This brief summarizes the results of a
gender impact evaluation study, entitled Migration and
mental health : evidence from a natural experiment, began in
the year 2002...
Type: BriefReport#: 81393Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Gibson, John ;
Mckenzie,David J. ;
Stillman,Steven Eric
The brief summarizes the impact of
Programa de Educacion, Salud y Alimentacion (PROGRESA) on
food consumption in Mexico. The program started in 1997 and
still exists...
Type: BriefReport#: 81503Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Hoddinott, John ;
Skoufias, Emmanuel
This brief summarizes from the group up:
impacts of a pro-poor community driven development project
in Nigeria. The program started in September 2005 and has
Type: BriefReport#: 81324Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Nkonya, Ephraim ;
Phillip, Dayo ;
Mogues, Tewodaj ;
Pender, John ;
Yahaya, Muhammad Kuta ;
Adebowale, Gbenga ;
Arokoyo, Tunji ;
Kato, Edward
This brief summarizes the results of a
gender impact evaluation study, entitled Community programs
and women's participation : the Chinese experience,
conducted in 1993...
Type: BriefReport#: 81216Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Coady, David ;
Dai, Xinyi ;
Wang, Limin
This brief summarizes the results of a
gender impact evaluation study, entitled Community-driven
reconstruction in Lofa : country impact assessment,
conducted between...
Type: BriefReport#: 81218Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Fearon, James ;
Humphreys, Macartan ;
Weinstein, Jeremy
This brief summarizes the results of a
gender impact evaluation study, entitled Does child labour
displace schooling? Evidence on behavioral responses to an
Type: BriefReport#: 81289Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Ravallion, Martin ;
Wodon, Quentin
This brief summarizes the results of a
gender impact evaluation study, entitled Does community
driven development work? Evidence from Senegal, conducted
between 2003...
This brief summarizes the results of a
gender impact evaluation study; entitled Does it pay firms
to register for taxes? The impact of formality on firm
Type: BriefReport#: 81295Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Mckenzie,David J. ;
Sakho,Yaye Seynabou
This brief summarizes the results of a
gender impact evaluation study, entitled Economic impacts of
professional training in the informal sector : the case of
the labor...
Type: BriefReport#: 81307Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Verner,Dorte ;
This brief summarizes the information
for accountability: impact evaluation of EGRA and teacher
training in Liberia for the period 2008-2010. There was a
Type: BriefReport#: 81380Date: August 14, 2013Author:
RTI International
This brief summarizes the results of a
gender impact evaluation study, entitled Impact evaluation
of school feeding programs in Lao People's Democratic
Republic, conducted...
Type: BriefReport#: 81367Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Buttenheim, Alison ;
Alderman, Harold ;
Friedman, Jed
This brief summarizes the results of a
gender impact evaluation study, entitled Measuring the
effect of a community-level program on women's
empowerment outcomes: evidence...
Type: BriefReport#: 81392Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Arends-Kuenning, Mary ;
Baylis, Kathy ;
This brief summarizes the results of a
gender impact evaluation study, entitled More time is better
: an evaluation of the full-time school program in Uruguay,
Type: BriefReport#: 81395Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Cerdan-Infantes, Pedro ;
Vermeersch, Christel
This brief summarizes the results of a
gender impact evaluation study, entitled Power to the people
: evidence from a randomized field experiment on
Type: BriefReport#: 81449Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Bjorkman,Martina ;
The brief summarizes the impact of
access to free childcare on women's labor market
outcomes: evidence from a randomized trial in low-income
neighborhoods of Rio de...
Type: BriefReport#: 81498Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Barros, Ricardo Paes de ;
Olinto, Pedro ;
Lunde, Trine ;
Caralho, Mirela
This brief summarizes the when is
capital enough to get female enterprises growing? Evidence
from a randomized experiment in Ghana. The treatment was
staggered from...
Type: BriefReport#: 81522Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Fafchamps,Marcel ;
Mckenzie,David J. ;
Quinn,Simon Redmond ;
Woodruff,Christopher Marshall
This brief summarizes the together we
will: evidence from a field experiment on female voter
turnout in Pakistan. The information campaign occurred 2
weeks before the...
Type: BriefReport#: 81512Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Gine,Xavier ;
This brief summarizes the results of a
gender impact evaluation study, entitled The effects of user
fee reductions on enrollment : evidence from a
Type: BriefReport#: 81473Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Barrera-Osorio, Felipe ;
Linden,Leigh ;
This brief summarizes the use and misuse
of computers in education: evidence from a randomized
controlled trial of a language arts program in Colombia for
the period...
Type: BriefReport#: 81515Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Linden, Leigh ;
Barrera-Osorio, Felipe
This brief summarizes the results of a
gender impact evaluation study, entitled Almost random :
evaluating a large-scale randomized nutrition program in the
Type: BriefReport#: 81195Date: August 14, 2013Author:
Linnemayr, Sebastian ;
Alderman, Harold
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