Fuel switching replaces inefficient
fuels with cleaner and economical alternatives, such as
substituting coal or kerosene for natural gas. Complimented
by modern equipment...
Beneficiary and third party monitoring
of government services is new to Cambodia, but recent
efforts at the district level have paved the way for local
NGOs to venture...
Type: BriefReport#: 92191Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Dolk, Andreas ;
Growth strengthened in the second half
of last year, lifting the increase in real Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) to about 3 percent for 2014 as a whole,
perhaps the fastest...
To achieve the new national development
vision, Korean leadership took a strategic approach in which
the government played an active role, similar to the
visionary approach...
Type: BriefReport#: 101569Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Choi,Sang Dae
Tajikistan’s electricity system is in a
state of crisis. While the region’s Syr Darya and Amu Darya
rivers provide abundant hydropower electricity in the
summer, approximately...
Type: BriefReport#: 101745Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Khosla,Sunil Kumar ;
Economic activity stagnated in the
second half of 2014 with the likely output decline reaching
0.5 percent in 2014. Domestic demand is still under pressure
amid weak...
Partnerships between national and
sub-national state actors and non-state actors were a key
part of the demand for good governance (DFGG) project. They
aimed to ensure...
Type: BriefReport#: 92206Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Latif, Mehr ;
Murphy, Gavin ;
Plummer, Janelle [editor]
While education stocks (measured as the
number of years of schooling attained per person over age
15) have risen significantly in all regions, they have risen
the fastest...
Type: BriefReport#: 93706Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Significant multiyear and multi decade
variations in intermittent renewable resources hold major
implications for power system investments. They have been
using extensive...
Type: BriefReport#: 95787Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Chattopadhyay,Debabrata ;
Jordan, Rhonda L.
Cross-country comparisons have
identified several enabling conditions required to ensure
the sustainability of payroll tax-based systems. These are:
(i) a large formal...
Type: BriefReport#: 92699Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Hou,Xiaohui ;
Iraq has been a nexus of conflict and
fragility since the early 1980's, and has experienced
multiple types of conflict: insurgency, international war,
sectarian strife,...
A large body of literature shows that
all countries benefit from trade openness, irrespective of
size; other work shows that smaller countries benefit even
more from...
Type: BriefReport#: 93915Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Kathuria,Sanjay ;
The majority of Papua New Guinea's
population lives in rural areas, largely dependent on
agriculture for their livelihoods. Coffee and cocoa are the
main cash crops,...
Type: BriefReport#: 93513Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Coastal erosion is a naturally occurring
process that is accelerated by human impacts. Artificial
stabilization of the shoreline, the deterioration of natural
PISA is the OECD's benchmarking
tool to assess achievement and application of key knowledge
and skills of 15 year-olds. Launched in 2000, PISA is
conducted every three...
Uganda has just completed the first
donor-subsidized competitive bidding program for grid
connected solar photovoltaic (PV) generation in Sub-Saharan
Africa. Uganda’s...
Type: BriefReport#: 100982Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Meyer, René ;
Tenenbaum,Bernard W. ;
Hosier,Richard H.
IFC’s Financial Institutions
Group provides equity, quasi-equity, debt-financing, and
structured finance products to a diverse range of financial
Type: BriefReport#: 192979Date: January 1, 2015Author:
World Bank
By 2030, global fish demand, driven by
growing population and income, is expected to rise by 40
million tons, and to consistently continue growing over the
coming decades....
This infographics is about the household
survey conducted in Kyrgyz Republic in 2014. The Kyrgyz
Integrated Household Survey (KIHS) was introduced by the
National Statistical...
Mongolian firms were eager to become
more attractive to foreign investors, who more often eyed
opportunities in neighboring countries. Better corporate
governance which...
Type: BriefReport#: 192472Date: December 31, 2014Author:
World Bank
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