidler,Armin H. ;
Klingen,Nicole ;
Leive,Adam Alexander ;
Ozcelik,Ece Amber ;
Pande,Aakanksha ;
This report gives 14 indicators that
describe a country's macro fiscal environment to
identify constraints or opportunities for health systems
financing. A country with...
The 14 indicators describe a
country's macro-fiscal environment to identify
constraints or opportunities for health systems financing.
For each indicator two aspects...
Type: BriefReport#: 80365Date: January 1, 2013Author:
Cortez, Rafael ;
Pande, Aaka ;
Eozenou, Patrick
This report gives 14 indicators that
describe a country's macro fiscal environment to
identify constraints or opportunities for health systems
financing. A country with...
Type: BriefReport#: 80388Date: January 1, 2013Author:
Cortez,Rafael A. ;
Eozenou,Patrick Hoang-Vu ;
Fidler,Armin H. ;
Klingen,Nicole ;
Leive,Adam Alexander ;
Ozcelik,Ece Amber ;
Pande,Aakanksha ;
This report gives 14 indicators that
describe a country's macro fiscal environment to
identify constraints or opportunities for health systems
financing. A country with...
The 14 indicators describe a
country's macro-fiscal environment to identify
constraints or opportunities for health systems financing.
For each indicator two aspects...
Type: BriefReport#: 80439Date: January 1, 2013Author:
Cortez,Rafael A. ;
Eozenou,Patrick Hoang-Vu ;
Leive,Adam Alexander ;
Ozcelik,Ece Amber ;
Pande,Aakanksha ;
The 14 indicators describe a
country's macro-fiscal environment to identify
constraints or opportunities for health systems financing.
For each indicator two aspects...
Type: BriefReport#: 80457Date: January 1, 2013Author:
Cortez,Rafael A. ;
Eozenou,Patrick Hoang-Vu ;
Leive,Adam Alexander ;
Ozcelik,Ece Amber ;
Pande,Aakanksha ;
This report gives 14 indicators that
describe a country's macro fiscal environment to
identify constraints or opportunities for health systems
financing. A country with...
Type: BriefReport#: 80414Date: January 1, 2013Author:
Cortez,Rafael A. ;
Eozenou,Patrick Hoang-Vu ;
Fidler,Armin H. ;
Klingen,Nicole ;
Leive,Adam Alexander ;
Ozcelik,Ece Amber ;
Pande,Aakanksha ;
The 14 indicators describe a
country's macro-fiscal environment to identify
constraints or opportunities for health systems financing.
For each indicator two aspects...
Type: BriefReport#: 80393Date: January 1, 2013Author:
Cortez,Rafael A. ;
Eozenou,Patrick Hoang-Vu ;
The 14 indicators describe a
country's macro-fiscal environment to identify
constraints or opportunities for health systems financing.
For each indicator two aspects...
Type: BriefReport#: 80421Date: January 1, 2013Author:
Cortez, Rafael ;
Pande, Aaka ;
Eozenou, Patrick ;
Leive, Adam ;
Smitz, Marc ;
Ozcelik, Ece
The 14 indicators describe a
country's macro-fiscal environment to identify
constraints or opportunities for health systems financing.
For each indicator two aspects...
Type: BriefReport#: 80456Date: January 1, 2013Author:
Cortez, Rafael ;
Pande, Aaka ;
Eozenou, Patrick ;
Leive, Adam ;
Smitz, Marc ;
Ozcelik, Ece
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